END High School Application ↷ Yoo Jinri ⇢ Class C


{END Highschool}
Yoo Jinri;


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Username: purifiedskies
Nickname: Sunny
Activeness: 8


{Hello princess, may i know your name?


Name: Yoo Jinri

Dancing Queen This nickname was given to her by Class C because of her amazing dancing skills and her passion for dancing

Ri-ah This nickname was given to her by her close friends because it's the 'cuter' version of her birth name and she finds this name easier to say
Age: 17
Date of birthday: 18/08/99
Height: 165cm
Weight: 45kg
Any problems: N/A
Class: Class C She has a somewhat 'rebellious' and 'carefree' attitude but she's quite passionate about dancing. She also has some talent for singing too.
Faceclaim: GFRIEND's SinB [Gallery]
Back up faceclaim: Oh My Girl's Hyojung [Gallery]


{My lady, lemme know more about you.



hardworking, intuitive, forgetful, short-tempered, imaginative, selfish

Jinri is extremely creative and imaginative, and she can think abstract and come up with out - of - the - box ideas. Her power of imagination can help her scale great heights. She works hard and she's always looking out for improvements. Though she's quite bright and lively, she does take dancing quite seriously. So much that she stays at the dance studio practicing, often getting very little sleep. Since her class often gets into trouble, she willingly takes the blame of things and punishment from others so that she doesn't hurt others. Jinri is very intuitive. More than logical thinking, facts and figues, she relies on her intuition while making a decision.

Jinri does get angry often, especially when it comes to Jungkook bothering her. She will also point something out when she doesn't like it. She's sometimes quite forgetful and she tends to not remember a lot of 'irrelevant' things. Jinri is a little bit selfish, quite selfish actually. Of course, she doesn't follow through with those feelings but in her head, in the smallest part of her mind, she wishes, and longs to have that one thing that she wants so badly. She doesn't think it's wrong to be a little selfish once in a while, especially when you're always giving.


Jinri was born in Busan, South Korea to Nam Hyejin and Yoo Hyunwoo. However, she moved to Seoul when she was only 2 years old. Her life was normal to say, there wasn't much drama and to say, nothing that interesting occured. She never saw her father much since he was always at his office working. When her sister was born, she grew quite attached to her and they often played together and Jinri would always try her best to make Jinhee smile or laugh.

When she was four, she was sent to ice skating classes because her mother, thought that it would've been great if she had something to do in her free time. She refused at first, thinking that it was gonna bore her to death but she somehow ended up agreeing. Much to the surprise of Jinri and her mom, Jinri seemes to be perfect for it. Everyone was praising the beginner, getting the turns and positions right first time. It was like she was meant for it, increasing her lessons to three times a week. This allowed her to find out more about dancing. Though her grades weren't the best, she was doing something that she loved for once.

Jinri now currently resides in the END dorms, sometimes visiting home to check up on how her family was doing.


Cute things She is extremely fond of cute things, especially stuffed animals.

Oversized sweaters/Hoodies She likes wearing oversized sweaters or hoodies since it makes her feel safe and comfortable.

K-Dramas She just loves to watch them.

Bugs She generally just doesn't like them.

Spicy food  She likes all types of food except for spicy food.

Enclosed/Tight spaces  She doesn't like being cramped up in one tight room.

She shares her birthday with Apink's Eunji.

Her blood type is A+.

Jinri has absolute pitch, meaning she can determine what note any sound is just by hearing it once.

Her ideal type is somewho who she ca have fun with. Also, she likes guys with a great sense of humour and a guy who has a great singing voice.

Jinri's star sign is Leo.

She likes to work out and excersise.

Jinri is quite good at acting.

She likes guys who can play basktball.

She often goes to a dance studio to practice dancing and she's stayed there overnight before.

