when you feel you're too old and almost there XD

lol. When I turned 21 a month ago, I never thought that I'd feel the weight of being an adult. lol I have I mind of a 12 year old, just as my mother tells everyone. And I freaking do irl. Then, all of these thesis and graduation and jobs start cannonballing at me. And I'm like:





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I feel you. I feel that my age keep growing up but i still feel like a highschooler — and i'm graduating college next year -_-
Exactly .. I dont want to grow in age but grow in mentality and heart
Oh god I'll be 20 this summer I might hang myself like I honestly can'T DO .
That's how I felt since I was like 20 and I'm 24 now XD but like onew said in a recent interview;

Were there any moments that you feel that you’ve grown into an adult or have matured?
O: No. I don’t grow up. I think it’s good.

And I mean, if he can be 26 international age and never grow up, then heck, I can too. XD