wow i'm....

... old. wow, yes i am! 

i just realized this yesterday: i'm FRICKIN SEVENTEEN

SEVEN. FRICKIN. TEEN (Mansae! haha get the pun? /bricked)

but aaaanyways yesterday i was kinda disturbed about the future..? i mean i know what i want to become now, but i cannot choose it to be a secure path for my future. i want to be an author but everyone knows not all the authors are as successful as the ones who are now.

and i'm insecure of myself...(??) and my stories. they've improved, yes; but they're far from perfection. i can't write anything other than romance and angst and THAT ain't enough to be a writer, not in the very least.

and i'm addicted so much to the internet...? yeah, i think i am. but i'm perfectly fine when i get off though; it's the matter of coming out that is the problem here.

i am still not ready to show my works to anyone in my family (except u beautiful readers), and i have this DAMN awesome plot for a story which i'm hyped to start in draft (still) but then again... am i good enough?

sorry if that made you cringe. tennage problems do (AND RAGING HORMONES TOO BUT i don't have any lol i'm weird and mature enough)


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im really does throw itself at you, but there's nothing you can do. Despite being unsure of what is to come (like I was) it will still all work out in the end.
You know what saying there is at college? >With enough determination and passion, you can do anything.<
(probably because we are college students who question our major especially when we fail exams)
Got it? I believe in you!
I'm turning 21 this June. At sixteen / seventeen, I too wanted to be a writer and was really passionate about my writing. But right now I think I made the right career choice and I still write because I love writing. So, you don't really have to make it your career to keep writing, nor should you stop writing because your career is something different.
All the best with your choices! :)
(Oh btw, shouldn't your 12th boards be going on / starting / getting over?)
I will turn 21 this June. Having said that I agree with ghanchakkar. Make it your hobby and get a secure job.
I'm past teenage yet I'm having same problem as you. As your unnie I advice you no matter how much you feel like being an author, make it as an alternative. If you engrave this in your mind that you want to be an author, you'll lose focus on your studies. All the best. You're still young, so decide wisely. ^.^
You feel old?! But I'm older than you! Haha

If you're not satisfied with your stories, then how about mine? Haha