Jinri doesn't like studying.
A few songs:

GOT7 - Fly + Home Run // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4vFviZ4qw0 + https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7ZoiayVlyg

BTS - Whalien 52 // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5x3vQZjalM

Gfriend - Rough // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0VKcLPdY9lI

SEVENTEEN - Fronting // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fEmU_NXAnF8

TWICE - Like A Fool // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHchQ8otASA

Lee Hi - Breathe // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5iSlfF8TQ9k

Listening to music


Watching anime

Fidgeting/Can't stay still Only when she's nervous

Laying down on her stomach She seems to find the position comfortable

Sleeping with earphones on She falls asleep easily while listening to music

Heights — She doesn't like being at high places

Clowns — She's afraid of their masks

Pointed objects/Needles — She doesn't like anything sharp coming in contact with her
Clothes style: Jinri knows what's hot and what's not in fashion because of her best friend, Kang Sujin. After all, she doesn't want to go around looking like a hobo or like one of those stereotypical girls who only dresses great to have the temporary pleasure that life has to offer for now. Jinri daily checks fashion tumblr threads and fashion magazines. Her closet is a wild mix of skater fashion, korean fashion, bohemian fashion, grunge fashion etc. Though at the end of each day, Jinri's true love is the oversized sweaters that she wears to sleep every night, even when it's summer.
Color: White
Style: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Sport: Ice Skating
Additional classes:

Dance Class — At 12:15, she goes to the school's dance studio for her lesson and there, they learn a variety of dance moves and dance styles.She's known as 'The Ace' since she's basically their best dancer.

Vocal Class — At 11:05, she has vocal class and they do quite a lot of singing exercises and they also have a fun time listening and covering songs that they particularly like.

Fitness At 10:20, her class is at the gym. Fitness is quite self-explanatory and they basically do a lot of excersise.

Acting Class — At 2:15, she has acting class, probably the class that she has quite a lot of fun in. Her class often likes to mess around and make funny remarks and they often do funny impersonations and they rarely ever have a proper class.
Part time: Barista at 'Velvet Cafe'
Extras: She has 2 piercings on her ears; one on each ear. 


{i cannot live without you.


Yoo Hyunwoo | 45 | Businessman | He's very protective and caring of his family | Anything else you think it's necessary | 1 2 3 | They don't live together anymore due to the fact that Jinri moved out when she was only 15 | Alive | He often worries about Jinri and he's quite worried about her safety at END High School. They share a somewhat close relationship and though he's protective over her, he lets her do what makes her happy.

Nam Hyejin | 44 | Lawyer | She has a calm and collected personality and she cares a lot for her family | 1 2 3 | They don't live together anymore as Jinri moved out of the house when she was 15 | Alive | She's pretty close with Jinri and they share a somewhat close mother-daughter relationship even though they don't see each other often.

Yoo Jinhee | 10 | Student | She's a nice girl who is sometimes shy when first meeting people | 1 2 3 | They don't live together anymore | Alive | She looks up to and gets along with Jinri, her sister, but feels lonely sometimes since she doesn't see her very often.



Kim Luna | 17 | Student | Personality | closeness | alive/dead | a short 'background' | gallery | anything else you want to say (they can be idols or not you decide)

Park Jinyoung | 17 | Student | He has a very carefree and easy going personality | Jinri and Jinyoung and close friends | Alive | They met during their first year of middle school and though they didn't click at first, over time, they ended up getting closer. Around that time, Jinri was going a pretty hard time and he was the one that helped her get through that.
Best friends:

Kang Sujin | 18 | Student | She has a lively and bright personality | They're best friends | Alive | They met when they were in elementary school and they instantly became friends. They've gone through thick and thin and they've always been there for each other. Whenever Jinri is sad or upset, she's often there to be the one who makes her smile or laugh again.



{Call my name


Love interest: Jeon Jungkook
Back up lover interest: Kim Taehyung
How did you meet them?:

Jungkook — Jungkook and Jinri met each other when they were in middle school. They were both classmates back then. Jinri had always disliked him because she found him really annoying; he was loud and extremely playful. Even in middle school, Jungkook was attractive as hell. So there were always girls squealing about how handsome he was, which annoyed the hell out of Jinri. But, the main reason why she disliked Jungkook in the first place was; on one not-sofine- day, Jungkook had 'stolen' her lunch box. To Jungkook, it wasn't stealing because to him, it was 'sharing' as they were seatmates. But to Jinri, it was most definitely stealing because nobody touches her food! It was pretty childish, but she didn't care regardless.

