YHS ENT : Oh Doyeon

lils | lilshocker8      Oh Doyeon


Background Check

(+) Friendly, Loyal, Social
(/) Teasing, Easy-going, Flirtatious
(-) Self-involved, Thoughtless, Attention Hog

Doyeon is often described by people as a "sort-of politician", and it's a surprisingly accurate analysis. He's friendly, talkative, and more than happy to spread flattery everywhere he goes for a chance at some good publicity. Doyeon is all about the attention, or more specifically being at the center of it. Doyeon is a shameless attention hog, and he's so amusing to watch that pretty much nobody minds letting him steal the limelight. And steal it he does, albeit unintentionally. Doyeon is always so caught up in getting people to look at him that he sometimes forgets there are in fact other people around who may also want the spotlight. He thinks about himself first and everyone else... well, eventually.

Away from the cameras Doyeon is pretty much the same, though his constant talking and goofing around seem less self-involved and arrogant and more playful and outgoing. He's easily fallen into the 'class clown' role his entire life, and he enjoys it immensely. When you're feeling down but don't actually want to face your problems, Doyeon is the go-to person for messing around and ignoring reality. He's very easy-going, prefering to ignore problems until they leave him alone than take the extra effort to worry about them. As such, when people try to talk to him about actual issues in their lives he often comes across as dissmissive and rude in his responses. But again, he's just not really thinking about the other person but instead worrying about his own comfort.

Aside from the self-involvement, Doyeon is actual a very loyal person, and though he'll be terrible at giving advice or comfort during rough times, you can always count on him to still be around once you work through whatever it is. Also to continue to try and pester you into socializing while you're still dealing with it - he's so social himself he can't understand that sometimes people want to be left alone. But annoying as he can get during those times, it's only because he wants his friends to be happy, so he does what he knows best to try and help out.

When he's sure his friends are doing alright, Doyeon is very easily distracted. He can and will flirt with every female he talks to - it's near impossible for him to hold a conversation with the opposite without some form of flirtation occuring. He's not aggressive in his advances (he's not aggressive in anything), it's more something he does for fun and out of habit. He's shut down 99.9% of the time though, not that he minds.

Doyeon's life was pretty normal growing up. He had two working parents and an older sister who constantly, though he always teased back and it was usually in good humor (though, as siblings, they naturally still got into fights). They were a happy little family and quite close knit, often having family game nights or weekend outings. Both his parents were teachers (oddly enough considering both Doyeon and his sister Dana were fairly average students) meaning they had the same time off as their children, leaving plenty of time for them to go out and "explore the world" as his history-teacher mother loves to put it. It was a happy and carefree childhood with no pressure or expectations.

Doyeon grew up surrounded by trainees. The Mapo district of Seoul is famous for it's many KPop companies, and a young Doyeon was constantly seeing hopefuls practicing for auditions, trainees complaining about the hours, and sometimes, if he was lucky, he'd see an idol after a long scehdule, half asleep but still smiling brightly. Those rare sightings were what piqued the young Doyeon's interest in idol life, but it wasn't until he was 17 years old and about to graduate high school. Up to that point, Doyeon hadn't thought much about what he wanted to do with his life, so he went with the one job he'd seen consistently his whole childhood. He failed most of his subsequent auditions, but the CEO at YHS saw potential in him and he began training.

Trainee Life Doyeon definitely worked hard in his few months of training, but he didn't stand out from the others in terms of skill, nor was his improvment notable. In fact, Doyeon was decidedly less impressive than most of the other trainees, so when he was added as a member of Re:Volt everyone was somewhat startled at first, including him. What had made him stand out, however, wasn't his dancing or singing - it was his attitude. Though he hadn't been there long, he'd made a group of good friends, and no teachers or trainees had anything bad to say about the cheerful young man. With his ability to thaw out even the coldest of atmospheres, it really wasn't so odd that he'd been added to the line up.

Hiatus Life Worrying. Lots and lots of worrying. As someone who'd never really had to deal with the harsh realities of life, suddenly facing an actual problem threw Doyeon for quite a loop. He threw himself into training upon realizing he had no idea what he would do with his life if the "idol thing" didn't work out. Plus, it was an excellent distraction from the growing realization that Jaeyoung wouldn't be coming back to the group. He worked endlessly on his singing and dancing, improving more during the hiatus than he ever had during training or their promotions. He stayed incredibly active on social media though, talking to fans and doing what he could to keep interest up, though it became harder and harder as time passed. Doyeon did spiral into a mild depression during this time and was much more prone to arguing with people than he normally is. And since he's not the biggest fan of conflict, this caused him to isolate himself even more in the training rooms.

