나의 가계도!
minji · camillevendetta · 8 out of 10

cha eunsook is now a parent!




BORN NAME 차은숙 (Cha Eunsook)

OTHER NAME(S) Esther Cha (english name - given by her agency), Etsumi (japanese name - given by her agency, only work-related), Sookie (friends and family, play on her given name)
AGE 27 (kor) and 25, turning 26

DATE OF BIRTH July 1 1990

PLACE OF BIRTH Taebaek, Gangwon-do, South Korea

HOMETOWN Seoul, South Korea
LANGUAGE(S) Korean (native), English (conversational ; she has been learning English because of overseas schedules and because communicating in the business-world is usually on English), Japanese (conversational ; because of Japanese schedules, it has proven useful for her to know a little Japanese as well)
occupation Supermodel




HEIGHT 177 cm

WEIGHT 53 kg

APPEARANCE Eunsook is skinny but healthy despite this. She's very aware that she can't lose anymore weight and that her BMI is underweight. If she has to be honest, she would love to gain a litle weight so she doesn't give young girls a wrong image of their own bodies. She's a strong advocate of health and "everybody is beautiful". She doesn't have any tattoos or piercings and she doesn't want any. Not that she has an opinion about them on other people. Her hair is dyed blond right now but is naturally black. It has been all kinds of colors though but despite it being dyed relatively often considering her job it's still super healthy. She prefer's light make-up when she's not on set but she has pretty clean skin even when she doesn't wear make-up. Eunsook wears designer clothes most of the time, and she does get a few gifts from designers at times so it's not like she needs to wear anything but designers.


(-) private, indecisive, temperamental, has a tendency to get involved in escapist fantasies and/or habits, stubborn, doubtful
(+) caring, creative, tolerant, playful, passionate, curious, responsible
(=) perfectionist, humanitarian, emotional, sensitive

ELABORATION Eunsook is a very private person because of her past. In fact, most of her bad traits stem from a neglected childhood and not really having parents there for her. She doesn't let a lot of people get close, she could easily be better at this and many thinks that a sensitive soul like Eunsook would open up. That doesn't happen though. Her sensitivity is fiercely guarded. She has a tendency to expect difficulty or negativity from life and this creates a doubt inside of her. She often questions whether or not the care she receives is genuine or if it'll be taken away from her as fast as it was given - another reason she keeps close. The model business isn't all that private either so Eunsook really takes care of not revealing anything about her that can be used against her. She only doubt matters of the heart and those who show her genuine care - because it's something she has never really had in her past. Eunsook is a stubborn woman but at the same time vey indecisive. She likes to weigh all possibilities and it makes it hard for her to actually take a decision. When she does take a decision though, she'll stubbornly hold onto it. She's just difficult like that. Because Eunsook never really had a father or a mother due tto work and alcoholism she was left with a very unsupervised childhood. This led her to seek for a definition of herself elsewhere. This definition she seeks is usually more important than she thinks she is and it has led her to escapist fantasies. She had a period where she slept around with a few male models and she even once or twice tried drugs. Right now she doesn't have any bad habits, but she will occasionally glamorize her own role in society just to feel like she belongs somewhere. She will meet with the wrong people if her friends don't reel her in - and it isn't all that good.


Despite her bad sides Eunsook is a very caring woman. She's tolerant, curious and playful and can be extremely cute and pleasant company. She may not have had a mother or a father figure in her own childhood but as afraid of taking on the role of being a mother, she takes it very very serious. She's a very responsible woman and it plays really well with passionate personality. She has a lot of great ideas and she's a smart woman, not afraid to tell you when something is off or if there is a better way to do things. Her tolerant personality makes her a great listener and she'll most likely be able to charm you as well. Eunsook is a perfectionist. Sometimes it comes in handy, at other times it's a bother. Sometimes it gets her really far and it's the reason she's a big model. Other times things could've been done more sloppily with the same (or better) result. She's a humanitarian by heart and she thrives on helping people. This is also why she's a strong advocate of bodypositivity and she will do a lot for other people. She's emotional and sensitive and this plays into both her negative sides as she tries to hide it and her positive sides as they make her as caring as she is.





