Can y'all help out a sista??

Hey everyone! So... I really need your help to make my sister's senior project happen. I've blogged once about her project like 30 centuries ago, but here's what's up:

For her senior project, my sister wanted to host a kpop concert at her HS. The purpose of the concert was to raise money for child education around the world. She worked really hard to find emails and Facebook accounts of Korean talent agencies and emailed them personally about her project and such. Of course, we knew that the chances of the agencies ever seeing her emails/messages would be slim but somehow luck was on our side and she was able to get a reply from two agencies! I won't specify who they are but one was the Top 3 (I'll let y'all ponder that for a few seconds).

We all know that time waits for no one and because of this my sister had to change her game plans. Now, she has a movement called "Rush MONSTA X to Sacramento" on Krowdpop.  Because parts of her project changed, she will not be able to host the concert in order to raise funds for child education; however, it still is part of her senior project. Right now, her movement has the most members but her goal is to get at least 100 members before the end of April. The point I'm trying to make here is that y'all should go vote for this movement to happen.

If you don't want to vote or don't feel like voting then please consider donating to her GoFundMe. Either of the two would be fine. If you do both it would be greatly appreciated!

In the meantime, check out he promotional video made by the one and only ME! (P.S I'm not an expert at video editing so if it looks like crap then I understand.)

One more thing! I might do a MONSTA X merch giveaway but I don't know what yet.



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