This is my first blog after being a subscriber in this site. 

I've just found it by random and let me tell you I really enjoy reading the frequent updates of my favorite authors. 

One of the couple I do shipp it's yunjae,  I think there are a lot of amazing authors that write about them and I want to say thanks to all of them for these amazing fics.

Today I read one of my favorite authors kiwilicious, had unlocked the last fic she was writing because people didn't stop to complaint and telling her they would unsubscribe too.

There isn't the only author that got upset or angry about this kind of comments,two more authors that I also follow,had said the same.

I can't believe people can be so selfish, these amazing authors create the fics for the rest to enjoy and spend their free time writing for us and it looks like some people only want to complaint and upset them.

It's really easy, if you don't like something, nobody obliges you to read it,just don't subcribe and let the people who are really interested ,enjoy the fics.

Live and and let the rest live too!!

Just a piece of my mind.




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so true... why can't they just follow the simple rule ' don't like don't read'
why they need to be rude..
I'm always so eager to read comments from readers because sometimes I get ideas from them on what should I write in the next chapter. But yesterday I was really upset with a comment saying this is another lame yunjae story, I know what that commenter meant and that's what made me upset because the story wasn't about what he\she meant at all and I was going to explain further in the next chapters but I was kind of offended even if I tried to deny it to my readers. I understand when people don't like a story, it's their right to unsubscribe but why telling me? what am I supposed to do if you unsubscribed? go and die? delete my story?
And I remember some time ago another author was being bashed for not doing well with managing the plot and how it developed and she just deleted her story. Some people get really sad at such comments. In my case, I would just reply them and explain what's needed and continue writing *I know this will sound weird* but I honestly write for myself in the first place, I always want to read these kind of stories about YunJae but I don't find them so I go and write it by myself and when it's completed I go and read it as if I never wrote it, that's why I know I would never stop because writing is a passion and something grew with time and it became a habit for me to write something everyday. Some people want to grow their talents too and these kind of comments just cause them to stop and forget about writing.
I'm glad you brought this up because I needed a place to say this in after yesterday XD
Well in my latest yunjae fic, I did not make Jaejoong pregnant and everyone is going "It would be better if Jaejoong was pregnant" . Like dafuq.. It's my story and my imagination, I might not write cliche story always and people end up complaining. It's not only with Yunjae, even when I used to write other otp, people just had to comment despite me giving WARNINGS before. I write all warning in the description, but still people complain sometimes. Once I wrote it would be a mpreg fic and someone in chap 20 went "You should have warned others about mpreg before" and I was like "I wrote it in the description long time back, even before I wrote chapter 1"
Comments from my readers scare me sometimes. Now, when I update, I do not look as forward to reading comments as I used to. I am always nervous I'll read a comment that will just make me want to stop writing the fic.

I love writing, but I am losing my passion. I write to make myself and other yj shippers happy. I LOVE reading yj fics, so I know how amazing it is to have writers, and how happy I get when they write something I enjoy a lot. But some of the comments upset me so much. I write to share yj love via fics, but trying to please them [my readers—who I love and appreciate] is making me want to not please myself. If I can't please myself I can't write a good enough fic that will please you. I like writing and reading fics written a certain way, and when readers talk about how slow my fic is I just get extremely so overwhelmed. I love slow build! I am sorry I cannot make them in the first sentence that starts the fic!

But do not take this as me venting out on my readers, most of the people that read my fic and comment are ing AMAZING and sweet as ! Excuse my French if you do not mind.They read and comment on my horrible ficS, and most of all enjoy reading them! What more can a writer ask for, right? Most of them put up with my horrible grammar and let me improve while being gentle with me. However, those few comments that I do get once in awhile really does drain my energy. Though I appreciate them all and do take them as constructive criticism and try to better myself and my writing.
People will never be satisfy....
That's why i chose to be a silent author now....
I lost my motivation to write....