Goddammit: Why now of all times?!

So, I bought my phone less than 6 months ago. I am a Galaxy loyal ho, so I sticked to them. 

But it seems like they don't like me, or probably think I'm cheating on them.


WHAT THE IS UP WITH PHONES AND BEING TY AT CRITICAL TIMES?That is one shifty thing after another. To slave your assistance off and then having to change a major (can't even begin to see the stress and frustration )   

But that major doesn't sound that NASTY like chemistry,  so I believe you'll be fine (I'm assuming that you will be because you always do :) 



I swear this phone companies make their new phones weaker than the other to make money, ing capitalists  ( how the hell am I gonna survive marketing with this? Ughh)

Let me tell you my horror story, I am scared of math thus I shy away from it and don't do well in class (I'm probably gonna either get an FYI or a C, my first. Fml)

And on Sunday night, my phone started doing this shut saying no network registered. 

You ing playing with me Galaxy? ?!?!?!?!

And yesterday (Tuesday ),  I had a summer job-internship fair.

Today, I need to submit my job applications and receive phone calls since they might have seen 'potential' in me. I hope.

I was trying to get internships in sales, management,  marketing or planing and I hope with all my life that they take me in because I need this experience .

Another thing, I am very shy and quite so my voice was very tiny. I feel like I ed up.

Oh God.  I don't know what to do. I have one test after another coming up and less that 2 weeks I have final exams. Can thus get anymore stressful? !


Guyd, I know I am not the most friendly or social but I need all the boost I can get. 

I need some bubblextra up in here customers my face  and brain are :( x_× ):



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Awww your phone too ;; I feel you. I still don't have my new one that was suppose to be delivered yesterday :c
And I will be fine with my major. It's still a math related major so its actually gonna be a lot harder with my new major. Same amount of Chem, a higher math class to go to, and a ton of more Biology to do T.T
I think I am just more concerned that I have to go to a different campus now that is 2x more expensive now. My 40k debt just turned into 65k.

I hope everything works out well with your summer jobs. I wish you the best of luck ♥
ThoseWithGlassHearts #2
Oh gosh that sounds awful. Good luck on your test and hopefull your phone stops being crappy hahah, fighting!!!!