Astrology Reading on Hiatus

Hello!  Remember my crazy research/quest for the truth in the realm of astrology? Well, I'll be going on a month long road trip starting next week, so there might be a chance that I might not be able to finish all the readings before then since I'll be busy preparing for the trip this week plus busy with work as per usual.  I think I have only about 4-5 readings left to do (if I have time, I can usually finish around 2 readings per day...but that's only IF I have time & you know your birth time!).

For those who are still interested in getting a reading from me (aka join the guinea pig army with Colonel Evefoo leading), please feel free to drop me a reply in the blog post link above.  I'm always interested in getting more pratice sujects~ Muwahahahaha....XD

Anyways, please remember that this is a free service (aka volunteer) thing I'm, please don't expect that I'll be totally on top of things as far as schedule goes.  THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATIENCE in advance~!! ^^


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Have fun and I hope you enjoy your trip! :D
Stay safe and have fun!
Have fun and stay safe~ ^^
Enjoy your trip~
Yay I'm still leading the army!
Stay safe. We will await the mystic's return.
Have fun on your triiiiiiiiiiiip c: ...don't die.