Actually very pissed but happy too

(Ok now I'm really pissed it got all deleted bc I'm on my phone)

So, I bought copic sketch markers on a real cheap site so instead of 100+€ for a 48 pack I only paid 27€

I came home today and my mom told me they arrived and I gOT SO HYPER AND OPENED THE BAG 

It was another brand.

Some brand from China called FINECOLOUR and honestly that didn't bother me, but what got me kinda mad is that I wanted copix sketch markers with a "super brush", a brush for small areas too but you can still fill them out quite fast (like, this tip is very flexible)

And it has a brush like those cheap felt tip pens you had in elementary school I aM SO MAD RN

BUTTTT gotta admit, I chose a quite good pack, there are a lot of skintones in there and it's all kind of pastel colors ♥_♥

And, they're alcohol markers too, so they dry fast and very clean, so no nasty stripes in between

My dad told me to write some email, but I don't think they'll (the company) is gonna care either xD and well, I think I'll keep them and buy copics in the nearby (I found out there's a store in the next big town, about 50km, my art course is gonna head there for an opera tmr yassss)

Hope you guys feel me :)


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aw well it's not completely bad then~