↳ㅤ PAPER LACEㅤ ♡ㅤ 군애린。

Gun AeRin
( bapoverflowers | Jacy | 8/10 | イッカク。 )
me, myself and i
( full name ) : Gun Aerin 애린
other names ) : 
Rin | Management believed that aerin's full name wasn't a good enough stage name. So they changed her stage name to Rin to have it flow better.
( nicknames ) : 
Peanut | When she was young, she used to be the shortest out of everyone she knew. So, over some time, people would call her this when they'd spot her. At first it used to make her mad, but after she gained a few inches in height, it doesn't bother her as much. 
Bingu Rin | Given to her by her members for being goofy and silly. Bingu being the slang word for someone who's goofy and weird.
( gender ) : female
( dob / age ) : 12 • 09 • 1995 (20)
( birthplace ) : gangnam-gu, Seoul, South Korea
( hometown ) : jeonju, north jeolla, south Korea
( ethnicity ) : Korean
( languages ) : 
Korean | Fluent | Aerin's native tongue.
mandarin | basic | in highschool, instead of  going the regular trend of only taking English, Rin took Mandarin as well as English. Though, she put more time and focus in Mandarin so she forgot nearly all of the English language and retained Mandarin instead.
( height ) : 163cm
( weight ) : 43kg
( appearance ) : Aerin has been considered normal, all her life when it comes to her appearance. Shoulder length auburn hair, deep hazel eyes, light pale skin, and smooth features. She’s not too tall, not too short. She’s not thick, and she’s not thin—she’s just normal. Beyond normal, overly normal. Boring. So, Rin while try nearly anything she can to change herself. At fifteen she got her nosed pierced, and at sixteen she dyed her hair for the first time—a cherry red. In her very historical neighborhood of where she grew up as a child, she was increasingly different from other girls her age. Especially so when she pierced her ears in four different placed along with her cartilage. Her parents nearly disowned her when she got her belly button pierced. All of these things in an attempt to ride herself of boring.  
lone flower
( fc ) : jang seungyeon of CLC
( backup fc ) : Jiyul ex-Dal shabet member
( style ) : Aerin, essentially to stand out, wears completely different clothes in her normal life then she does on stage. Mainly consisting of crop tops, usually dark colors and shades of red, short denim high wasted shorts or jeans, doc martens and converses are the pairs of shoes she likes. To cover up her hair when she doesn’t like it that day, she’ll wear bucket hats of different patterns—usually ones that don’t go with the rest of her clothing—and or she’ll throw it up into a bun a top her head. She also likes wearing leggings underneath her shorts or her skater skirts. She’s not a fan of dresses, so unless it’s for the stage, you’ll never find her in one. She adores flannels, and has nearly ten different kinds and wears one on a consistent basis—even in the summer. Honestly, her style is nearly a polar opposite of her on stage performance.
( extra? ) : She has a few piercings; but, the company doesn’t allow her to wear them. They also prohibit her from dying her hair. Unless it's for a concept.
a beautiful butterfly
I'm a sagittarius that's why I'm amazing, duh.
( personality traits ) : 
+ : lively | fun | loving | adventurous
= : absentminded | Breezy | Dreamy
- : Aloof | Eccentric | Egocentric | Moody

A charismatic girl with in an interesting story for every occasion, no matter what it may be, Aerin is definitely a captivating person. She’s the type of person who can easily make one’s life either fun and absolutely crazy or far from the average and annoying. All of it depending on one’s inability to truly live. Rin loves exploring, and finding new places or things—so, it’s easy to understand that she’d bring along a friend or family member. Which means, anyone who dares to be in her life, needs to understand that they’ll most likely be dragged to some run down restaurant on the out skirts of the city that’s not well known but apparently serves the best chicken feet. And Rin loves chicken feet. She’ll even sit with strangers at random coffee shops and start conversing with them because she’s a giant social butterfly who loves talking—even if the other person doesn’t. But, she’s so open and inviting—someone you can trust—people just automatically enjoy talking with her. She’s not a good listener though, so when people are telling her a story, she’ll interrupt them and start a story of her own that spawns off the story they were telling. Some people get annoyed—cause, who likes being interrupted? But, most people become to enthralled with her wacky story to care. Having grown up in an old timey neighborhood, Aerin has always tried her best to come out of that shell. She’ll try to be different in the aspect that she’ll be impulsive and whimsy. But it comes off as she’s trying way too hard. Almost like she’s pressuring herself to be different from others. Such as her trying to convince others about how she only likes eating Japanese food on Wednesday as an act of defiance from her grandmother who only ever ate traditional Korean food. Or how on Friday she’ll wear all black to pay tribute to the ghosts that roam the world. Even though she really can’t stand eating Japanese food on a daily basis and doesn’t believe in ghosts. She’s nearly desperate to be different, to be the center of attention, to be unique. Especially because someone once told her that ‘normal people are boring’ and if that’s true: she doesn’t want to be normal.

