Infinite's Secret Santa 2015

Hello there :)


I'm one of the missing(well not really missing) author/writer of Infinite's Secret Santa 2016. As you all know the event suddenly stop and no one seems to be updating and that's when I decided not to upload the fic because the event itself stop updating. I usually stalked the event and when I found out that it has some problems updating and just stop. I started contemplating if I should still upload my fic when no one seems to be updating.


The Fic itself is a long one shot that turned into a Chaptered Story. So I decided to just upload it on my wall (which I haven't actually upload it yet) and I'm not sure when because I have summer classes and I don't have that much vacations. But I really want to upload it but not right now... Soon.


To the person I'm suppose to give this to,


I'm really, really, sorry it took so long but please wait some more :(


I might submit the summarize version of the fic to the event and give it to the active mods(if there is any) so that it can be updated.


We all want the event to be finish and to know who our santa and giftee is, let's just hope and pray that the event will end with all of our stories, secret santa and giftee revealed (even if some of them already knows who it is xD). :)




I actually already made a post like this but it suddenly went missing so I'm doing it again xD
















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