Done for my pre law! Finally....

FREEDOM !! after struggled for almost 3 weeks for my final exam. Restless nights for the papers especially for law papers. It was so hard to say good bye to my friends especially my closest housemates. So freaking sad for being overly attached with them for 1 years. no more gossiping, singing, hangout and play sims together. this sem was probably the toughest thing in my life after SPM. nope even harder. yeappp. 8 subjects to learn for 3 months.persuasive speech, forum and debate ...

Finally,i can rest for 5 months.  YAY!~ 

- pray for my cgpa and muet-


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Sharissa #1
I feel you girl! Im on my semester break for two months and its also a sadden moments when its time to leave kolej and housemates behind *sigh* but we took too much pictures as memory and now waiting for exam result next month good luck to you buddy!