ㅤㅤㅤ⊗ㅤ:ㅤ안소연ㅤ(participant no. 8)

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replace with fc; 100x100 (coloured pic!!!!)


At the face of death, which voice will you listen to?
participant number. #8
participant age. 17.
occupation. high school student.
fc: kim yerim (yeri)
you are bird boned and soft eyed, slim and slender with wrists so tiny they looked as if they’d snap at the first hold. it scared your mother when you were younger, so small you looked almost sickly as you chased after the longer strides of your friends; and it scares you now. staring down at the delicacy of your fingers as the sunlight streams down upon them. you’re weaker than you wish to be, the strength of your body laughable as you stand next to your classmates. a head shorter, a shoulder length slighter. you stare in the mirror, and all you can see is p i t y. in the slouch of your body and the awkward tumble of your limbs. you don’t like what you see, and you turn away, sighing.
participant ethnicity. korean.
ual orientation. heteroual, heteroromantic.
marital status. she recently started seeing a boy in her class. with poor grades and the social skills of a dormouse, he's not the kind of boy her mother would approve of her seeing, and so she doesn't. because what she doesn't know about, she won't know to disapprove of.
secondary information
i. as one who prides herself for her attention to detail, though it may not always seem to be so, she does have quite the keen eye and sharp memory.
ii. sensitive—and yet whether that's a good thing or a bad thing has yet to be seen. the term applies differently to different things. on one side, it means that she's in-tunedcareful, she pays attention. and yet it also means she's emotional, vulnerableshe plays it too close to the heart
iii. she's not athletic, per se, but she is fit. she does yoga to destress, and runs to stay in shape. 
iii. easily frightened by jump scares, and loud noises. horror and gore are not genres she has previously familiarized herself with.
iv. as kind hearted as she is, the little lamb who'd always follow, would always be willing to help. for one so friendly, she reacts quite badly to the touch of strangers, almost afraid of the unknown, of the sensation of unfamiliarity. she's never been the most tactile person, and as lovely as she may be, she, like all roses, has the thorns to beware.
Humans are the only creature that refuse to be what they are.
participant analysis
i am afraid of failure even before i begin
i. you long ago came to terms with the person you are. when your father walked out on your once family of three one rainy day, leaving your tear soaked mother and yourself sitting lonely at the dining table, you took possession of yourself, and recognized yourself for who you were. you understand yourself, out of necessity where the rest of the world cannot, and when you fail, it is with the acceptance of one day's failure not meaning the failure of a whole. you know yourself, you know who you are, and in the rare moments you find yourself stumbling, you will look back on those times, with realization that that's just another part of who you are.
ii. you don’t like confrontation and you’re so eager to please. always willing to bend over backwards and break your own bones to see to the smiles on the faces of your friends. this paints you as an easy target. a rose amongst the thorns that beg so much to bleed you dry. you can’t help it however. you’ve always been so afraid of the dark. afraid of that abyss that loneliness is and so you do your best to fill the spaces with people who never seem to stick around. they’re around enough however, to leave tread marks and trampled petals; leaving behind only the buds that never got to bloom. wondering why they weren’t enough, why you weren’t enough to make them stay. 

iii. you are tender and you are so very meek, hiding behind the thinnest layer of protection you have managed to build. you hide your worries behind your smiles. burying your fears in the underbelly of your laughter. because like all the sweet, young things your age, you will never feel that you are enough. for your mind, for your body, for this world. you are discovering yourself after all, beneath the bright golden curtain of your hair and the feminine curl of your lashes. beneath the raw, scrapped knees and the ache of young heartbreak. you are bits and pieces held together by hands that shake so uncertainly, and yet. you are surviving, day by day, discovering enough so that one day you might finally become who it is you are searching for.
iv. you never realize that selflessness is not enough to carry yourself through until it is far too late. after pouring piece after piece of yourself into others, so that all you have left of yourself is the remaining scraps of brutalized fragility when all is said and done, you do not realize what too much is until they've taken everything from you. all you have left are the ugliest parts of your soul, and the unwanted pieces trampled in the wake of take, take, take. it scares you, how little you have to possess to your name, how little you care. pouring so much of yourself into others, there's barely anything left there for you, and yet, when they ask, when they take, you still give what you can. you do what they need. but beneath all the tender kindness, the sweet smiles and the soft hands, what are you but e m p t y?
