Hello ?

Hello , eveyone !

I am bored right now and I thought why not do a proper greetings ?

Basically , I never intruduce myself in this site since last year .

So yeah .

Assalammualaikum and good morning .

My name is Nursyazwanie ( it's my username , obviously )

But please call me wani .

A girl from Malaysia .

A teenager who is actually a handcore kpoop fan .

Age ? one four .

What else ? I love unicorn :)

I am a werewolfau's trash .

A multi-fandom fan . Bias ? Countless .

I am fluent in English and a kid in Japanese language .

I love making new friends in here and talk about random things .

Any question ? Just drop it at the comment section below ^^

Thank youuuuuu .


                                                                   Whoever know where I can buy Baekhyun , please massage me immeadiately !


                                                                                                                                                                                                                           XOXO , W .





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