Random Little Rant

Who else can never finish anything they start?

That's how i feel right now.
I'm barely done with my other fics & here i am starting another one. But it's so fresh in my head, I couldn't help it.
I also have one i haven't started writing yet, but I've got the poster/plot uploaded ugh!! =/
But i have a good feeling about this one
I just have to finish my poster & i'll post it later.
I've always liked good Taoris fics, but there are so few =/
So I'm writing a Taoris fic! Yay me! haha
Hopefully i don't run out of brain juice on this one.
So there's my little blog, just needed to get this out my head


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Best of luck! I also have a lot of ideas now but I'm trying my best to control myself. Haha. I have 3 ongoing stories so I don't need another one on my shoulder. Haha