v. a puppet with the strings long cut, no hands to guide and no straws to grasp for. you are a girl, and yet you are so much less than that. you are half of a human, a shell of a being. you live, but you live not for the moment and not for the things to come. what do you live for, sweet girl? en ending, you think. you live for a means to conclude what little existence you have found for yourself. a girl, and not yet a person. liked by all but never cherished enough to love. not intriguing enough, not important enough. they know you, but they do not bother to understand you. you've always known love, but you will never have love. 
everybody has a chapter
that they do not read aloud
participant background
my father
broke my heart
long before any boy
had the chance to
you live with anger held between your teeth, stuck between the rows like overripe fruit, and it isn't until your father leaves that you bite down hard. it b u r s t s, and your mouth fills with blood. a stain of ugly crimson, and the taste of copper on your tongue. you do not understand what it is to hate, but you know more than anything, that beneath missing him, beneath the wish for him to come home, you know that if he were to walk through the doors he had once walked out of, it would not be to open arms there to greet him. instead, the straight of your shoulders, the steel in your eyes. you do not forgive betrayal where there called for noneand how could you? you wonder, when your feet still sting from the cuts left behind from the shattered glass on the kitchen floor.
(your mother's favourite teacup, porcelain with a rim lined in gold, a chip on the china where you had clinked too hard against your father's, pinky's up and wiggling. soft memories painted over in RED where your father's anger had shattered your family, your mother, your life.) 
you do not forgive 
and you do not forget
you are eight when you realize how ugly love can be. in the empty spaces where you father once lived within your life, and the fading presence of your mother then and now, you learn that love does not exist in this reality—in your reality, and you question whether it exists at all. how could it, when love is what was meant to hold your family together, when it couldn't and didn't and when it failed
instead, you live with an understanding. as desperate as you are to find something for yourself in this world, you never trust it to stay. you shouldn't expect, you shouldn't hope, and so you tell yourself you don't. you convince yourself you don't
(so why does it hurt everytime, you wonder. why does it hurt each time someone leaves. each time you stop to wonder how little you truly have in terms of family and friends and people in your life. each time you go home to an empty house full of empty beds and yourself, just as empty inside?)
life is tough, my darling
but so are you 
he comes into your life something similar to a miracle. you've never been the religious sort, to believe in god and his powers, in something more, but meeting soohyun makes you want to change. meeting soohyun is like an answer to a prayer, and you think, after getting to know him, that it's one in the same in the end. jung soohyun doesn't make your heart pound from the first meet. he doesn't make your palms sweat or your thoughts go blank, but jung soohyun makes you smile, he makes you want to believe, and you think that's far better than any school girl crush. 
he sits in the back of the class, he chews gum and sleeps through lessons, and when the teacher calls upon him, he simply offers a sluggish smile and a shrug of his shoulder. he talks back and slouches where they tell him to sit straight soohyun! he doesn't. instead, you watch him kneel in the hallways and offer his hands for the teacher's ruler to strike, but never once, do you see him lose his smile. 
you never understand jung soohyun, that boy who sits alone, who sleeps too often and smiles like there's something worth smiling for. 
you never understand him, until one day, you do
the day you discover his scars is the day you learn to understand that everyone holds their own hurts. everyone has lived through their own pains, suffered through their own pasts, and just like you, people have pushed through. jung soohyun, like you, has his own scars, but unlike the ones that line the layers of your heart, his criss cross and sit blatant along the planes of his skin. down the firm muscles of his back, and across the pale stretch of his front. jung soohyun holds onto pain just like you do, suffers through pain, just like you do, but unlike you, with your stumbling words and painfully shy mind, he learns to smile and survive. jung soohyun learns to live, even past the pains, and you think that's more brilliant than any shining star. brighter than any sun's ray, and you learn to befriend this boy, this jung soohyun
you learn to trust him, and believe in him, and in return he teaches you that the world has more to offer than the pains you had held against it, then the pains you kept bottled up in your heart. 