Staying at home

A job well done, getting praise for when a photoshoot goes well

Relaxing with her friends, especially going back to see Hyemi
Nature in all kinds, she's the most as peace in nature



People prodding at her privacy
Too many net-working parties in a row, people in the business is so fake and everything is a facade, it's such a bore to constantly be around

Fish and seafood (though she doesn't like fish in aquariums either)
Small closed dark rooms (she's not claustrophobic, but honestly, who likes small closed dark rooms?)

Soju (she despises soju with everything she has and will gladly throw other people's soju away)
Very high expetations


Eunsook is afraid of thunderstorms

She relaxes when she cleans, so you'll often find her cleaning just to relieve stress
Eunsook is with JS Agency whom have contacts all around the world, which is why she has also been featured outside of Korea
Eunsook likes a glass of champagne or white wine and she loves it if she can enjoy it in front of her fire place with a book (and her boyfriend)

Not a , Eunsook has found deep love in shower- and waxplay.
She's blessed with a high metabolism, so she usually eats a decent amount of food, she just never gains weight

Eunsook likes swimming and it's her go-to sport when she's at home for a longer period of time. If she's busy with photoshoots, a hour of yoga and a 5 kilometer run is the only exercise she gets
She is a strong bodypositivy advocate and she'll do anything to help young girls who are struggling with soicety's cruel look on appearances

Eunsook has been giving to charity. Most is given to Korean associations that thelp Koreans who struggle though of course she helps elsewhere in case of natual disasters and such. But she believes first and foremost that she can do a difference in Korea
If someone recognizes her on the street she'll take time to talk to them. She'll even talk to people who are Daesung's fans because - she understands them 100 %. She doesn't give out information about him that or their relationship that could hurt his career but hell, if she can bring a smile to someone's face, then she'll do what she can.

She as a habit of sleep-talking and other people have found certain pleasure in filming her sleep-talk. It's mostly just embarrassing nonsense so having it on film isn't going to make it less embarrassing

Eunsook's favorite food is Italian and she loves the color yellow

Her favorite flower is the Pacific Coast Iris (preferably in yellow) though she's terrible at taking care of flowers because she's busy so often




Eunsook isn't very close with her parents, her mother (Lee Kyunghee) was an alcoholic and her father (Cha Sangchul) a work-a-holic, which makes her relation with her father very distant and her relation with her mother very troubled as she more often than not lacked maternal love. Her paternal grandfather took care of her when her mother was too drunk and her father too busy but he died when she was 10 years old, causing Eunsook to be "the child adult". She will occasionally call on their birthdays but otherwise she has no contact with them.


Her best friend is a middle school friend from Taebaek and they still meet-up whenever Eunsook isn't busy. Her best friend, Kwon Hyemi, is a kindergarten teacher and has married already. When they're together they're usually sipping hot chocolate and laughing and talking about everything that does on in the big world because Hyemi doesn't geet much out and Eunsook sees a lot. Eunsook has a few model friends as well, most of them actually male. Eunsook isn't attracted to any of them though. She was casted as a 16 year old and most of her close friendships was established in her late teens. Her best model friends are Oh Kitae, Song Dongjoo, Kim Wonjae, Shin Areum and Lee Youngmi. Kitae and Eunsook is pretty close and he knows about her parents. He's the one she'll come to if she can't reach Hyemi. He's also been in the industry for longer, so they have quite some things to talk about. Dongjoo is a gossip and Eunsook enjoys it. They talk mostly about industry people but it's funny and light-hearted and she knows she can trust him with anything. Wonjae is a closet homoual. The two of them have fun going shopping and although there was a rumor in the past about them being together because they have a lot of platonic skinship, they both know that they can trust each other with deep dark secrets - and that the media knows nothing. Areum was Eunsook's first female model friend and she's slightly older than Eunsook. She has a lot of great tips to th younger girl but they usually find themselves having fun as well. Youngmi is the "newest" of Eunsook's friend but that doesn't mean the two of them don't have fun. They're not as close as Eunsook is with some of the others but that doesn't mean anything to their friendship.



