team cosmos un deux Trois quatre Credit
she's the one person that most people would spare a glance at and simple gasp. manon lou ji, a korean - swiss woman who might be the most gentle woman you might ever meet. yet once she's on the stage, her whole personality seems to change. beautiful, foreign, charasmatic, suave and gentle at the same time; what more can manon lou ji have in store for the rest of the world?
information essentielles 


full name. manon lou ji   //   마농루 지
birthdatemarch 15th, 1994
birthplace.  paris, france
hometown. paris, france                       ( 1994 - 2010 )
                       seoul, south korea              ( 2010 - present )

ethnicity. korean - swiss
nationality. south korean - french

+ ji taehee  //  지태희 : this name is manon's  korean name as stated in her passport. although she was born in france and has a french name, like her siblings, manon's father wanted her to have a korean name because of his korean heritage. though manon never uses the korean name for some odd reason while in korea.
+ mani  //  마니 : because manon doesn't use her korean name in korea and uses manon instead, most of her classmates and friends decided to call her mani. like hani except with an m. this time, manon was content with the nickname someone gave her.
+ snicker whisker : she used to love playing spies with her brothers and with the neighbourhood kids and manon used to make up all the codenames for everyone. when she asked everyone what hers should be, they said it should be snicker whisker since manon had a small infatuation with cats and used to always snicker instead of giggling. all her french friends call her snicker whisker.
+ petite chou : literally meaning little bun, it has two meanings. petite chou is a store name which sells light pastry and her father owns the store. the name was created when manon was first born, her mother saying that the newborn reminded her of a little bun and hence her parents call her petite chou.
+ luigi : manon hates this nickname but she was the one that brought up the origin of this name. whilst she was playing mario kart with her siblings, she had stated out loud that her middle and surname sounded like luigi whilst playing as luigi, since that was her favourite character. her brothers always use this nickname to embarrass her.


+ french : fluent : as a french-swiss speaking citizen, from the moment of birth, manon was technically destined to speak french from the moment of her birth. it is her mother tongue.
+ korean : fluent : because of her strict korean mother, she had learnt korean from a very young age of eight. manon did learn lots of things when she was young and it was hard for her to focus on studying the language. in her teens, manon decided to continue to learn korean again because she didn't understand her mother's angry korean yelling. manon was scared that she was talking bad about her.
être ravissant


faceclaim. park jiyeon
backup. kim dasom

appearance. manon is said to be a beautiful woman and its no rumour. standing at 168 centimetres and weighing 53 kilograms, manon sometimes doesn't realise her beauty. she has pale skin with long silky brown hair. she's quite skinny due to her european diet and has slender legs. manon's eyes are small and slanted and she has pale pink, thin lips. 

style. her style is very chic and elegant as expected from someone who was raised in paris. she often wears white because it's very easy to pair other accessories and clothes with white clothing. her clothing may seem very expensive - her secret? just go to the small stores and you'll find faboulous clothes! cheaper and much more comfortable!

casual :  one  two  three  four
formal :  one two  three  four
training : one two three  four

dans le passé

pos   //  debonair, gentle, adaptable
neu  //  adventurous, enigmatic, casual
neg  //  aimless, ignorant, sensitive

personality.  manon usually has an air of confidence surrounding her and is always stylish in terms of clothing, which gives her the chic - confident look. on the inside, manon is actually quite gentle in nature and can't stand being rude intentionally to anyone. another positive trait of manon is that she is adaptable. this explains why she got used to living in korea quickly because of her adaptable trait and is mostly calm throughout any situation.

she loves adventure; so manon used to wander around the boulevards of paris in search of something new. this trait didn't go away since she had moved to korea and she still is quite adventurous whenever she sees or hears something cool in the distance. manon herself cannot quite decifer herself easily. not many people can see when manon feels hurt and so on, so people as well find it hard to understand the girl. as said before, in most situations manon can adapt to it and stays calm and casual.

manon in her childhood had many goals that she had wanted to achieve but as she grew older, the more aimless she became. sure she had wanted to achieve things but things happen along the way in the direction you don't expect it to go to; and so manon makes her goals quite bare and is therefore aimless at times. sometimes manon can be ignorant at times; when she's doing something she deems important, manon can ignore her surroundings and accidently ignore people. behind her confident appearance, manon is actually sensitive and hides her feelings away until she can't hold it in anymore.

background. manon's story began before she was born. her swiss father had wanted to start his own patisserie in france since his patisserie in switzerland was going smoothly and he had wanted to branch out his business. so he relocated to paris with his pregnant, korean wife. so when manon was born, her father named his new patisserie after her nickname; la petite chou. owning the pastry store and taking care of manon was no big deal for the biracial couple as they lived right above 'la petite chou'. a few years later, manon's mother gave birth to twin brothers and their live became more hectic. 

manon often had to help out her father down in the patisserie and do most of her homework there too since her younger siblings used to rampage in the home. once she grew of mature-ish age; ie. 12 years old, manon had the responsibility of getting bread for the family, dressing her siblings, doing the housework and bringing her siblings to and from school for lunch since they didn't want to spend money in the cafeteria (in france, students can go home during lunchtime and eat there, then come back to school). 

