화양연화 Theory : Growing Up

this is just me but I’ve been thinking… what if the HYYH/TMBIL Series was all about their growth as a group?

Let’s separate this to three parts.

I’m not taking Prologue into this because that thing just confuses me as hell and it was the trailer for HYYH/TMBIL pt. 2, just a trailer so I’m not taking that. (maybe I’ll add it when i find relevance in it with my theory…)

I Need U: The Struggle-filled Trainee Life

In ‘I Need U’, they were seen struggling with their own pains. They were alone, not together. It is after the intro of each of them being alone that the shot as a group comes. That’s their start as trainees. They’ve just started out, but they’re still struggling with their life and having the mindset of a young guy aspiring to make it big, they find themselves in difficulties which tire them. Maybe they’ve thought of suicide at one point where they couldn’t keep up anymore. (THIS POINT ISN’T ACTUALLY A POSSIBILITY BUT JUST SAYIN’) They find solace in each other, but they’re still dealing with their own struggles. 

Run: The Fantasy-like Debut

In ‘Run’, they’re always seen together. When Jin constructs the House of Cards, there are only six cards at the base (it first had eight cards but then magically turned to six let’s not talk about that). Taehyung knocks it down, holding a card on his mouth. Let’s remember here that Taehyung was introduced as the last member only days before BTS’s debut. He was a hidden member. And the group Including Jin is on one side, while he alone sits opposite to Jin. He is the main point in the MV, the main hero of it. But I’m not so sure about him jumping in the water… maybe he’s ‘born’ or something? (well a baby floats inside a mother’s womb before being born… and that can actually relate here). They yell at the cars, which might be representing the hurdles in their path. They’re running, and running, and running towards something. What could this something be? Their dream, the dream to achieve something big. And they wear fancy outfits because duh, they’ve debuted and everyone who debuted wear fancy schmancy things! (lol jk)

Young Forever: The Confusing Present

In ‘Young Forever’, as the lyrics say, it’s about them worrying whether they’ll last long. This is genuine okay? Everyone is confused about whether the fans are still loving them (we do, actually). But they don’t mind that, because all they want is to sing; show the world their thoughts through music. Let’s look at the lyrics (cr. K-POP SCENE)

[RM] The curtain falls and I’m out of breath
I get mixed feelings as I breathe out
Did I make any mistakes today?
How did the audience seem?
I’m happy with who I’ve become
That I can make someone scream with joy
Still excited from the performance
I stand on the middle of the empty stage, still hot

[SG] I stand on the middle of the hot, empty stage
And suddenly I feel so afraid of the void
These mixed feelings
With my life on the line
I pretend to be careless

This isn’t the first time, I better get used to it
I try to hide it, but I can’t
When the heat of the show cools down
I leave the empty seats behind

[JH] Trying to comfort myself
I tell myself the world can’t be perfect
I start to let myself go 
The thundering applause, I can’t own it forever

I tell myself, so shameless
Raise your voice higher
Even if the attention isn’t forever, I’ll keep singing
I want to stay this way for life
I want to stay young forever Aah!

[V] Forever we are young
[JK] Under the flower petals raining down
I run, so lost in this maze
[V]Forever we are young
[J] Even when I fall and hurt myself
I keep running toward my dream

[JK] Forever ever ever ([RM] Dreams, hopes, forward, forward)
[V] Forever ever ever ever 
We are young
[JM] Forever ever ever (dreams, hopes, forward, forward)
Forever ever ever ever We are young

[JK] Forever we are young
[JM] Under the flower petals raining down
I run, so lost in this maze
[V] Forever we are young
[J] Even when I fall and hurt myself
I keep running toward my dream

[ALL] Forever we are young
Under the flower petals raining down
I run, so lost in this maze
Forever we are young
Even when I fall and hurt myself
I keep running toward my dream

In the lyrics, Rapmon asks ‘How did the audience seem?’ or something of that sort. Suga says ‘I stand on the middle of the hot, empty stage; and suddenly I feel so afraid of the void’, basically stating that they’re at a concert: the top stage they’ve been dreaming of; a solo stage. J-Hope’s lines say: ‘The thundering applause, I can’t own it forever’. They realize that this fame wouldn’t last forever, and that they shouldn’t take anything for granted. The vocal-line’s lyrics state: ‘Under the petals raining down, I run, so lost in this maze’. They’re confused about themselves now: whether they’ve actually reached what they wanted. Their achievements are now a maze, confusing them. There’s a way out, but they don’t know the way to it yet. Plus, the MV had their pasts, because; well…

They grew- From struggling trainees to aspiring debutants, and finally, now, living in the peak of their careers.

Get it?

They grew. We saw their growth, right before our eyes, but only they, who experienced it in real life, would know what it actually feels like. How much struggle, how much hardships they had to face as a group, as a family before reaching the top level of the stage, aka their dream. And they don’t want this to pass away, so they want to stay ‘Young Forever’ because, forever means without a change and they don’t want anything to change. Even if they faced a lot of problems and hurdles on their way, they kept on running towards their aim, their target, their goal, their dream: to make music and let everyone hear it. And so the lyrics stating ‘Even when I fall down and hurt myself; I keep running toward my dream’

I’m so proud of these boys, I really am. I cannot explain how much I respect them. Maybe the very first reason I liked them was their song ‘N.O’; that song spoke about the struggles of a high-schooler, and all the pressure resulting in bad things, which actually related to me for the first time ever. They’re really the ‘relatable’ type of idols; Like come on, who writes about pressing ‘Like’ on your ex’s social media post? Or about how some of us absolutely have no dream while growing up, and are just wandering souls? Or about worrying about the future? Or about keeping you damn phone down and talking to people for real and not ignore them? Or about how ‘Moving’ from your old house leaves a lot of memories in you? Not any other idol I know; no one except BTS.

The fact that they find inspiration from the smallest of things really amazes me. We people usually dump our ideas, thinking they’re stupid but at the same time wonder whether there’s someone like us— someone who uses the smallest of things to get inspiration and show it in some way. Well, that’s BTS for us ARMYs, right? They’re the one best friend we’d want— caring, playful, wise and helpful. And their lyrics are so relatable you’d find yourself in imaginary music videos for it, taking bits from your life. I can definitely tell that many things had happened to me as most of their lyrics state. Fear about tomorrow, Dreamless and ambition-less days, many moving and relocating which left memories and the joy & pain of growing up.

This is the reason I love them— they express a part of my life, a part of me.

/pats self/ i did a good job ;~;


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Nice theory! I give you tops for thinking like that- that's just incredible O.O
This theory is actually pretty interesting!