Panic/Anxiety Attacks




Relax kids. I didn't have one in case any of you are worried.

But, my best friend has a bad case of anxiety, and she can't cope with it well. I'm really worried about her. Our other best friend and I try to help as best as we can but she needs someone to relate with, someone that can help her cope.

Can any of you tell me how you guys deal with it, if you've ever had this problem. I've tried breathing techniques, distracting her, taking about anything and everything but it doesn't help much. Cuddles and hugs don't have much of an affect either.

I would greatly appreciate it if any of you can answer me.


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Personally I've found that listening to music helps me, along with chewing gum or on a tic tac or a icebreaker. You could also try a stress ball or something similar that she can squeeze/throw/mess with. If the problem is really serious she could go to a doctor and see if she can get medicine that will help her calm down.
I suffer from attacks on occasion, and I find it helps to space myself away from things/people for a bit. People having an attack usually know they're having an attack, so it'd be best to not force anything on them and listen. Anyhow, I hope your friend knows she's not alone ! All the best.
Meditation? self help books? exercise
anneke329 #4
Do you know what triggers her anxiety? If you do I can give you some more specific ways to help your friend. I would love to help, someone who has issues like me...:)