          Hyemi         ✕          Kitae                Dongjoo               Wonjae       ✕         Areum       ✕       Youngmi

     (Kyungri)           (Hong Jonghyun)     (Song Jaerim)      (Ahn Jaehyun)       (Park Hanbyul)        (Kim Soeun)

this is MY children'S FATHER

PARTNER NAME 강대성 (Kang Daesung)

BACK UP Lee Jinki (Onew)

OCCUPATION Singer / idol

date of birth April 26 1989

AGE 28 (kor) and 26, turning 27

RELATIONSHIP Aquaintances when the program begins - starts dating during program.


ABOUT Daesung is a sweet man, who is funny as well. He's a great entertainer and he prefers fun over serious moods. That doesn't mean he isn't serious when things demand seriousness though. He's a bit traditional but it's only a charming part of him. His smile could probably light up the entire world. Daesung isn't useless in a household though and may even prefer doing the laundry. He isn't very good with disciplining though and he isn't very confrontational either. He takes most things very positive though and can light up any unpleasant mood when he crack a joke or two.

love story Daesung and Eunsook first met in Japan in 2014 when Eunsook starred in a photoshoot with him during his promotional cycle. Their relationship was stricly business and they never spoke again after that. Well, that is until they receive the invitation to My Family Tree and learn that they are paired together with 3 year old Kim Taeoh.


At first the relation between them is awfully awkward and they'll both try their best to seem natural but it just isn't working. As time goes by though, they'll warm up to each other and be able to laugh at each other's jokes and mistakes the other makes, there'll be light teasing and Eunsook may find her heart fluttering a little when she sees him in their shared house.


A real relationship between them has a hard time blooming though because both of them try to protect their feelings, Daesung because he doesn't want the public to know that he's in love and Eunsook because it just doesn't seem right to be dating, does it? They can't work against their feelings though and it's no real secret that they're both falling for each other as they learn more about the other and see the other in a domestic setting. They will lean closer when talking or they'll have more skinship, lingering touches when one cooks or cute backhugs that isn't scripted.


Most fans have already guessed their relationship when the two of them finally accept defeat to their feelings and confesses to each other outside of filming. They still have to follow the script as much as possible but fans think they see them sneak pecks onto cheeks and looks of affection towards the other. Anyway - it's no real surprise when Daesung makes his relationship public and sure, there's a few fans who get mad or whatnot but the biggest response is 'when will you have babies of your own???'


[+243/-83] daesung and eunsook babies would be so so so cute!!! i hope they have a happy relationship!!
[+240/-109] congrats to big bang daesung!! eunsook is so beautiful! they're such a cute couple!
[+82/-60] i dont think she suits him but i guess, if hes happy .........



Eunsook has her fair share of insecurities and doubts but whenever she doubts his sincerity, Daesung usually gives her a backhug and lets his body speak instead of his words

Neither of them are really good at verbally expressing their love towards the other so it's just one of those things that you'll have to know. Though small encouragements slip into everyday conversation as a way to confirm their love for each other
Eunsook cleans and Daesung does the laundry when none of them are busy - it works like a clockwork for the two of them and they're never fighting over chores
They usually cook together and the kitchen is a mess every time.
Pranks aren't uncommon but they're usually lighthearted. Once Eunsook told Daesung she was pregnant as a prank and Daesung was legitimately upset. He got revenge by having GD call her and cry, telling her that he had gotten into a serious accident in Japan. After that it just kinda got settled that very serious pranks like that weren't okay
They have a lot of skinship, always touching one another. Their hands are tangled together more often than not and they rarely go out in public together without having their hands linked
If the other isn't busy they'll go pick up their loved one at the airport when they arrive back home in Korea from an overseas schedule

Morning-shower- is more common than evening-love-making though both happen

On an oveseas schedule the two will call each other every night though most of the time conversation is like "I need you to come home and do the laundry Dae" "uh-huh, you'll just have to wear nothing if there's no more clothes" "you would like that, wouldnt you? shame you're not here to see it" because neither of them knows how to say 'I miss you' with only words.

