✕ in a world nobody knows To be very honest, the only thing that Rian really knew about herself in the past is that she wasn't really a part of the Kang family. No real definitions were heard of her real parents, or anything. It's never really known why she was there, then and there. A point where there was just a young baby, who stayed in an orphanage in Gwangju before being picked up by parents with one son. But compassion never really stops, not for the family, and after a long and tedious process of putting her at registration, Rian manages to find a family; her name taken from the only note they managed to find; "Rian". Being found in August 24, they took a guess and put her birthdate in 19 August.
✕ in a world i'd never know rian had grown to be a normal child for a huge chunk of her life, and only ending up to never really give it a shot on a lot of things, but she's a smart kid in a very competitive area. Studying has seemed to be a life of hers, never very confident about anything else besides that. Her parents never even forced her to do anything in similarity either; just be a good person who's useful to the society. Although to be fair, Rian has always been a dancer since she was young; she was a ballet dancer (until she was ten, at least until a stress fracture caused her to quit). But then she later tried hip-hop dancing, first as a recommendation from her brother, whom was a choreographer, when she was 15. Later, impressed, her brother persuaded that she joined underground dancing scene. Hesitant at first, but slowly, she'd realize that there is something opening up from her; the spirit, the delight of a crowd seeing her performing... it was amazing. But at the same time, Rian isn't ridiculous either; so by compromise, she'd let her brother, already a choreographer, personally help her improving, but she would also continue her studies, just in case something went wrong with her idol life, and she had nothing to lose. so she tried, auditioning, like her parents and brother's support. the company they'd entered is a mere unknown compared to big names, yet they'd still accept it, with the biggest shock only coming from the very fact that her parents never told her that she was adopted; and now, with adoption papers being written and submitted in closed curtains, Rian wasn't even that ready — a quiet, patient talk with her adoptive parents didn't really help with anything. An overwhelming loss filled up a huge gap of it; and Rian was deathly afraid of herself giving out any informations to anyone. Although never very open in the first place, Rian slowly became frigid whenever someone ever tried mentioning or asking of her background. What stays behind the company, stays back. Fortunate in a way, the company took her in, when they saw her face (and dance skills, but that's just a plus). Rian knew well, and didn't like it. Considering that... she might've not really enjoyed her stay there.
✕ in a world they'd never know Now dropped straight from face of earth and residing somewhere in a strange company, Rian never really felt that she would be ready for the same kind of reality. It was strange, having to cope with studies and also training, one that has continuously becoming increasingly unbearable. The days are lonelier than she thinks, and it's a pretty miserable life. An ideal to stay perfect has been there longer than she'd predict. Meaning to say that it wasn't just an awful influence from the company; dieting to a severity to stay elongated and pretty, but that passion for a perfect, ideal body; it drives her insane, sure, but there was a hateful feeling, one that may have came from the competitious nature between students, a desire to stay at the top of the top, but when everyone has different capabilities, isn't that supposed not to be a good idea? Rian managed well between the high-ranked students in her highschool, but even so, she was facing a major problem; not only school was stressful, but the company continuously limited her own choice of choreographing. Decisions whirlwind in her mind; did she even want to be an idol, in the first place? so when she couldn't manage both, she failed her evaluations at least twice, and was out of the company after two years. It took a while to fit in again with her old mates at her group and reconciling with her parents, but it's all worth it. She hasn't been in contact with her brother.

✕ in a world we know now two years after she dropped out of the company, she's under finishing school. She had also been involved as backup dancers, and at one occasion, was invited to do so in Pledis. Not only they likened her dancing, they knew that with a little polishing, and she had a really good face. So they asked her, this time; would she join them, not as a backup dancer, but training? She was almost very certain on dropping her 'no', but this time, they allowed her to explore on being creative on choreography of her upcoming group, and not only that, considering that she had graduated in January 2015, school wasn't a hindrance and college is still possible. Lastly, with much to both of their surprise, her brother worked in Pledis as their choreographer. This does gave them quite a joy, and with blessings from her parents, she auditioned, and trained for one year.

