author motivation survey

*originally from -Tigress, saw srstaenykimkimsara's post instead, so yeah, heck why not?

you'll be getting more blogs than stories this year from me guys. patience, my dearies. ;)


Talking about your work/ stories can often make it a lot easier to get them out and down on paper.
So I'll fill the survey and tag five people. They should do the same and tag five more <3 If you've been tagged (or even if you haven't) try and comment to see if you can help problem solve for each other ;) That way everyone will benefit :D 
If you'd like more thoughts, tag your blog with amtag and -Tigress- will try to comment thoughts on everyone's posts to try and help out. Let’s go! ^.^


The Facts

Question 1. Be honest. How often do you write? Could you write more?

Once in a blue moon. Fanfiction writing, I mean. And yes, I could definitely write more. Major reasons I haven't been writing as much as before: 1) I am frequently reading fanfiction now, whether it's TaeNy or not (I go for the plot above all else anyway); 2) taking down notes and doing heavier load of plates stress my hand/s more than ever (constantly gripping a pen/-cil; stiff wrists); 3) my motivation to write is watered down by my Creative Writing class, as ironic as it seems (professor focuses on creative non-fiction, so cross my fingers my future papers will be more manageable to do!); and honestly 4) I sleep.


Question 2. How many stories do you have uncompleted, including the ones not posted that you are currently working on?

:--------) Twelve. On my AFF list. Twenty, if I include the others on my G Docs.


Question 3. How many stories are you currently focusing on and are you consistently working on each of those?

None as of the moment. I'm on a break (I don't like saying hiatus huhu) until June and then I can start focusing on the ones I like to tackle when the time comes. (Pssst. It's Love Me Not and Twin Soul. And yes, also Under the Same Sun.)


The Specifics


Question 4. What is the main story that you are currently working on, and what is it about? What is the main genre, the target audience, what theme is the story based on?

If I had to choose between the three from Q3, I'd say Love Me Not. It's a psychologicalau, may range from PG-13 to R-18, depending on how morbid I can go to write about Stephanie. The theme revolves around life and death, as generic as it can be, but most likely death.


Question 5. What challenges are you having with your characters?

Although Stephanie has three distinct personalities, I'm having trouble on further fleshing them out other than their stereotypes, at the same time trying to relate the three's interests among each other. There's a possibility of a fourth coming out, but I'm still not too sure with the way the plot is going so far for its continuation.


Question 6. What challenges are you having with your story continuation?

Damn! Plot. Personalities. Conflict. The whole drama, the whole shebang, whatever you call it. (A mess.)


Question 7. What are some things that you'd like others input on?

To LMN Readers:

Hello, it's been a while, hasn't it? My team is currently busy and inactive due to personal life reasons, and I am aware it is mostly because I haven't been writing and brainstorming so much with them about it. I've laid down a guideline, but I'm not too keen on pushing through with it because it's turning childish and cliche the more I hear their opinions about it. I already have the connections (back stories, if you will) going on among Stephanie, Taeyeon, Jessica, and yes, Yuri. I only need to craft and twist better the plot so that I can actually understandably push through with it, and to be vague, it's ty. A lot of you are going to hate it, I swear.

Here's the deal: I censored/deleted some of the scenes I had supposedly written for the current oneshot you have read. Miyoung's fleeting suicide attempt had more depth than what it had now. The guideline I have? It's getting a lot darker, it's emotionally-driven (in continuation with Stephanie's thoughts), and it will have something mature. Based on the storyline now, would you like me to keep such scenes blurred/sensibly toned/lightly touched upon or do I make it as graphic as I want?

The choice is yours.



tagging: Yeoniebb42, ohohyeollipop, ellinelli (ha, if you ever do get this, get on with it girl), TimelessStories, Shana11, taectus

lol yea i tagged six, but ellinelli's inactive most of the time anyway haha :^)


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