jung soohyun teaches you to love, and you learn that beyond the regrets, and beyond your hurt, you have so much love to give
this may be a sad chapter
 but you are not a sad story
medical history
undiagnosed depression. with her father walking out on her at such a young age, soyeon took especially hard to his absence. with the first eight years of her life spent as "daddy's little princess", his leaving took its toll on her and the way she viewed the world. she never realized that it wasn't normal for her to feel the way she did until she met soohyun. that people usually didn't feel so half heartedly about life as she did, that it wasn't okay for her to live without any interests or wants like she did. she never professionaly sought help for her depression, but meeting soohyun helped her realize that there was more in life, and she's on a steady (enough) path to recovery. there are still moments where she feels as if she could lie down and never be bothered to get up again, but then she thinks of soohyun, and she remembers there are things for worth living, people worth fighting to be with.
jung soohyun. eighteen, student
a classmate who transfered into soyeon's grade during her second last year of high school, she never bothered to spare him the time of day at first. soohyun however, went out of his way and did his best to catch soyeon's eye. from volunteering to aid her in her student responsibilities to staying after school to help her clean the classroom, over sharing lunches at lunch to studying together on the weekends (though it was more soyeon studying and soohyun whining for attention), soyeon found that he had become what was clearly one of the most important person in her life. 
soohyun to her means discovering not only him, but herself, and a rediscovery of the world where she had once believed there to be nothing. he helped her open her eyes, but also her heart, nad it is because of him that she finds the effort to rise some mornings, that she finds more reasons to love about herself in the reflection. he's quite simply her entire world, regardless of how simple minded or stupid it is to give so much of herself to a boy, nevertheless one she met in highschool, but soohyun had once promised her forever, and she believes him.
We go to far greater lenghts to avoid what we fear than obtain what we desire.
how did you end up detained in the mall? 
tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear, she did her best to ease the stranger's nerves, to smile politely. smiles always helped lighten the mood, to brighten a solemn situation. you couldn't go wrong with a smile. "ah, i mean. we're not really detained, right? i mean, i'm sure if we ask we'll be let out... it's probably just a misunderstanding, i'm sure." she wasn't. she isn't. but she still smiled. playing with the end of her sleeve, she folded the length over her wrist before unfolding it once again. pause, refold, unfold. a poor attempt to focus her attentions elsewhere. on anything besides the weight of the tension in the room. "if not, i mean. the police will be here soon, i'm sure." she wasn't, she wasn't sure. "they'll get us out. it'll be okay, so please don't worry. we're all going to be okay." she wasn't certain, how could she be? but she did her best to believe. to hope. after all, as soohyun would always say, what is life without hope, without believing that things would get better. what was the point.
what are you thoughts on K; do you think he was present at the scene?
"k... i don't— i'm not—" her words cutting off, lips pressing into a tight, thin line as she clutched at the phone in her hand. she didn't understand. she couldn't. how could she, when nothing was making sense. this k person, whoever they were. the things they were asking of her, of them all. of all the people who were trapped just like she was. she couldn't make herself understand. "i don't understand... i don't— i don't know what they want." but she did, she did know what they wanted. she just couldn't understand why, couldn't understand how they could ask this of them and all the people in the same predicament as her. "they're crazy... whoever they are. please, i just. i want to get out, i want to leave. i don't want to play this... this game with them." this sick, twisted game. games were supposed to be fun, to entertain. this was neither, and she wanted nothing to do with it. with them.
before the first death occurred, did you believe your predicament? share your thoughts and reactions throughout the game.
her head hurt, her chest felt heavycompressed. she couldn't believe what was happening. this could NOT have been happening. it wasn't. it couldn't. it was a dream, a nightmare. an awful creation within her head that she would soon enough awaken from. she would be able to escape. "i don't—this doesn't make any sense." she couldn't wrap her head around what was happening. "h-he,—he killed her. that g-guy killed her. d-does that even make sense? h-how could he kill her." her cheeks felt damp, and her hands were shaking, and yet she didn't bother to wipe at the pooling tears in her eyes. instead, she stayed frozen in her spot, fingers tightly entagled together on her lap as she tried to still the tremors in her body. her knees almost bounced from the force of the shakes, her eyes wide as she recalled the announcement, the quick glance she had gotten of the man—of the killer, before she ran off in fear of becoming his next target. "he killed her..." her words dropped, quietly, fearfully, as she finally looked up and into the eyes of the questioner. "didn't he love her?"
