NAM JIHOON initiate profile. property of incarnate, inc. handle with care. 
acnews-Devin_paxprime-2015-THUMB_216043. Name  NAM, JIHOON
 birthdate  07/07/1997 + 19
 place of birth  yeosu, s. korea
 residence  busan, s. korea
 gender  male
 ethnicity  korean
 nationality  korean
 blood type  o
KOREAN | fluent understanding but conversational speaking
 face claim  jeon jungkook (bts)
 backup  zelo (BAp)
 height + weight  178 cm + 61 kg
jihoon's appearance is usually labeled as 'average'. there's nothing too alarming about his appearance. he contains a few scars around his body ranging from cuts to bullets. they're very hard to notice unless you look closely.

 username  minnamsoom
 nickname  magi
[adele voice] hello. it's me. back at it again with a second application. this one is a stretch for me- i don't normally think about this kind of stuff but i thought this sort of background would be unique. :o i hope you like it, tbh!! if anything seems too out-of-place i'll fix it immediately okay. 
personality traits 
POSITIVE : adventerous, alert, serious, confident
NEUTRAL: ambitious, dominant, tough, competitive
NEGATIVE: ruthless, mindless, apathetic, stiff
jihoon always had a love for adventure. whether the adventure was just saving kittens from a tree or shooting up a few targets. the adrenaline rush gives him life. however, once the plan is set in stone at the surface level, it stays at the surface level. he often improvises and it usually works out, usually. his outcome varies widely from sucessfully saving a kitten stuck on a tree or breaking an arm from said kitten. his mindlessness isn't often frown upon as his instincts make up for it. he never does anything without a strong desire. in which the strong desire strives from the rush, dangered feeling he gets occasionally. if not then his desires are usually formulated by the possible outcomes, where jihoon does anything just to see how it works out.

[ALERT, competitive, ruthless]
the boy is always on his toes. he never relaxes for a second when it comes to his daily life. the only games he finds soothing are those consisting of ranks and those with the ability to use his surroundings and strength as an advantage. however, he can be a dirty player. he was never a fan of winning using nampy pampy strategies. he wants to win creatively with any means necessary. it doesn't give people the best first impression of jihoon. but, it makes impressions of him seem either admirable

for someone who's in his youth, jihoon is very serious for his age. he has a rough time with jokes and never loosens up. it's because of the tough facade he held up for years. he doesn't like to be seen as weak around others. but since he's been so obsesssed with being all tough and almighty, he sometimes forget how to communicate with other people. he's not a shy person, no. his body seems to speak more than his voice. if anything, his talking adds on to the gestures he makes with his hands in conversations. under all of that tough-boy self, casual conversations are not in jihoon's dictionary. it's often shown whenever he tenses up the moment he hears a voice that's not his. 

for someone who's quiet, jihoon is the type of person who likes to go extreme whenever he wants. he wants to make life more exciting and what better way to do that than by putting himself in heart-racing? jihoon does have common sense, he does, he knows when to stop most of the time at least. he doesn't need anyone to tell him otherwise. he's very assertive of his actions. he doesn't feel the need to be concerned with the input from the people around him. the only reason he'd even think about doing half the stunts he does is his confidence. he knows his physical ability is above average and he doesn't want to let it go to waste.

nam jihoon was considered a 'lucky child' with the lucky sevens in his birthday. his parents saw him as a gift from the gods and would never wished for anything better. he resembled a bright sun during the day and a shining star at night. his parents were always the type to travel and it runs through the family. the most often place he visits is the beach near his house. he was always seeing new places and admiring the new atmospheres. his life seemed like an ideal life style of any family. 

but luck can only last for so long.

it was a humid day when his family was out and about in the wonders of thailand. his parents and relatives hung around the shade in the park and left the kids to play on their own. jihoon's smile was as bright as the day was long and in the corner of his eye, he noticed something moving. being the little child he is, he peeked inside the bush. next thing he knew, his fingers graced the green grass and ventured inside. it was in that moment, a pair of hands grabbed him. darkness filled his eyes and his skin was thrown against a rugged fabric. it was that cruel day, god decided that nam jihoon's luck is over. 

light flashed before his eyes as he drops out of the bag. multiple eyes stared at him. faces of children, lost, confused, and scared, filled his sight. the scenary was no where near his ious location. no sights of civilization was seen, the area was filled with adults with their fingers locked around unfamiiliar machines. he found himself shaking, quivering as angry voices echoed throughout the open air. as childrens were crying out for their parents, their  hopes and dreams for the future diminished and their weeps shaped their future of warfare. nam jihoon, the lucky child, became a child soldier

the years filled up with trigger-ready guns pointing at the side of his head, his fellow soliders falling one by one. if one solider dared to go rebel, they either get shot on the spot or starve for what seems like a century. girls are dragged away and by the time jihoon saw them again, their clothes were torn apart and tears were smeared across their face. occasionally, he'd see a new batch of crying kids and he couldn't help but feel sorry. there were countless incidents that could've cost jihoon his life, but he tried to crawl forward with every single bit of hope he had left, despair filling his eyes. the perfect world jihoon imagine as a child was shattering before his eyes.