Let's just say that Rian might've been a psychologist had she not been an idol. It's not that hard for her to start picking social cues up, whether someone has been mildly angry, she remembers very well on the events that happened, connections, secrets, and etc. and was able to sum it up. It was the reason that she knew on why the companies picked her (I mean, you're blessed with a face, of course they would like it, dammit). and when she started realizing that this had happened to her ownself, she started picking things up like data; it wasn't really fun and games; but she always wanted to make sure things are in control, hence why she, at most times, was at this constant rate of alert; so when things start changing, she was ready for it.
But not only that, Rian is pretty damn prepared; it was experiences that brought her. Although for a relatively short period in Pledis, she knew things and idol world inofficially; backstage access, entourage of idols and their secrets, trainee gossips, she knew well of them, and always thought of ways to handle, evade, or run from it. always cautious with just about everything, Rian is smart; and this is how she used them for. When a trainee bullies another, she might as well be the first, unsuspected few; people talked to her, thinking that she had a quiet, innocent mask, all while she was a ticking time bomb waiting for a blackmail. And because you know, she doesn't talk much... .
Rian is one of the quietest members of the group, but inside and outside, she's very calm. Like being said, she wants to be in a perfect control over everything, but sometimes things can get a little out of hand. just... sometimes you try stuff, and you failed, alright? and when Rian does so, it's not like there's anything she could've done had she freaked out. So all she did, when her members were in a crisis, she calmly breathed air in, gave them her best effort in taking a role as a supportive member, and continued her stuff again, later. 
But sometimes, calmness isn't that good either. She could've been swiped out, but she's a pretty wall. Her face saves her, but not only that, she has a charisma; that no matter however she looked like facially, she always gained tract. Sometimes, she just let all other members doing the talking when in variety shows, and then she just went quiet. This could be labelled boring, but it's what she wants. When you knew a lot of secrets, people would, not only rather shut you up, sometimes you had to do it first. Times changed. It wasn't that hard for her to get caught up with scandals. Everything is widespread.
And while Rian wasn't a full-blown diabolical person, she's quite different from what she wanted. She came off as a kind, a little bland but pretty visual in Dragonfly. But in reality, when she's already quite broken and fearful for her own secrets, and her own stash of secrets of others as her own weapon, the only way to survive is to play innocent. The only one that she could trust was her family. Even it took her time to ever try getting close to Dragonfly members. It was there, but it's slow. 
Lastly, had you known all of these, to end it in a cynical note, Rian is never the one to forgive easily. She might've taken things as it is, but try messing with her feelings, and if your life is pretty much doomed, don't ever try to fight it. Rian is definitely stronger and more dangerous than people thought, outside. Try hurting her core, and anyone's doomed right from the start. It was the weakest, and she has never really healed from anything that hurts. To protect her own heart, the hardest walls are built, but for those who figured the way, it was a fragile being; Rian's broken anyway.


kang rian

was born on AUGUST 18, 1996 from a (POSSIBLY) KOREAN father and a (POSSIBLY) KOREAN mother in GWANGJU, SOUTH KOREA,. Currently 21 years old, she/he grew up in gwangju thus making her/him fluent in KOREAN. Standing at 171 cm for 56kg, character name is notably known for looking like KIM JIHO (x) or even sometimes SHIN EUNBI.

social circle

» Adoptive Father, Kang Hyun | 63 | oncologist | responsible, uptight, dilligent | rian has gotten around better with her father; as always be. Hyun and Siyoung are generally worried about her; and although Hyun was originally not excited by the prospects of having an adopted child, but he had warmed up to the young baby, and takes care of her well. 
» Adoptive Mother, Han Siyoung | 59 | retired mortician | morbid, easy-going, argumentative | Siyoung, although sometimes her personality puts many people off, was well along  with Rian better than anyone expected. Siyoung has crazy things on what her experiences were, and Rian was able to handle most, if not all. Siyoung brought more... strange rays into Rian. She took care of her, and they're rather talkative. A few people that she wanted to keep close to.
» Adoptive older brother, Kang Jooyoung | 24 | Pledis' dance coach & choreographer | snarky, blunt, persuasive | it's definitely getting better than before; both of them tend to have strange, petty arguments between each other, but Jooyoung has considerably matured than before, and wasn't willing on letting Rian getting broken again (after all, he was a part of it... whoops).