Though Aerin is increasingly adventurous and practically crazy, there are moments in time where you’ll find her sitting on the floor of the dance room, starring into space. Or mid-conversation repeating the word ‘um’ because she lost her train of thought. If she’s not busy, you’ll find her leaning on her elbow and day dreaming like a child. Dreaming usually about her future, sometimes about her past, but most of the time about what could be and what can’t be. When she was still in school she used to get in trouble for being out of it nearly all the time: it was so bad that she used to get detention for starring into space and not paying attention. Sometimes in interviews she has to ask the interviewer to repeat their selves because she wasn’t paying close enough attention and nor was she listening; because, as stated before, she at listening. In some interviews, when the hosts will make jokes about her being absentminded, she’ll just ignore it—practically brushing them off like it’s no big deal. Although, in her hometown which is tourist filled, she learned to brush people off easily. For example, tourist are fond of asking where things are or where’s the best place to eat. After a million times answering tourist’s questions, Rin learned how to ignore them and move on. Sadly, she carries that same outlook nearly where ever she goes. Meaning, she doesn’t have a problem ignoring her members, her manager, or even her company as a whole. Some fans take it as her being rude—as seen in interviews or variety shows—but it’s honestly just the way she was raised to deal with the influx of tourist in her hometown.

That’s not to say that Rin doesn’t have her downsides; because, just like any human, she does. Her parents, both freelance journalist, traveled a lot while she was a child and only popped in here and there to show that they were in fact (and are in fact) her parents. She managed to take what personality they had, and transform it into her own. For instances, her mother—a pop culture freelance journalist that stayed mainly in Hong Kong thought sometimes traveled to Taipei—cared mainly about herself, and didn’t have regard to others feelings. She wanted to rise to the top as the best and most well-known journalist there is to date. Of course, that hasn’t happened, and Rin doubts that it ever will. But, because of her mother’s selfish attitude, Rin herself has absorbed it as well. When dealing with inter-group problems, such as something with the choreography going wrong or vocals not turning outright—Rin will always make it so that the problem is never her, but instead the others. She tries to make sure that she’s never the one to blame (even if she is) and instead will place the blame on others in an attempt to not get in trouble. Rin is also like her father in the aspect that she’s moody just like him. In times where her members are usually bright and bubbly, she can be found gloomy and almost melancholy like. No one’s ever sure as to why; but, it’s because they don’t realize that Rin doesn’t find happiness in the simplest things as they do. Her happiness is found when she knows that their group is doing well, that people actually enjoy their music, that they’re actually doing something productive, something that won’t be trashed in a few years. So, in the few years after they debuted—when they really didn’t have any fame—Rin was found to be super moody. Sudden burst of anger at her leader, and the others. Or found sleeping for hours on end because she’s too upset to get up. No one should see this child after a break-up—she’s literally a potato. Most of the time though, Aerin can be found bouncing off the walls like a super ball. As stated before, Rin is over-the-top and sometimes strange—doing weird things so she’s not molded into normalcy. Sometimes it can go too far, and people just find her weird, and awkward. But worst of all, some people find her fake. And yes, for the most part, Rin is fake. She puts up a façade that she’s this wacky girl but she’s not really. In actuality, she’s normal. Her looks are plain, the things she does are plain, she herself is plain. So when people call her fake because of her free-spirit—most of the time, they’re correct. Yet, what happens to be her worst flaw of all: is her tendency to disappear when things get tough. Rin can be standoffish, and sometimes anti-social if things in her personal life or public life, go wrong. If the group has a scandal, or if a family emergency comes up—you might find Rin disappearing for long periods of time. She’s got in trouble for multiple occasions for not being in constant contact with management or at least her leader. It’s just, she was never taught how to deal with harsh issues. Her parents were super busy, and her grandmother was rather loud and controlling—and none of them taught her how to stand up for herself, or even to stick around and be there for those who are going through the hard situation with her. Instead of dealing with the situation, you might find her crying all by her lonesome or, if the situation is severe, she’ll sleep for days without telling anyone she booked herself a room at a local hotel. In the end, Rin’s a complicated girl who doesn’t know how to handle certain situations while on the other hand trying to fake her way through life so that people don’t judge her for not being the most fascinating human on the planet.

( background ) : Aerin was born in early December, to two interesting parents. Her mother, at the time, was the head journalist for “The Times Korea” she mainly focused on pop culture. On the other hand, her father was the sports journalist for “Korea’s Sport Journal”. Rin’s birth was not planned in their life, she was a spur of the moment. Her parents got a little too excited on the night her mother got boosted to the lead position at her work, and the two took it to the bedroom and forgot the protection part. Plan B wasn’t an option back then, so, they dealt with what they had to and nine months later Aerin popped out. Her father was more than pleased to have a child—he had always wanted a child—her mother, wasn’t. For the longest time, her mother viewed her as the object that blocked her career goals. And for a while, that’s how Aerin felt like—just an object in her mother’s way. While her father showered her with gifts, her mother showered her with glares and snappy comments. They never truly got along. Her mother’s dislike towards her, caused mass fighting between her parents which spawned into the thoughts of divorce. In the end, the two decided to separate but not legally divorce. Her father moved to the upper east side of Gangnam, while her mother moved to the upper west side of Gangnam—Aerin thought that she was to go with her father; but, ended up getting booted to her grandmother in her mother’s hometown of Jeonju. Jeonju, to a six-year-old Aerin, was drastically different than the bustling city of Gangnam. It was like the country, and filled with history—a pig-tailed, fur coat wearing, high-heeled Aerin was not ready for this life.