nam jihoon held his first gun at the age of six and had his first kill with innocent rabbit. over the years, he adapted to the enviorment, he became quick on his feet, he became immune to the gunshots, he became a master at combat.  it's scary to admit how quick jihoon can end a life, jihoon was a natural.  not only that, he learned how to leap over walls easily and become a shadow at night. as the bullets falling out of his gun increases, jihoon was gaining his respect from other soliders. no one would dare to go against him. nam jihoon, the lucky child, became a memory of the past. now, it's nam jihoon, the child solider.

the realization never hits him. nam jihoon is currently in his teens. all the days he spent starving, all the days he spent with his gun glued to his hands, all the days he followed every word from the leader, it was all according to plan to make jihoon into a pawn. as a result, the guilt never made him waver as it should've.

at the age of 16, he sleeps peacefully without reflecting at how wrong his world is. it was that night, in the midst of a peaceful slumber, rustling was heard. a runaway operation was in action and instead of stopping them like jihoon was supposed to with the gun in his hand, he noticed the familiar faces. the faces that joined him on this unrighteous earth years ago.

in that moment, the past feelings moved his feet and joined them. they ran through the woods, gasps of desperation piling on one another as the coast was in sight, a ship was in their vision. saviors, as his soliders would call them. an organization to save children under tyrantic rule. jihoon couldn't grasp the situation by the time the ship set sailed and landed on a port in south korea. nam jihoon, the child solider, wasn't sure if he should call himself lucky. HE WAS CONFUSED. EVERYTHING FELT FORIEGN TO HIM. THERE WASN'T ANY TROOPS WITH GUNS. THERE WASN'T ANY SADNESS SHOWN IN THE FACe OF HIS FRIENDS. the thought of being able to put his gun down was surprising to him. the idea of being free was overwelming to him. HE TOOK a breath, a moment TO digest IN THE SITUATION HE'S IN NOW. the ocean, a memorable place in jihoon's heart, brought him back from the place he used to call 'home'.

the despair he once had in his eyes slowly changed into A FEELING HE LOST YEARS AGO; HOPE.  

yet, there's a small feeling in him. a small lost feeling. 

nam  jihyun & nam taewook | MOTHER & father | forgotten at a young age, jihoon barely remembers them. there's a strong urge inside of him to attempt  finding his parents, to let them know it wasn't their fault, that their son is still the same gift that god gave them.

lee  minjoong| SAVIOR | the leader of the organization that took him, and the group of runaways in after they escaped the hellhole. he took everyone in and gave them everything they were deprived of for the last few years, a shower, education, and a bed to sleep on. jihoon finds him to be a little too quirky and deems him a little suspiscious with no harsh feelings.

lada Jatusripitak | escaped CHILD solider | 17 | LADA was the one who managed to find lee minjoong and his groups one day in a patrol. he was the leader of the operation and others view him highly because of it. jihoon doesn't know how to feel about him.

>he's really used to a loud enviorment so the silence makes him uncomfortable. 
>since he's not allowed to have a gun in his possessions, he needs to hold something in his hands. majority of the time, he always has his hand closed with his thumb running over his palm. 
>if he's stressed, he patrols around a near-by area at night and sometimes the early morning
>he's not very tech-savvy unless it's with guns. even then he doesn't know the technical names of every single part.
>ever since jihoon enters civilization again, he's been trying to learn how to read and write and how to eat with a fork and knife.
>he's a slow learner (but a very fast eater!). 
>in the early stages of his post-escape situation, he struggled more to return to civilization than it was to adapt to the middle-of-nowhere. old habits die hard, they say. 

 interview transcript 
Good morning, initiate. Please introduce yourself for our records.
jihoon drummed his fingers along his thighs in his seat, a tense expression shown on his face. "good morning." a smooth voice falling out of his lips. "i'm nam jihoon."
i heard that this is an organization to save other people.
i see. now, i'd like to know what convinced you to apply for our program. why would you like to work with incarnate? 
Why would i like to work for incarnate? because knowing myself, i can't stand on the sidelines. i know i can't fit in with the regular law enforcement. but, i do want to be part of incarnate for the sole reason to save others. if possible, to save the people from where i'm from.
what work were you doing before you applied for this program?
i don't know if you consider this as work. more rather my background. i've been a soldier as a child and up until recently. i started out when i was roughly six years old.
what would you consider to be your greatest strengths and talents?
when i was a child soldier...everyone said i was almost too good to be a soldier. i'm rather quick and can easily overcome any obstacle in my way. my talent, to sadly admit, is my way with weapons.
alright, and what are the weaknesses that you hope to improve upon?
i'm sure some conflicts can be resolved without brute strength. so that can be something to work on. also, i...would like to improve on my literacy. other than that, i hope to be someone incarnate can accept. 
If you could change the world we live in today by going back in time or traveling anywhere in the world, where would you go and what would you do?
i've done some research dealing with my background. child soldiers seem to originate back to the idea of children being aid in wars. if i had to, i'd go back to roughly the 1800s in medievial europe to stop the "children crusade" as they call it. i wouldn't necessarily shed blood. but i definitely try to stop the formation of the group from happening. 
Thank you for your time, initiate. we'll be in touch.
thank you for having me. 


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