
Updates with poster and the like are probably going to be delayed

The last two days, the last days I need to take medicaments I had a horrible, allergic reaction so just wanted to update you I'll maybe need get into hospital and get treated because I need to be up fast

I had 3 hours of sleep this night and I'm exhausted, that is everywhere evErYWheRe. I'll need to study a lot because May is packed with the last exams before summer break and I am bad in every subject except for math and art

Anyway, stay cool you people


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Kick that sickness's !!
taoftsehun #2
OH MY GOSH!! get rest honey
take good care and get well soon :)
Oh my, rest well and I really wish for you get well soon :3
Good luck for your exams! Ace those papers!
Please rest well and get well soon <3
we'll always wait for you.
Your health should come first
See you soon!^^
Get an enough rest! <3 I'm pretty sure you can do well on every examination! <3