I am

I am a fangirl. Not a pro writer nor a journalist. Please. No bashing.

I have the ideas. But I don't have enough talent to write awesome-to-be-featured-fics.
I have the movies in my head, but I'm not great enough to put it in words.
I have the passion for writing but I just don't have enough determination.
I have the interest in writing, just not enough encouragements.
I am ready to learn and ready to explore!

I tend to write short fics with not that long chapters. Sometimes, while reading long ones, I get bored and find it dragging and I end up not finishing it.
So, I don't want to be that type of author, with all due respect..

I'm 15 and I go to school, so please don't be mad if I can't update regularly but I promise you, whenever I have the chance to update a chapter or two, I will.

My mind is open for constructive criticisms and ideas.

♥, Me.


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