Sumandu Profile


Stage Name:
                      Meaning: Originally his stage name was going to be Tongjeon (통전), meaning "energized" since he's the happy virus of the team, but the awkwardness of the romanization never quite sat right with him. It was Jaeyoung who suggested shortening it to just "TJ", and Doyeon loved it.

Tongjeon | Since it was his original stagename, sometimes the other members of Re:Volt accidentally call him this. His fans like to use it too when talking about his variety show appearances (ie. "That's our Teongjeon, never stops moving!")
Name | How its used/by who

Position: Lead Vocal, Lead Dancer
                      Back up: Triple Threat

Twin: Jinhoo (Up10tion) (He's the blonde who sings first + does the high note at the very end~)
                      Back up: Jaeho (History)

Predebut Expereince:
Nothing predebut since he wasn't training long enough, but his post-deubt variety appearances are pretty impressive, if he does say so himself.

~ He and Jaeyoung were often shipped as "birthday twins." They were also shipped as one of the group's major OTPs due to Doyeon's cute actions around Jaeyoung all the time. Even the company encouraged it, releasing this dance practice to the site not long beore Jaeyoung's accident and hiatus.
~ TJ is smoll and he knows it. In fact, he's pretty proud of it, often using his height as an excuse to climb on his groupmates
~ He likes to say he's the group's visual (whether or not he actually is) because "my face is great"
~ He's mildly allergic to dogs, but he'll still cuddle the crap out of one if it's nearby, and he will subsequently have a runny nose and red eyes for the rest of the day. But it will be worth it (according to him)
~ The one time he can be a bit aggressive with his flirting is when he actually likes someone. It should be noted he flirted with Jaeyoung a lot. As a joke of course...
~ He has a Twitter, a Naver account, an Instagram, and a public KaKao chat, all under the name 통전 혁명 (Teongjeon Hyeogmyeong, or Energizing Revolution). His fanbase calls themselves "Revolutionaries" in reference to this.
~ The word 'revolution' in his social media alias comes from the only bit of good English he's ever accomplished. Since Re:Volt look like revolt without the colon, he used a play on words - Revolt to Revolution. His secret is that Haeil (or another speaker if there's someone better in the group) translated it for him.
~ Though well-liked in South Korea for his charm and wit, Doyeon actually gets into hot water with the international fans pretty often as he has a habit of making homophobic jokes. It's not that he's actively anti-gay, he just doesn't really think about it and isn't completely comfortable with it to be honest.
~ His ideal type changes everytime he's asked. Suzy, Choa, Lime, and basically every member of SNSD have all be cited in the past, along with several others. The only repeat was f(x)'s Luna, who he's stated as an ideal type 6 times in different instances. His fans say it's because she was the first person he cited back when they debuted.
~ His parents and Dana have been to every one of Re:Volt's performances and Dana has met most of the group.

Love Is In The air


Love Interest Name & Occupation Maybe a member of Lumin? (Or just forever flirting with the cordi-noonas)

Current Relationship Status: He has a crush on her and flirts relentlessly. She has zeo interest in his BS.

How You First Met: Lorem

Personality: Lorem






name: Oh DOyeon

Birthday: April 13, 1993

birthplace: Seoul, South Korea

Hometown: Mapo-gu, Seoul, South Korea

ethnicity: Korean

Height: 168cm

Weight: 58kg

langauges: Fluent Korean, Very very very very very very embarrasingly basic english

faceclaim: Kim Jaeho (History)

Back up Faceclaim: Kim Seyong (MYNAME)

COmmentsSo Doyeon definitely had/has a thing for Jaeyoung, not that he'd ever admit it to himself ever in a million years. He's straight as far as he cares. Just thought I'd confirm that yes he's bi, and no, he's never going to admit that no matter who tries to tell him otherwise.
scene requestsDoyeon flirting with everything and getting rejected by everything is all I need in life XD Really though I'd love to see someone actually force him to deal with things in a healthy way - that depression spiral won't just magically vanish when the hiatus is lifted, no matter how much he's going to pretend it did >->
passwordHe's the representative girl group dancer



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