Neitther of them have pets but Daesung will joke about getting an aquarium, just to annoy Eunsook. She swears she'll flush the fish down the toilet if he brings them home (but they prefer being together and being just the two of them)

The two of them move in together 6 months after they've gotten together because busy schedules is annoying when you just wanna be together - also, she practically already lived at his place anyway, it just wasn't official

She does have a pregnancy scare while he's overseas and it isn't a very happy moment of any of their lives


KID NAME(S) Kim Taeoh

back up Kim Rohui

plotline Kim Taeoh

date of birth March 11, 2013

age 3 (kor) and 2

about Kim Taeoh is as adorable as they come. He's a little shy at first and he takes a little time to open up but when he does open up, he'll greet you with plenty of fun. He has a lot of energy and he rarely sits still for more than 5 minutes. He's quite the troublemaker but the troubles are rarely big enough to actually create much distress. Get him to talk about superheroes and you'll have him captured for some time. Screw dinosaurs, superheroes is a crowd favorite. He's animated and curious. Ttaeoh cries when he's tired and it's not always that he listens all that well. He likes going sightseeing on his own and thus gives both Daesung and Eunsook some worries at times.

parenting relationship Taeoh is shy at first when he meets his new "parents" and he doesn't seem very comfortable in the house. That is until Daesung lighly mentions something abot a superhero and his interest is piqued. Taeoh and Daesung becomes closer first, Daesung's lighthearted jokes and his ability to mae any mood good reflects on Taeoh and brings lots of laughter. Eunsook's playful personality plays into their games as well and soon enough she's close with Taeoh as well. Eunsook and Daesung's awkward relationship in the beginning does affect Taeoh as well though. He's usually comforted by Eunsook but even she isn't just "good enough" to begin with and troubles arise in the household when he's less than happy. When they can play, everything is fine and filled with laughter. The closer Eunsook and Daesung becomes, the more comfortable Taeoh becomes with the entire atmosphere in the house, it almost feels like home. When Taeoh decides to go on adventure one day and run away from them while they're on an outing it causes some severe panic. Both Daesung and Eunsook realizes that there's more to parenthood than fun and making sure the child get's fed and is clean. They become quite a tight knit family though and as the program goes on they learn how to deal with temper tantrums and tears - but they still have fun (because fun is what they do best after all).


[+145/-25] omg, taeoh is just so cute <333

[+120/-13] daesung is such a fun father, lucky taeoh-ah! i wish he was my father kkkkk
[+89/-19] they need to discipline him some mre, otherwise he'll be a spoiled brat. come on parents-deul.ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ



Daesung sometimes find himself reading bed-time stories for Taeoh

Taeoh is honest and he has no trouble choosing Daesung over Eunsook because Daesung is 1) a superhero and 2) more fun
Eunsook has a lot of fun dressing Taeoh - Taeoh doesn't find it very funny
Eunsook prefers bringing Taeoh outside in nature - Daesung likes fun places more (guess which Taeoh prefers)

In the end though, when Taeoh is tired he'll snuggle into Eunsook's lap instead of Daesung's because there's a motherly warmth to Eunsook that fun-daddy just doesn't have

Taeoh doesn't have any interest in Big Bang's music at all

He loves telling them about everything he sees and he never gets it when he's suddenly swooped away by the other, he just continues on with his stories because the world is so grand and look, he saw this thing yesterday!

Taeoh has a great sense of direction, which is quite amazing for such a small child

before the casting finishes

last messages Gaaaaaaaaah, her personality was so hard to describe omg. ): I hope I didn't screw up too bad. I'm not very funny either so no jokes. ): I really really hope you like her and this and everything this is. I did complete the interview!!

suggestion(s) Taeoh running away from them on an outing and panic ensues, discussions between the two of them on 'how to parent', backhugs that aren't scripted, cute moments that is genuine, pranks, fun, more pranks and more fun, lots of fun, daesung "saving" eunsook from a plate she drops n the floor that crashes and taeoh clappping because 'superhero appa' and eunsook and daesung being real flustered, trying to sneak cheek-kisses later on in the show when they begin dating fo real, reading bedtime-stories to taeoh, drinking champagne on the couch when taeoh is sleeping. cute, genuine things that'll make the readers question if it's scripted or not. and their awkward beginning~

password Daesook. Eunsung. Nah, Daesook. ~


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