number one

Heyy guys, I'm actually a noob to this whole fan-fiction writing thing. Well actually... writing in general. I don't usually write stories, I usually just think of a plot in my head, and I would feel like writing it, but I get too lazy to actually do it so the idea dies off. 

Right now my current obsession is SHINee, they've been one of my favorite KPop bands ever since my friend told me when they debut. And I thought it would be cool to write a nice little story with some of the members. For my story lucifer, I'm concentrating more on Key and Taemin, not to be bias, but they're my favorite members, even though I do love all of them. I've actually do have some major parts of the story down, just that I need to find out what to put for the rest of the story... (>___<;)

Anyway, hopefully my story doesn't sound like crap since I don't usually do any rough drafts, but this time, I'm going to be extra careful when writing this story because it's actually the first time that I'm posting one of my stories online. I should've written chapter one first before posting my whole description and stuff, but I couldn't help it. I found this site yesterday, and I was like, hmmm I wonder if people are interesting in reading a story like mine ahaha

But I'm glad that some people are willing to read my story, so please bear with me a little longer, I'm currently writing chapter one even though the only thing that I thought of was the first few parts of the chapter aha!

But thank you guys, I'm surprised that some people are interested, even though I've only put the description and a mini introduction up. So because of that I love you. (^___^) 

I just wanted to thank you all that's all, now back to writing! 


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Awww, no worries :)<br />
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I've been writing for a long time, and I have to say that it takes a long time to write a solid, good fanfiction. Seriously. I look back at my past fics and I cringe ^^ But the point of it is, at the same time to fawn over your KPOP celebrities, but also to improve your own writing :) <br />
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And I've never done rough drafts, but when I work on a long story (My current story is at 40 something chapters) I read back at the first chapters and catch a bunch of mistakes :) I'm sure that you're going to do just fine, and that you'll become a famous AFF writer in no time !~ Continue to spend your time writing ~ You will DEFINITELY improve and find your own writing style.
Don't worry and continue writing!<br />
I'm sure your works are great ^^