Very rarely did Aerin get to see her parents. Her father somehow managed to make it for all of her birthdays and a few Christmas’s; but, her mother only made it to one of them a year and called on the other. Usually she made it to Christmas, and skipped out on Aerin’s birthday. Her father would send her presents after presents, while her mother would merely call to ask how school was going and if she was doing well. Aerin’s relationship with her grandmother was different. Her grandmother was very sweet—beyond sweet—but at the time (and still to this day but a bit less) Aerin was a spoiled brat who knew nothing about manners other than ‘please’ and ‘thank you’. At first, Aerin looked down at her grandmother—thinking that the woman was nothing more than the help. But as she grew up, and realized that she was being a rotten granddaughter, her relationship with her grandmother blossomed. Instead of disliking her grandmother, she came to love her—and instead she came to resent her parents. Nearing the age of ten, her mother moved to mainland China, Hong Kong to be exact while her father was to be stationed in Taipei, Taiwan. Times after that, she never saw her parents—they were always busy. Her mother didn’t dislike her anymore—since she skyrocketed to stardom and became very well known in Hong Kong—but their relationship wasn’t any better.

All her life, growing up with her grandmother (who’s a children’s ballet teacher) she was taught ballet—specifically neo-classical ballet that focused on contemporary techniques. Aerin grew to love dancing as a whole and branched out into other areas, mainly break dancing which she learned from a friend at her middle school. After ballet practice—she’d sneak away from her house (where her grandmother taught it) stating that she was going to the library, and instead go downtown and breakdance for money given by tourist. Nearing around high school (Aerin was fifteen at the time) she joined the regular cypher circuit that hung around late at night at a broken down theater north of her house. She wasn’t in a crew (and never has been) and instead would battle one-on-one with other b-boys and b-girls. Most of the time she’d lose (usually it was a very slim loss between her opponent) but on rare occasions she’d win and feel like she truly belonged there—as a dancer. For the longest time she kept her street dancing hidden from her grandmother in fear that the woman would call her a street rat which was the term she’d use to describe most of the street dancers that belonged in their neighborhood. Unfortunately, in the midst of a cypher, the cops came into the rundown theater and arrested a majority of the dancers—including Rin—and her grandmother had to come down to bail her out and proceeded to ask what she—a ballet dancer—was doing in a place like that. Leading Rin to explain her love for street dancing. Thankfully her grandmother didn’t freak-out but instead encouraged her to do what she loved. So when a chance to compete at a b-boying competition in Seoul came up, her grandmother drove her there—in their run down van—and allowed her to compete. Though Aerin didn’t win, she did get scouted by a representative of aurora. A few days later she officially auditioned, and got in as a trainee.

She was forced to stay in the dorms at Seoul, which meant that she was miles away from not only her parents—but the woman who raised her, and the woman she loved the most in the world: her grandmother. She was increasingly scared at first, she had never been alone before—especially being without her grandmother. Thankfully, she got along with most of the trainees at the company, and made good progress with singing—even though she believed her vocals were awful. Which is why, come two years later, she was surprised she got to debut. Her dancing is impeccable; but, her singing was below average compared to the other members of her group. Nevertheless, she was thrilled to debut and immediately notified her grandmother. The two ladies spent hours on the phone laughing and crying as they talked about how great the quality of their life would be. Aerin was fearful in the beginning stages of her career—she was afraid of what others would think of her and didn’t want to be disliked or hated. Thankfully she had the help of not only her grandmother, but her members as well. And has been excited for her career since.