Taehyung — Taehyung and Jinri met each other when they were in their first year of high school. They were both part of Class A back then and they somehow became good friends with each other since they instantly clicked. During that year, they were both moved to Class C because of their skills for singing and dancing. Over time, they got closer with each other and now, they consider each other as a close friend.
How do you guys act around each other:

Jungkook — Jungkook bothers her a lot. It's as if bothering the heck out of her is his only source of living. He just loves teasing her. He also loves flirting with her because he knows how annoyed she'd get and he loves seeing her funny expressions. He also loves teasing her about her height but she always fires back at him, saying "I'm not short, you're just excessively tall!". He's also very protective and possessive of her. Whenever he sees her interacting with a guy that isn't him, he'd approach them and place an arm around her shoulder, pulling her close to him. He'd shoo them away and at the same time, give them a glare, and he would also earn himself a hard smack on his head from Jinri. Jungkook likes Jinri and he isn't ashamed to show it. He even threatened some guys who were interested in her to back off or he'll give them internal injuries with a basketball. Jungkook would leave sticky notes with cheesy pickup lines written on it, inside her locker. But whenever he's questioned about it, he'd say that it wasn't him, reasoning that he was too cool for that. Before every dance battle, he would bother her for a lucky kiss. Initially, she would ask him to get lost but time after time, she'd just roll her eyes and give him a peck on the cheek, and everytime she does that, he'd go hyper, screaming; "I'm gonna win this damn battle! My lucky star just gave me a lucky kiss!"

Taehyung — Taehyung and Jinri actually hang out a lot. They're close friends and so skinship is kind of natural for them. He cares alot for her and whenever she needs someone to take her problems out, he'd be the one, besides her best friend. Jinri, in return, also cares a lot for Taehyung and she's always there to make him laugh or smile in one way or another. There is no such thing as awkward in their vocabulary. Taehyung, he's different around Jinri. You can't see him acting like this with other girls in his class. He often can never take his eyes off her and even when there's a bunch of people around that they're present, he can't help but stick to her all the time. Jinri, on the other hand, is a bit more vague. Girls are typically better at hiding our feelings and someone like Jinri especially wouldn't give anything away. She also loves spending time with Taehyung, they're good friends, he reassures her. It's a bit different with other guys because a big part of her knows nothing can come from it, so she freely speaks about her admiration for them. Actions speaks louder than words. Funny how their actions differs on what they say. They share pretty much the same interests and values and their friendship wasadored by mostly everyone so yeah. In other people's eyes, they look so perfect together, as a couple, just friends, siblings, whatever they call it.


{Power against will


Rival: Park Eunji
How did you guys meet?: They met in their ice skaing classes and they coincidentally ended up going to the same highschool. They actually became good friends but they ended up not seeing each other as much due to the fact that they attended different middle schools.
How do you guys act around each other: They don't actually hate each other, and they're quite civil with each other. They're only ever rivals when it comes to dancing and the ice rink... Jinri was often praised as the top student and she was known as 'the prodigy'. Eunji often got jealous of that but she didn't exactly hate her for that.


{Thank you for everything.

Love rival: Min Bona [Gallery]
Back up love rival: Choi Yuna [Gallery]
State why: Bona is often trying to get close to Jungkook and Jinri subconsiously gets quite annoyed when she does. Bona is quite envious of Jinri due to the fact that she knows that Jungkook likes her quite a lot and he's quite open about it. Whenever Jinri sees Jungkook interact with Bona, she tendsto explode inside but she denies the fact that she's jealous although it's quite obvious.
How did you guys meet?: They met in high shcool and their personalities never really clicked since Jinri found her too much of a goody-goody and their personalities seemed to not match.


Comments: Hey~ I was actually procrastinating to finish this app but I loved the idea so much that I forced myself to get up and finish it lmao. Anyway, hopefully it wasn't too bad but yeah.
Password: Everybody say no
Suggestions: —
Questions: —
Scene requests:

Jealous Jungkook lmao

A dance battle; Jungkook asks for his lucky kiss - Jungkook sneakily turns his head and their lips meet

Jinri calling others "oppa" to annoy Jungkook

Cute interactions between the characters and BTS
Anything else?: —

-notyourself © layout. -notyourself © storyline. © 2016

(Go back to the story.)


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-notyourself #1
thank you so much for applying;
apart from having the password wrong, there's nothing for me to point out
please get the password right because your character will be accepted