did you make up your mind to kill? what drove you to that point?
her neck hurt from the quick snap of her head, blood pounding from between her ears as she forced herself to shake her head. nonever, she could never. "h-how could you even—" but she stopped. of course they would ask. why wouldn't they? death was child's play to them, was nothing to them. she should have known by now. with so many dead—killed, as her mind supplied. with so many killed, why would they not presume? but they were wrong. they were wrong, she would never, she could never. "i w-won't kill." and she stuttered her words, stumbled. but she was drivencertain. "i won't kill anyone. i would never. i—... i'm not that kind of person. i would never." but was anyone? were any of them? before they were taken, made hostage of this sick, sick game. were any of them acclaimed killers? known criminals? they weren't, and yet she had seen the felled, she had seen the bodies of those slain, murdered, and she still couldn't match them to the images of those she had seen prior. to the faces she had seen while scanning the corridors of the mall. none of them looked like killers, and as she clutched at the scissors within her grasp, shaking beneath the tremors of her hands, eyes narrowed in on the glint of the blade, the sharpness, that was what scared her the most. 
is there a participant that you have connections with? what is the relationship like, and how did it affect your game play?
"ryu haneul sshi oppa—" she cuts herself, remembering the lazy glare, the bright coloured mint of his hair, the narrowing of his eyes as he spoke don't call me oppa, kid "ahjusshi, i mean. ryu haneul ahjusshi." but he didn't look nearly old enough to be her ahjusshi, nevertheless anyone's ahjusshi. she wasn't like the bus driver ahjusshi she thanked everyday, with his greying moustache and slightly protruding belly, his kind smile and shaking laughter as he accepted the milk carton she offered him. no, this ryu haneul was nothing like the ahjusshi that drove her bus, neither the ones who worked with her mother, sitting in their stuffy suits, the ones that leered at her mother every chance they got, eyes following the round of her bottom in her skirt as her mother leaned over her desk to give her a hug when she dropped by her work on the weekends, making sure her mother ate and took her breaks. she had never met an ahjusshi like ryu haneul before, had never met a person like ryu haneul before, and yet, she couldn't be more thankful that she had
pale skin, paler than her own, with a top of mint hair and a lazy glare that still managed to freeze her in place. the manliness of his hands and the way he kept them tucked into the pockets of his sleeves, how he scanned the mall like it was his to own, to take apart and figure out, and discover. he was stuck in the game, same as she was, and yet when he had found her, tucked into the back room of a clothing store, hidden between the layers of coats in storage, the first thing he had done was check her over, looking almost distained as he made sure she was alright. he didn't need her, not nearly as much as she found herself needing him, and yet he had stayed, he had brought her along and sworn her a way to escape, to leave free, alive
she didn't know how a man, a stranger, could make her believe just as much as soohyun did in so little time, but when he took her hand and looked into her eyes, she did. she did believe, and more than anything, she trusted him. "there's a man, another man in the game. he says he'll get me out, and i believe him. i trust him, and he is going to get me out. get us both out."
what were your game plans, if any?
"um—i just, i just want to hide. i-i'm going to stay hidden. i'm going to wait it out." because haneul sshi had said that he needed time to figure out the game, and she knew that the police would come soon. all she needed was to hide herself, to wait it out. she was going to be okay, haneul sshi had said they were going to be, and it was only so long before the police would arrive, after all. they were going to save them, to arrest the man behind it all, and those who had succumbed to the killing, would be dealt with accordingly. she was going to be okay. "i just need to stay low, to s-stay quiet. haneul sshi said not to draw attention to myself and t-that sounds like a plan—a g-good plan." 
what did you feel when you killed your first target?
she could still feel the knife in her hand, the slick of the blood as it ran down her fingers, the quiet exhale of pain as it was punched out from the other's body. "d-did you know, it's, um. it's harder. i-it's a lot harder t-then the movies make it o-out to be." so much harder. she took a pause, trying to calm the racing of her heart as she recalled the death of a person she had killed. tried to still the shaking of her hands as she remembered the last of their breaths leave their body. "i-i mean, i—" another pause, a shaky breath. "i don't w-watch a lot of m-movies like that b-but, um. i-it looks a lot easier there. a-alot..." tipping her head forward to fall into the cradle of her knees, she couldn't stop the tears from falling, doing her best to hide them behind the curtain of her hair. there was a few strands still stained red from the blood where she had fallen beside them, the apologies slipping like prayers from her lips where she knelt beside them, hunching over where she held their hand, where she cried her tears.