lifestyle ) : After moving out of the dorms, Aerin’s father came back from Taiwan for a quick vacation where the two traveled around Gangnam-gu (a safe area that Aerin’s father trusted) and found her a nice two story apartment with the view of downtown. It wasn’t too far from her old dormitory; but, that didn’t mean she felt any more comfortable. She found it to be awkward to live without her members, and for the first few nights she slept on the couch in a curled ball. She would force her members to visit because she hated being alone, and finally asked her grandmother to move in but the woman disagreed saying that her roots were in Jeonju. Her daily routines (if schedules aren’t in the way) usually revolves around waking up real late, making herself some type of food (or ordering chicken feet from the nearby restaurant) and then watching Korean dramas for hours on end. Unlike her other members who are most likely practicing, Aerin lounges around until heading to the studio to practice her dancing and then her vocals. If she does have a schedule, she’s a lot more organized and does things a lot tidier—like waking up early, having a proper breakfast, and then heading to the studio or specific place on time. Her free-time is usually spent calling her grandmother or hanging out with her members, or eating a lot of chicken-feet. Though most days she’s practicing her vocals because she feels like her singing is still super crappy. 
random tidbits ) : 
• She is a huge dog person but doesn’t have any even though she seriously wants one.
• Likes peanut butter cups.
• Her favorite Drama is Masters Sun.
• Watches Drama’s all night long until she falls asleep.
• She’s a horrible drinker. She reveals secrets when she’s drunk
• She sends handwritten thank you notes to her grandmother every month because she loves her grandmother and is thankful that the woman is super supportive of her career.
• Her favorite movie is the newest Star Wars (cause she’s a nerd).
• She loves shopping.
• She has fifty pairs of shoes.
• She dislikes crying but does it often.
• She’s super awkward around the opposite gender.
• Her ideal type is Lee Jong Suk.
• She had her first kiss at eleven with her best friend, and accidentally bit his lip in the process. She fled in fear of being laughed at, and cried for hours in her grandmother's arms until said best friend came over and said it was fine (even though his lip was bleeding).
• She’s one of those ugly faced criers who looks like an upside down eggplant with wrinkles all over when she cries.
• her favorite color is pink.
• She dislikes action movies because her grandmother used to turn them up real loud when watching, and used to scream and cuss when watching (although it cracked her up) it scared the crap out of her because of how loud it was.
• She loves spicy food although it gives her gas.
• She hates cursing and will tell others how they shouldn’t curse because it lowers the knowledge.
• She takes the subway to get to the studio and while on it, she watches dramas.
• She dislikes plane rides.
• She loves watching movies with friends and family.
• She’ll cry whenever she sees her grandmother or hears about her.
• Her biggest fear is being alone.
• Whenever someone bakes cookies, she’ll steal them. Her grandmother used to call her the cookie monster because of it.
• Her favorite male idol group is SHINee and when she saw them in concert she cried for hours and looked like a dying seal as she waved her hands and cheered for hours on end.
• She really wanted a sibling as a child and has been upset that she’s never had one.
family and friends ) :
• maternal grandmother | Jang Bori | 73 | children's neo-classical ballet instructor | caring & outspoken | If there’s one person in the world Aerin loves the most it’s her grandmother. The woman thoughtfully took care of her out of her own free will and treated her like Aerin was the most important person to her. There’s never been someone so caring and loving in the world. That doesn’t mean Bori was always caring; she could be, sometimes, very blunt and opinioned. She was the type of person that when Aerin would get in trouble at school, went down to the principal’s office and gave the teacher who got her in trouble, a peice of her mind—figuratively that is. She would say that it’s not the child’s fault for being wrong, it’s the teacher’s fault. Thus, in cause, she’d get Aerin in more trouble. She’s the type of woman who’d argue greatly with the next door ladies and haggle prices for food so that she’d get things cheaper. Though, no matter what Bori did, Aerin always thought she was great.
• middle school best friend | Shin dongup | 22 | college student/barista | fun & arrogant | Dongup, the big jerk, was the boy that took Aerin’s first kiss and just like he promised, the two stayed best friends despite the horrible kiss. He was the one who introduced Aerin to street dancing, and at every cypher would root for her. Whenever she won they’d hug for hours before heading out and getting ice cream—he’d talk animatedly about how she did this move and then that move. He just loves her dancing, and literally anything having to do with her career. He believes that she is the best dancer on the planet and is her number one fan. He attends every concert he can, buys ever album, and any fan merch. Though, he does have his downsides. All through middle school, Dongup was the guy who used to brag about nearly anything in his life. Like how he was friends with the best dancer on the planet or how every girl in their class was in love with him (even though they weren’t). Now a days he brags about being the best friend to a superstar. 
• drinking buddy | Yan rui | 32 | Han's secretary | Charming & Sly | Aerin met Rui through Yongnam; they first met at Yongnam’s office when Aerin had to visit because of some accident where they mixed up some papers when they knocked into each other early in the morning before work. She stumbled into Rui who was shamelessly flirting with a few women from accounting. Aerin and him got along great despite Yongnam and her not—the two frequently go out to drinks, where Aerin would get crazy drunk and leak everything and anything that she had on her mind. She’s always felt like Rui was a stand-in figure for what her father should’ve been. He was caring, and sweet; though, he has always been the guy who would rely her drunken secrets to Yongnam soon after. And with most secrets revolving around Aerin’s scarcity for the future, she was not pleased with him knowing.
stardom flaws
how do I fit such big dreams in such a small body?
( stage name ) : As stated before, aerin's stage name is rin. Managment gave it to her because they believed Aerin was too much of a common name. She's gone with it despite not really caring for the name, though she's gotten used to it. Everyone calls her this now.
( position + back - up ) : main dancer | vocalist → Maknae | vocalist | rapper | dancer
( individual fanclub name + color ) : Breakers → a word to describe break dancers. It's named after her dancing skills as a b-girl. #ff87b1
( talent twins ) : 
• singing twin + back - up : kara's hara → girl's day hyeri
• rapping twin + back - up : girl's day yura → fx's amber
• dancing twin + back - up : miss a min → 2ne1's Minzy
trainee years ) : 2009-2012 (3 1/2 years | age 16-18) *she started late 2009.
( trainee life ) : Singing → Aerin’s singing was way below average. She had no technique what so ever, and for the longest time she believed her vocal cords weren’t made for singing. Sometimes, hidden in a closet away from her dorm mates, she used to call her grandmother or dongup and cry about how she’s not improving with her singing and how there’s no way they’ll let her debut. Her teachers used to get upset with her, and their faces would turn red was anger and distaste at her singing. It was months before she finally showed improvement with her vocal range—though it was still below average. Her technique was slow to grow and other trainees would comment on how normal and basic it was compared to others. Out of all of her capabilities she’s worried and scared the most about her singing. Before debuting, when the group was being set together, she was worried about getting hate for having low quality vocals compared to the rest of her group; and it took a while for her to get comfortable.

