Mental Breakdown bc of writing

I am having a mental breakdown.


An internal crisis.


So, I just posted up the foreword and description of a story I'm writing (Flower Language) two days ago.

I was pretty hyped for it. Still am.


But I flipped a coin to see if I should check the subscribers only requirement. And I did.


So as of now, I have 30 people subscribed, and that got me pretty excited and nervous, but as I continued thinking about it, I started having thoughts like "what if they don't like my writing, what if my writing turns out to be crap?"

I have two reasons on as to why I'm freaking out.

one, I don't function properly under pressure (which I now realize after two years is one of the main reasons of my writers block)

two, I had a friend help me out with the foreword and description and since people subscribed after seeing that, it's like... I don't know how to explain. I just don't.

I'm ranting.


I don't know what to do.


ad much as I like attention, I also hate it.


should I avct like no one reads what i write?

should I write for readers?should I just go with the flow (hiw do you go eith the flow?)?


should I write according to people's requests and expectations?


in all honesty i have an outline plotted out, including the ending, but I can't write a single word of the first chapter without me internally arguing with myself on how I should write it for people to say what I wrote was worth it.

I'm not the best, nowhere near it.

I haven't written in so long.

I don't know what to do  seriously.













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I hope this helps you out somehow.