In Need of a Beta reader!

Hello Hello!
So I am starting to write my first fic, oh my goodness! And would love to have someone beta read it for me? Since my grammar is really bad and all that

But the beta could also toss me an idea here and there or point out where the story seems to lack or something of the sort. 

It will be a YoonMin Angst fic, so if you do not like the sort than I guess it wouldn't be for you.
But if you don't mind then please comment here or PM me so we can talk in detail and you can begin to beta and gain an insane amount of love from me


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I will be more than honored to read it :)
im not good at beta-ing but i look forward to your story :3
you know, ive always wanted to try this, but im always terrified that ill do an awful job and ruin it
idk man id be willing to
and yoonmin hell yes and angst even better