Rapping → Aerin’s rapping is a few steps above her singing, though it’s no better in quality. She has a bit more technique, specifically in her pacing and taking of breathes; but, for the most part, she’s just average. Her teachers and trainers were (and are) a lot tougher then her singing coaches. They were very strict and pressured her to do better; if she didn’t show improvement, they used to make her practice for hours. At the time she believed that her teachers just didn’t like her, but actually it was them trying to make sure she had two talents that were either average or above average despite having her weakness with singing. When she finally grew to know this: she felt bad for being kind of spoiled and whiny with her teachers.

Dancing → Aerin’s dancing was and is beyond any other student at Aurora. Not only was she good at street dancing (specifically break dancing) but she was also trained in neo-classical ballet because of her grandmother. Even though she was good at her specialty, she never thought of herself as better than others. Instead she tried to improve as much as she could; no matter what. Her teachers weren’t as hard on her when it came to dancing and that was mainly due to the fact that she was probably at par with them or maybe even above it. Even though she practiced the hardest with singing and rapping; dancing was always something she came back to because it was her comfort.

Trainee Life Overall → Aerin’s life as a trainee was filled with pressure. Most of the other trainees had at least two talents out of the three and for Aerin, in the beginning, she only had one strong suit. There was no way she could possibly debut with only being a dancer: she had to improve in somewhere else. She worked as hard as she could to improve in rapping and singing—over time she became better, through hard work and tears. There was a frequent amount of times she wanted to quit, and a lot of times when she wanted to disappear from the lime light. But, her support system of her grandmother and dongup, helped her to stay strong and keep her course steady on the future of being an idol. And now look where she is today: growing far beyond what she could imagine and enjoying life to the fullest.

pre - debut activities ) : 
• she continued to attend cypher's in Seoul. She was featured in a few videos on youTube.
post - debut activities ) : 
• she's been featured on a lot of variety shows since 2013, she thinks of herself as a pretty popular variety member.
• She once danced in Korea's Expansion's crew; it made Korea's national news.
• She was a commentator for R-16 Korea in 2014-2015. Rumors have spread that she might be featured in 2016 as well. (R-16 is Korea's b-boying competition.)
• She was featured in a dance clip at Battle of the year in 2015.
( rumors and scandals ) : none (scandal free so far)
heartbreak boy
( love interest ) : Han Yongnam 한용남
( backup ) : The faceclaim is lee soohyk; so, if you want him to be famous or not an OC: then just have it be this actor instead. 이수혁 or Seo kangjoon the actor. 서강준.
( gender ) : male
( dob/age) : 09 • 22 • 1994 (24)
( birthplace) : Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
( hometown ) : Gangnam-Gu, Seoul, South Korea
nicknames ) : 
icelord han | Given to him by none other than Aerin herself. When they first met Yongnam was beyond quiet and stern; which reminded her of winter and snow. She usually calls him this when she wants to make him angry; since it’s the only nickname in the world that he loathes. He’ll usually yell and glare at her if she calls him this. Whenever they’re fighting this is the name she uses to call him, which only makes them fight even more.
CEO Han | It’s not necessarily a nickname; but, a formal title that his employees call him. Aerin hates when she hears this name; it makes her feel inferior to him. Because she realizes that the man is a CEO of a mega corporation and is only twenty-four. While she was busying dancing and singing; he was busy climbing the corporate ladder of business. When he learned that she hated this name; he told his employees to address him as Mister Han instead so that she’d feel comfortable enough to visit him at work. Though she very rarely does.
Hannie | Another name given to him by Aerin to annoy him; but, it turned into something completely different. Instead of hating the nickname, and finding it annoying: Yongnam actually likes it when she calls him this. He believes it’s her way of calling him cute and adorable which he doesn’t mind at all. Whenever Yongnam is angry or upset with her and she wants him to forgive her: she’ll use this name to calm him down and then they’ll talk things out. When in public (like while eating lunch at a five-star restaurant) and the name slips from Aerin’s mouth—Yongnam has a tendency to blush and the tips of his ears turn a bright pink, he’ll start looking around to see if others heard her call him this and he’ll stutter sometimes if peoAple did. [Pronounced Han-e]
( personality ) :
+ :  Calm | Sturdy | Cultured | Eloquent
- : Stern | Cynical | Insensitive | Miserable

