Guys, I Need Help

Clearly, a lot of you guys know how to post an actual Youtube video onto your fanfic/blog. Or even just a plain worded text that's a link.


Do you know what I mean?

Like, a video from Youtube that you can post onto your blog or fanfic. Or a link that would say "CLICK HERE" and when you click on it, it leads you to a new website or something. Get it?

Well, I'm trying to figure out how to do it. And I don't know how to. Aha, I've clicked on "Source" before I pasted the HTML code for a Youtube video, then I tried to post it. Then, it didn't work. So... Obviously I don't know what I'm doing and I clearly need some professional training for this crap!

LOL like, I know how to work with HTML codes..... FOR TUMBLR! But not for AFF. Would anyone like to help me?
























.... Really?



























I just want to know how to post a video onto my blog and have a plain worded text as a link. I hope you guys know what I mean by that.



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Under the video, look for a button that says "Share". Click on it. Then, next to the link that's automatically highlighted, click "Embed." Copy and paste that link and you're ready to go!

Well, the way I do it is by writing this code:

<a href="linkhere">text here</a>
so "link here" is where you put your link that you want people to go to; "text here" is what you want them to see before they click (for example, text here would be something like 'click me')

Hope it helped~
If you are trying to add video from YouTube, look for a button on the video labeled <Embed>. Clicking that button will then show the code that you will need to copy and paste to either your profile or story body. If using a different video service, look for anything that says "Embed" and use that code to add the video to your story or profile.

First you put the word for example (click here)
Then you highlight thw word
and you click insert/edit link,and you put the link of the web.

Hope it helps,and you understand me !
I know what you mean.. I don't know how to do that too xD sorry.