four years later, manon's parents decided to move to south korea to be more connected to the other side of the family. the twins presisted at first and did not adapt easily to the change, but manon did and easily found herself with new friends and got used to korea quite easily. the following year, manon's friends had told her about the idea of auditioning to become an idol and the swiss-korean girl was perplexed at the idea. it was only when she was scouted on the streets that she found out that it was a big thing in korea. except she denied the offer because she thought that s.m entertainment was a organisation.

after a few months and begging from her friends and siblings, manon finally agreed to try audition for a company. not for any of the big three but instead, pledis, because she had always admired afterschool. she hated to say it, but manon knew that she was accepted into pledis for her looks; because she had auditioned with dancing and her dancing was quite terrible at the time. though the majority of the trainees brushed it off and became quite happy with her presence. 

pastry or bread : her all-time favourite foods and it is always for breakfast and dessert. manon often eats baguettes with strawberry jam for breakfast.
games : do not underestimate her skills in mario kart as manon will literally whoop your off your seat while playing as luigi.
perfume : her uncle used to give her expensive perfumes for her birthday, name day and christmas since manon uses perfume a lot. now she has a whole box of expensive perfume just waiting to be used.
handwriting : when writing, manon often writes in cursive and when writing in korean, manon's hangul is often slanted and sometimes curved.
sports : she's extremely good at running sports and she does most well in hurdles. she would've made it into the track team if she hadn't denied. 
fears : manon's phobia is phobophobia; it is a fear of phobias. she has this phobia because as a child, she wanted to be a fearless and strong woman and having a phobia was the last thing she wanted.
position : if every group has a family position, manon would most likely be the mother of the group.
cooking : despite being a daughter of a pastry chef, manon is quite gifted at making soups and broths, but nothing else.
iness level : it is at zero. despite her quite y appearance, if she was to be asked to act y, manon will literally turn into a potato for a second and become extraordinarily awkward. although when she does a y song, her demeanor will change to adapt with the tone of the song.

dance, vocals, rap? : manon never ever done those three until she had auditioned for pledis. she didn't even realise that it was the path that she had wanted to go down with and used to be incredibly bad at all three.  she still is with dance and vocals though.

of course, manon's parents are important. joohyun ji and jeremy aegerter are manon's parents. because she has her mother's maiden name as her surname instead of her father's last name, people don't find the connection between manon and her father but manon is actually closer to jeremy than joohyun. the two treat their daughter with nothing but love and let her do whatever she wishes under the circumstances that it's realistic.

her identical twin siblings, otherwise dubbed as the devils in the angelic family, adrien ji and ayer ji are currently nineteen years of age in korea and are cunning football (or soccer) players. they love to prank and joke around with their older sister whilst trying not to get in the wrath of their mother. other than that, the twins get along with manon in a friendly and joking manner. 
sur le devant de la scène
stage name.  manon // simple and unique, manon lou is exactly what she wanted to be called when she debuts. she had a hard time trying to make the ceo of pledis agree since to most people, it sounded too masculine and strange but in the end, manon won the fight on the agreement to just use manon and not manon lou as her stage name.
persona. the sweet parisian  //  it was hard to come up with a persona that sums up manon in a few words. too many adjectives and words to say in less than ten seconds for manon to introduce herself with, so when the company suggested to just call herself a parisian; manon stuck with that. because a parisian is exactly who she is and how to describe her. 

team. team cosmos
unit. rap  //  scorpio
talent twins. hyuna  //  4minute

training  duration. five years
                                   ( mid 2011 - present )

training life. training at pledis was an absolute breeze for manon. no one really messed her up and she didn't have anyone bullying her. manon was adored by the trainees; both male and female and the new trainees often looked up to manon for support. during training, she'd often isolate herself in the corner of the room or after scedhule and practice by herself. 

at the start, it was easy pretty to say that manon had only gotten in for her looks because when she auditioned by dancing, if it was anyone else, they'd be immediately rejected. with that in mind, manon made it a mission to succeed in proving the world that she didn't get accepted because of looks alone. to try make her goal more clearer, manon tried focussing more on rapping than the other two. it was only the second year when manon's hardwork started to show as she kept moving ranks in the rap department and eventually, in her third year of being in pledis, manon moved up to the top category of rapping in pledis (girls department). manon had also moved multiple ranks up in dancing and even in vocal skills but not as much as she did in rapping. many trainees and instructors compliment manon's rapping because of her confidence and charisma, which makes her rap all the more memorable.

it must be strange that one of the most popular trainees in pledis didn't hear that there was an upcoming survival show planned for the said company, because manon didn't even hear about the news. it was probably why she missed out on the chance to participate in produce 101 too. she was informed by one of her rap instructors when he questioned her as to why she didn't audition for the show. the following week when the trainees had to audition, manon auditioned with hyuna's red (except during the dance break, manon did her own freestyle) and she danced to rihanna's work using 1million's choreography.

manon pretty much had to learn all of those dance moves and lyrics in under a week, which was why manon had decided to focus more on dance rather than her strong point rapping because she knew it would be hard to memorise and perfect any rap in under a week and perform with such charisma. throughout her performance of hyuna's rap, some of the lyrics were slurred due to manon's mind going blank; since she did not memorise some lyrics. 
trouver le grande amour
dernière heure
comments. hi? how are you authors feeling today?
scene suggestions. the two teams have a food war; not actually throwing food at each other but competing on who ever makes the most delicious foods.
song suggestions. 24 hours by Sunmi, tell me by wonder girls
password. i need glasses



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