Han Yongnam was born in Guangzhou, China in 1994 to a plumber and a painter—his father was of Chinese heritage and his mother was of Korean heritage. The only reason Yongnam was born in China was because they were there for a vacation; when his mother went into premature labor. They were stuck in China for a good two years before they got back to Korea; because, of the complications Yongnam had as a child. He had to have immediate heart surgery because his aortic valve was blocked by a clot. Because of that he’s always had to have a specific diet plan, and a certain schedule to run. At a very young age, Yongnam learned he was different from others. Not only because of his premature birth, his diet plan, and his heart surgery but also with the way he went about things. He was beyond intelligent, to the point that he skipped from first grade to fifth and was the youngest in his class all through high school and even through college. His intelligence lead him to be closed off from others who found it weird that someone who was five years younger, was in a class with them. He stayed tranquil and quiet; beyond what other’s may think. During high school, whenever anyone would try to talk to him, he wouldn’t reply and would only stare back like he couldn’t speak the same language.

Now a days he’s managed to amp himself up a bit, so that he could have a conversation with someone, without being too quiet. His quietness during schooling, lead him to read a lot—beyond what others may have done. He mainly read history books about different countries specifically about America and Europe since he always wanted to travel there. His learning managed to make him very literate and educated; he can practically talk about anything and everything there is to talk about when it comes to education. Despite being raised by a plumber and a painter; Yongnam taught himself etiquette, such as how to act during certain formal events and what to do at dinner parties. He learned to be eloquent, and graceful—while other kids were grafting the walls of his school he was learning how to properly tie a tie. Growing up, he used to be teased for stuffing his napkin partially into his shirt so that it covered it—or how he used to carry utensils in his lunch box so he could cut his meat with a fork and knife instead of plastic wear. If Aerin could say his best quality—buried deep down in his personality, hidden behind brick walls guarded by devil dogs—is his ability to take the weight of his loved one’s problems and do his best to keep them strong. He’s strong and helpful—he’s caring and loving. It takes a while to get to that part of him, nearly two years for Aerin, but once you do: it’s worthwhile.

After getting boosted to the top CEO/CFO position of Ba Hotel Group at only twenty-two—Yongnam became his worst enemy. All his life he had been extremely organized, and hard on himself. He had a plan, and that plan was to succeed and make sure he lived a better life than he can imagine. But once he reached the position he always wanted: he would berate himself to keep it. He’d be too firm—such as how he is with Aerin when he tells her what to do. He became insensitive, not only with his own feelings, but with others around him. He didn’t mind pushing Aerin further away, or yelling at Rui for hours on end. He didn’t mind ignoring his parents phone calls despite never talking to them anymore. And he didn’t mind hurting nearly anyone that came near him. He became even more pessimistic than he already was. When it came to business agreements he was almost always distrustful, maybe it’s better than being naïve, but it’s worse than being respectful. He showed no lenience while working with others and was always sneering at his employees. Not only was he make others around him miserable, but he was making himself miserable. He’d work for hours on end trying to improve the financial boundaries of his work—trying to improve their stocks and raise their income. He landed himself in the hospital on more than one occasion by over working himself to the point of malnutrition and dehydration. It took countless hours of Rui and Aerin talking to him, to have him calm down; but, every now and again, he goes a bit haywire and resorts back to these tactics to get things done.

( meeting ) : Yongnam and Aerin met a few years ago. Aerin had moved into her apartment when she was eighteen—nearing nineteen—Yongnam was around twenty-one almost twenty-two and, quintessentially, happened to be her next door neighbor.  At first, they’d only say hello or nod their heads in passing. Elevator rides to their level was awkward and stiff. Aerin would be sweaty and dripping of sweat from practice (she doesn’t like to use to studio showers) and Yongnam would be tired from working too late at the office. Sometimes they’d make quick conversation a quaint “How are you?” or “How was your day?” Though they never asked for each other’s names and very rarely asked about each other’s lives. Yongnam never even knew that Aerin was an idol, not until a few years later. Their first real interaction was about two months into Aerin living in the apartment. She had watched the first episode of “Masters Sun” and nearly pissed herself every time a ghost would pop up on screen. She was deathly afraid and couldn’t get to sleep. She spent about two hours just lying wide awake with the covers pulled up to her chin, wanting to sleep but couldn’t because she felt like the shadows on the walls were creeping up on her. So, dressed in a pink bunny onesie, she grabs her nearest pillow and flees her apartment to come to the one directly in front of hers: Yongnam’s. She knocks quickly and loudly mainly because she’s shaking her socks from the hallway being dimly lit. Thankfully, Yongnam was wake—it was around one in the morning—having been working on some files that he needed completed by the end of the week. Though he was blatantly annoyed by the fact someone was obnoxiously knocking on his door, he answered and was thoroughly surprised by the sight of a onesie wearing Aerin who was pouting like a baby. Instead of stating why she was there or what she wanted, she pushed past him and all the lights in his kitchen which was the closest room—and sat crossed leg on the floor and holding tightly onto her pillow. All Yongnam could do was stare at her, slightly mad, slightly surprised, and slightly concerned. Because what the hell is this child doing on his kitchen floor curled into a pillow?

