To all my subscribers please read.

So I know it has been a long time since I updated and I’m sorry for that I have been extremely busy with helping take care of my grandmother and collage classes and helping out my family and working I was about to get back into updating but on Saturday April 30th at 8:30 pm my grandma passed away right now I’m going through a very painful time and I ask for your understanding just a bit longer I have honestly been writing and working on chapters trying to perfect them I have a few almost done for my stories but right now I have no motivation or inspiration to write I ask for everyone's understanding and I will be back soon thank you soooooooooooo much for staying with me all this time I honestly can't thank you guys enough.


Thank you



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Don't rush yourself. You're going through a lot, and I think anyone who knows will understand.
I wish you nothing but the best in your time of grief and I hope things start looking up from here.
Just remember, she's in a better place now. I know it ,
as my own grandfather passed away at the beginning of the year,
but things will get better. If you ever need to talk, my PM box is open, okay?