» Ex-Mentor, Shin Seokhee | 25 | street dancer, leader for 'ALL FOR ONE' choreography group | strict, motherly, caring | Seokhee was extremely influencing towards her; 
» ALL FOR ONE girls, variety | variety | dancers| variety | she continuously considers them the last people she imagined at night; wondering on what they're currently doing in their normal lives, if not being in an idol-involved industry. She genuinely misses them, and loves them, and probably one of the few that she trusts (actually, if she didn't trust them well enough, she wouldn't even include them as friends).


» Member-mates, Jung Serin | 23 | Dragonfly's leader | naive, warm, passionate | it's... less of a relationship and more like, Rian staring at her and thoughts that 'this girl is going to be either eaten by a lion, or be a huntress.' and not knowing her well, Rian's choice is the latter. They're trying... and Rian definitely listens to her, preferably, than quite a lot of people, and trusts her well enough as a leader. 


» fireworks; loud, beautifully colorful. spot her at han river around new year's eve.
» action movies; no, not just kind of kicking. Think of The Raid, Expendables, Taken. Adrenaline-punching.
» morbid jokes; think of it as her mother's doing. she laughs at the things they're not supposed to. 

» secrets; unnecessarily juicy.
» dancing; to be honest, hip-hop specific dances. a lot of times she practices on her own, but she is always enjoying it.



» people ; she's an introvert, it's uncomfortable to talk at prolonged times.
» ants ; they disgust her for no reason. 
» sappy romantic movies ; she's okay with romcom; but not the angsty ones. something about it bores her to death.

» sour food ; it's an acquired taste thing. don't mind it.
» overtly cute songs ; she wants to admit that it's a guilty pleasure, but certain bops just ticks her off. 


» picks her nose when nobody looks.
» writes a diary about people that she locked.

» dances at any catchy tunes she could find on the streets.

» only partially bit her food to look inside it (imagine what happened if she stayed in a sushi bar...)


» She's a Roman Catholic, hence where she got her stage name ('jael'), although jael was spelt as 'j' instead of the common 'y'.
» the reason why she had been a lead dancer wasn't because that she couldn't dance properly; she could, but with their current, 'cute' concept of pop, she struggles with her more 'vigorous' style to ever fit in.
» had she not been an idol, she would've been a doctor. currently studies at a music university (never specified).

» writes as a theraupetic activity. also because it's crazy anyone could've remembered everything in their lives without it.
» rarely cries; members voted her as the member 'least likely to scream at horror movies or cry at romantic movies'.

» couldn't connect with her birth mother for no reason, other than the fact that her own orphanage didn't have any information other than the fact that the baby was left in a box.


hip... hop? No, everything is just convenience for her. She definitely likes some of their baggy tees, short pants; thinks of it as a means of convenience. she likes preferably earthly-toned colors; not neon. even likes styled braids for comebacks (but they wouldn't do it this time, probably). her hair is cut mid-length, wavy brown to add the 'lovely visual' variety in her. she's one of the rather tall members of the group, so she'd rather not wear heels.


» Ri | shortened nickname. she wants to familiarize herself that way.
» Gel | a pun from her stage name, which is 'Jael' if, you shortened, turns into gel. Ironic, since Rian prefers not to tangle her hair and hates the smell of it.



» korean, native | she lived there for all of her life.
» english, conversational | was taught in school, can speak properly for a foreigner to understand bits by bits. cannot pick up complex ones, though.

(three tops)


PERSONALITY + (You can do this. Not required. Will skim through this.)

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+ stronghold
+ canta
+ #lead dancer, vocalist (04)

love int name

Member of Group, she/he was born on Month day, Year. (NOT REQUIRED)


BACK-UP LOVE INT + name here

BACK-UP LOVE INT + name here






LAST COMMENT + this is a little rushed, aha... it's also a recycle, so sorry about that! i'd think about the love interest thing (because I might have an idea about it, but i'm not sure).


SCENE REQUESTS + variety shows! hello counselor?


PASSWORD + old school stuff.



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