After somehow getting her to sit on the couch like a normal person, Yongnam brought her some steaming mint tea he had made, before firmly asking what the hell she was doing. Aerin, after placing the tea back on the table, nervously bubbled into tears as she explained about being haunted by ghosts from watching her drama. Yongnam wanted to know what she wanted him to do (in a snarky and sarcastic voice) and Aerin replied through cries that she would like to sleep on the couch because she’s scared and that she thought they could be friends. Yongnam simply told her he doesn’t need friends and threw her out of his apartment before slamming the door in her face. From slamming the door, his mail slipped out onto the floor next to her, which is where she first learns his name and gives him the nickname Icelord Han. She stayed out there all night, sleeping in a curled ball against his door. When he went to leave in the morning, around five, he was surprised and displeasured to see her there. With a scoff he woke her up but—still practically asleep—she merely slapped him across the face calling him Icelord Han. Continuously displeasured by the girl, he drags her into his apartment and throws her on his couch, placing a blanket over her body and pasting a sticky note to her forehead stating, Leave my apartment when you wake up…we’re not friends. – Han Yongnam (Your neighbor). Needless to say, she was not happy when she woke up and left a through note on his door saying so.

Dear Mister Han “Icelord” Yongnam,

You are very rude. As a neighbor you should be kind and courteous. I understand that I was a bit abrupt, especially at that time of night, but I feel like you should still be kind. Sticking such a note to my forehead while I’m sleeping is just very inconsiderate and I seriously feel like slapping you. Please, have a horrible day you meanie!

Yours truly,

Gun “The Boss” Aerin

The two weren’t on good terms for the next couple of weeks. Every time they’d see each other in the elevator, they’d glare and she’d mutter the said nickname. Each time he’d tell her not to call her this, and she’d call him it anyways; they’d glare at each other in the mornings when they’d leave for their respective works and the same thing when they’d get home. The next time the two interacted was when Aerin dared to watch the second episode of “Master’s Sun”. The same god damn thing happened again, except a little different. Instead of going to Yongnam’s apartment she went to the one directly left of hers. Just when she’s about to ring the doorbell—pillow in hand and dressed in her onesie—Yongnam comes back from work (a bit late from once more working on a bunch of files and conversing his schedule with his assistant). He spots her instantly, and knows what she’s about to do as well. With a roll of his eyes he taps her on the shoulder, causing her to scream, twist on her foot, and slap him. She ended up having to grab a pack of frozen peas from her freezer (as he sat on her couch covering the two scratch lines on her cheek) and placing it on his cheek. Apologizing over and over again. He ended up falling asleep on her couch after a while, and she fell asleep on the floor below him—holding onto the bag of peas and her pillow. Funnily enough, the next few days (for both of them) were quite humorous. He couldn’t stop thinking about her—during meetings, while talking on important phone calls, working for hours on end. While she couldn’t stop thinking about him—the two were stuck in some loop. They agreed—after some weeks of thinking about each other—to be friends and every time she’d want to watch the “Master’s Sun” she’d go to his apartment and watch it with him so that she wouldn’t be scared and go running for someone

( interactions ) : Yongnam and Aerin’s interactions range from explosive to adorable. On their good days—usually lounging in one of their apartments while watching Aerin’s stupid dramas—she can be found laughing, and flirting while he can be found blushing and talking nicely. On bad days they can be seen ignoring one another, insulting one another, and glaring at each other no matter where they are. The two—after agreeing to be friends—began to hang out more frequently. Whether at their apartments, Aerin’s company, or even Yongnam’s company—it didn’t matter. For the longest time, they were practically inseparable. Aerin didn’t have Dongup living with her, and Yongnam didn’t really have any friends besides his assistant (who became friends with Aerin after some time) and despite their ever opposite personalities—the two got along great. They always happened to be there for each other. Yongnam would go to Aurora’s studios to make sure Aerin wasn’t overworking herself while Aerin would drop lunches off at Yongnam’s company to make sure he was eating on schedule and he, himself, wasn’t overworking. They’d call each other on the days they couldn’t meet make sure each were doing okay. They’d be there on the days when things were too tough—when Yongnam’s company stocks went down or when Aerin would have immense pressure from not practicing hard enough. They were each other’s support system and easily each other’s most important people in their lives.

As romantic feelings began to seriously grow between one another, they’d both be passive aggressive. Such as whenever Aerin would talk antimatedly about how Dongup is doing, Yongnam would say sarcastic comments like “Why don’t you just marry him then?” But as time grew on, they both took things slowly and carefully. They knew they liked each other beyond then just friends. The two became more comfortable with each other, skinship was more affectionate, hanging at each other’s apartments was more than just hanging about, flirting was more than just playful silliness. Although it was still the playful friendship they loved, things began to get more romantic as they became more serious with their feelings.