"a-awful... it was a-awful—i-i'm sorry, i-i'm s-so sso sorry" it was so much easier in the movies, hiding her face into soohyun's shoulder when the gorier scenes showed. peeking from beneath the spread of her fingers as she dared to sneak a look. watching as the knife slipped smoothly into the victim's body. a fake knife for a fake stabbing, less blood, less emotion. but it wasn't like that, where the muscles and inner organs took force to slice through, forcing the blade into her victim's body, the pool of blood that slowly creeped outwards on across the pure white tiles of the mall's floor. fingers slick where they tried to cover the wound, to take back her actions. the regret, sitting so awfully heavy, a block in , where she tried to turn back time. "s-ssorry, i'm ss-sso s-ssorry"
do you possess any specialties that may work to your advantage during the game? share your weaknesses as well.
"s-specialties?" she didn't. she couldn't. not when she wasn't trying to win the game. she didn't want to play. "n-no, um. i don't have anything l-like that." besides the brightness of her eyes? the slight of her frame? the pleading innocence she conveyed in every waking moment. she had everything she never realized as something. the way people would mistake her shyness for stupidity, her hesitence for fear. she was the easy pickings, the nobody's worry as somebody would get to her eventually. nobody worried about what nobody could see, and as she lived, unnoticed, invisible, looked over, they would not bother to see her now. not in her soft hands, in her smooth skin, small and unblemished and so pure that the devil himself would never bother to tarnish. not when the world would do that itself, would pick her apart and leave her broken beyond words simply for being who she was. innocent, untouched, unexplicably naive beyond words.
how much faith do you have that you'll make it out alive?
she remembers the disbelief she had felt at the start of it all, the way she had refused to believe just what kind of situation she had been thrown into. a game she had to kill for in order to survive? the idea that people actually would. it didn't make sense, it hadn't, and she had believed it was only a matter of time before the police would show, before she was saved
now, she thinks of soohyun. she thinks of his bright smile, his large hands and the callouses that line them, of the scars that line his body like a roadmap homeher home. she thinks of soohyun, and she thinks that she should have told him i love you one last time, had told him thank you, for teaching her to love, and for loving her in return. there are so many things she had needed to say, and she wished she had been given the time to, but instead of those things, instead of thinking of saying them they next time they meet, she thinks of goodbye.
"i-i'm going to make it... the rest of out, most of us... w-we're going to make it out." and she never believed that lying was the answer, but as she stared at her hands, still trembling, the traces of wiped away blood still staining the once pale skin, caked beneath her nails and trailing across her clothes, she thinks this is a situation where she's permitted her one lie. she wants to give some of kind comfort, wants to offer hope, because that would be what soohyun would have done, would be what he wanted. she wants to be like he was, to be someone who could give hope where there was none. "the police a-are coming... a-and we're going to b-be okay."
congratulations, you are the sole survivor—your thoughts and plans hereafter?
every time she closes her eyes, she sees crimson in the corners, pooling towards her like the blood of her first victim. when she covers her ears, she hears the struggling of her second, the way they had drowned with their head pushed under a pool of fluoride, the way the third had begged, the fourth had pleaded. the fifth had screamed. she hears the victims, some hers, some not, and she begs for her own peace, for the quiet that she imagined them to feel only in death. she remembers them, each and every one of them, the images of their faces in death seared into her mind where she had forced herself to sit before them and memorize, where she had forced herself to remember, because even in all their horrors, she would. she would remember them, because they deserved that much, at least that much, after dying in the ways they had, for the cause they had. they had died, playing a game as contestents they had never chosen to be, and she would remember them, every last one of them. 
"i-i'd like to go h-home please... i want t-to go home." 
this is Ugly and Long and i am Sorry
bitnaneun / bee / 10outof10.mp3


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damn your writing puts everything to shame
slay girl !! omgomg