( relationship ) : Single/mutual feelings → In the first beginning chapters they’re just good friends. Aerin flirts with him often and he in return blushes like an idiot or tries to flirt back despite not knowing how to flirt, or flirting awfully. Later on, when they’re feelings become serious for one another, Yongnam (holding a rose and wearing a suit) goes to her studio and while she’s sweaty and all dirty from practicing hard all day, he stands in front of her. Blushing and stammering like a mad man, his fingers are shaking crazily and stutters out “Gun Aerin, I truly like you, will you do me the honor of being my significant other?” He can’t even say the word girlfriend because he’s so proper and completely nervous. Aerin on the other hand doesn’t know what’s happening and can only ask “What?” Behind her, all the members are squealing and giggling, and falling on top of each other as Yongnam just stands there like a rock before he shoves the flower in her face because he doesn’t know what to say or do. Finally, Aerin grabs the rose from him and nods her head before she starts laughing because this dude is so damn awkward and adorable. And as her members circle around her Yongnam just continues to stand there and tries to process what the hell just happened because, the girl he’s liked for months now just accepted to be his significant other.
( status ) : dating | secretly → The two are definitely in love with one another and feel like they’re soulmates. Yes, they fight a lot because they’re complete opposites and have different ways of viewing things—nonetheless they know they’re meant to be. When it comes to the public light and telling Aerin’s fans about her relationship with Yongnam—both of them feel uncomfortable with it. At first, with their relationship, they were both sure they weren’t going to tell the public unless they got engaged or something because they both know how people are if they’re not serious with the relationship and when they were just dating, neither of them felt serious enough. They still don’t feel like their relationship is in the correct stage to tell others. For now, only Aerin’s company, members, and their family and friends know. There has been speculation from here and now; but they refute it. [a/n: honestly it’s up to you if you want them to tell the public or have them get engaged. Though it would be nice if you just let them kind of have an open ending.]
couple name(s) ) : 
namrin | When the two were still just friends Aerin’s leader decided to give the two this couple name because she thought they were adorable together. Whenever the two were together at Aerin’s company, staff members, trainees, or Aerin’s members would giggle point and say this to them. At first it was annoying and the two would blush and say they weren’t together—waving their hands no and shaking their heads. After a while they got so used to it that they’d stop people before they’d say it, and say it themselves. Like “Yeah, we’re the namrin couple get over it.” And then they’d just keep on walking like it was no big deal.
bingu-ice couple | Dubbed shortly after they started dating by Aerin. She thought it would be cute if they’d have a couple name other than NamRin. One that was more private and only some people would understand. It’s a combination of Rin’s nickname Bingu Rin and Icelord Han. Yongnam didn’t understand at first, and it took a huge explanation from Aerin for him to get it—once he did, he liked it even though it incorporated part of his least favorite nickname.
couple RANDOM TIDBITS ) : 
• Once they began dating Aerin changed his contact name from “Icelord Han” to “My Hannie”. Yongnam changed his from “Annoying Aerin” to “Significant Other”. When she caught wind of the inconsiderate contact name she changed it to “My Rinnie” and put the ringtone for her contact name as L-O-V-E. He freaked the first time she called him, since his real ringtone (set by Aerin) is the Dark Vater theme song.
• Aerin forces Yongnam to watch dramas with her, especially scary ones.
• They’re always sleeping over at each other’s apartments.
• Their first kiss happened before they were dating. It was somewhat of an accident. Aerin found this recipe online about how to make really good peanut butter cup cupcakes and since she doesn’t know how to cook, she went to Yongnam’s apartment and forced him to help her. Flour in hand, mid-baking, Aerin tripped on Yongnam’s stretched out foot—the flour went nearly everywhere and on all of them. He was beyond pissed and took the spatula in hand, and the peanut butter next to her and smeared it across her face. He continues to flick peanut butter at her while she continued to flick flour at him; before, they were caught in each other’s arms. Aerin, the braver of the two (despite only ever having kissed Dongup which was a fluke) leaned forward and kiss him. They were severely awkward afterwards, neither could look each other in the eye without blushing.
• Yongnam is super jealous of Aerin’s relationship with Dongup, and despises literally every sentence that comes out of that mentions the boy’s name. (Especially when they started dating). Aerin has flat out told him that Dongup will always be a part of her life and he’ll just have to deal with it: after a while he can at least tolerate hearing him, but when he sees him: he’ll just glare.
• Yongnam forces Aerin to tie his ties in the morning...every morning. He’ll storm into her apartment while she’s asleep, he’ll wake her up, and force the girl to tie it even though she’s barely awake. 
• Yongnam is an avid fan of skinship, though he’s awkward, he’ll back hug her, kiss her cheek, literally anything. When they’re lying on the couch watching dramas, he’ll cuddle her. 
the goodbye
( comments ) : This took me forever. I hope it’s okay, I know there’s errors somewhere so please tell me if you’d like me to fix it. I hope you like Aerin, and her crazy life! I’ll wait patiently for the review.
( questions ) : Just to ask, in case, is it okay that her love interest is an OC and not famous?
( scene suggestions ) : 
• Yongnam asking Aerin out scene.
• Yongnam getting interrogated by Aerin’s friends about his intentions.
• The girls going on variety shows.
• The members getting in arguments.
• the girls winning an award.
( turn-in ) — ( cheat sheet )


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