The Romanticist - [Juliette Chae] X [Mark Tuan]

chae, juliette
birthname juliette chae
stage name liet
julie (shorter form)
— mermaid (members)

birthday september 16, 1993
birthplace montreuil, paris, france
hometown seocho, seoul, south korea
etnicity korean
languages spoken
korean (native, fluent)
french (country, schooling, advanced)
face claim sonamoo's nahyun
bakel up face claim sonamoo's minjae
height & weight 166cm & 46kg
group & position sonamoo (nahyun) & sub-vocal, performance, visual
— Positive + [friendly, playful, easy-going, empathetic, adaptable]
— Neutral = [realistic, reserve, unbiased, non-judgmental, compromising]
— Negative - [impulsive, stubborn, clumsy, absentminded, passive-aggressive]
juliette is the kind of person that usually behaves one way or another depending on how close or how well she knows someone. Out of politeness she's friendly and would talk to someone to just break the ice even though to her it may seem out of place and awkward. This leads to her being easygoing as she would rather be relax and calm instead of uncomfortable and hostile in the environment. Luckily juliette is able to adapt in her surrounding without totally feeling like an oddball, although she doesn't mind being a wallflower at times as well. juliette also has a great deal of having empathy for someone or something and tries to perceive many things from different perspective and not be closed-minded often. juliette can be a playful person if she has created a bond with them where their relationship can be at that level. Sometimes it takes a while only because she doesn't trust so easily and usually treads the water before diving in completely. Sometimes it just depends on the situation and she wants to assess it.
— It's how juliette is realistic. Sure she's quite imaginative and open-minded, but juliette reminds herself that there are times when she has to think of real life and those around her. It's why she's reserve with people and likes to see and know how they are before becoming closer. juliette dislikes it when people judge others as many people have misjudged her lots of time, but than again she knows it's only human nature to do so. So juliette has to remind herself to not be so biased and try to be fair and see the gray within the black and white. Life is never that easy. juliette knows that for sure although the struggles are never that easy to deal with, but that what makes life refreshing and the rewards favorable. Anyways, juliette prefers to compromise instead of choosing or doing one over the other, unless it's sports or something easy since most things in life can be judge fairly without complicating the matters further.
— Even if juliette can remind herself all of the positive things in life, she knows that the negativity has to come and go as well. juliette can be impulsive and say and do things that may make her regret it afterwards and may also seem insensitive and like a jerk, too. This can make her become stubborn if she's a firm believer of something or doesn't want change as she has been comfortable with how things have been. It could also mean the changes of doing one thing one way and now having to do it another way. Sometimes it would make her clumsy, not because she has two left feet or is accidental prone, but because she's unfamiliar and unskilled with it all. Which leads to her being absentminded at times as juliette either forgets and gets lost in the focus or is mentally tired and wants something to distract herself from it all. Somehow stuff life this can make juliette passive-aggressive without her realizing it. Even if she's frustrated or angry, she'll keep her composure in a calm-like way, but her voice and words will betray her as they'll come out differently then she has initially wanted it to and may sound different to the receiver.
— All in all, juliette usually says that she's the best example of the saying, 'don't judge a book by its cover'. juliette knows that people will already think of her one way or another not because they know her, but because they know of her or of how she portrays herself. juliette won't go out of her way to change someone's mind of what they think of her, but she will give them the opportunity to get to know her better if they wish, and to find out what kind of bond to form with her as well. So like before, juliette will act and behave one way or another depending on the level of trust, one on one connection, different forms of bonding, and the personal closeness she feels with someone on those many levels. For juliette, once you step into her life and want to be a part of it, she's forever got your back and will be there for you to her best ability. She doesn't forget those who have done her good or wrong, and pays it back ten fold except the evil part. those who done her wrong, she lets karma get back at them for that.

background juliette was born in france and lived there for several years before moving to south korea with her mother at the age of eight who missed home as juliette's father was a diplomat within france and continued to stay there due to work. her father would visit as often as he could or vice versa, but it was usually rare. anyways, juliette's mother gave her a french name instead of a korean one as her mother quite like the name. and upon moving to south korea, her mother still used the french name since they lived in the area where of seorae village within banpo of seocho that had a small french enclave, but shortened it to julie for easier use for her child when out of the area and such.
juliette was one of two trainees that joined late to be train as a member for sonamoo, but she was one of three to be first introduced to the public officially. despite being just a visual and a vocalist, juliette is also quite skilled in dancing and acting. she tries to put her efforts in everything she does alhough she may not be the best at one thing or another, but she doesn't mind being okay at them all. anyways, while she filmed the miracle, juliette had to get into the role and the romance part of it all, despite not having been in love, she imagined the feelings based upon the stories of what her mother told her. anyways, when the romantic and idol happened, she wanted to take part in it to experience such a thing and see where the path of love, or like, or romantic feelings would take her.
juliette has appeared in the following:
— [2013] Secret - I Do I Do music video
— [2014] OCN Gwishinboneun Hyungsa, Cheo Yong (Park Seulgi in ep4)
— [2014] Secret - I Do I Do (Japanese Ver.) music video
— [2014] B.A.P - 1004 (Angel) music video
— [2016] The Miracle (Kwon Siah) web drama

— rain [enjoys the sound of the pitter-patter and it soothes her]
— beauty products [especially nail polish for the colors and body sprays for the fragrances]
— sports [prefers playing them instead of watching unless in real life]
— horror, suspense films [loves the thrill it gives her while solving the plot itself, although real life is a different story]
— fruity drinks [especially alcoholic ones as it tastes better to her]
— seafood [just not a fan of shellfish, although will eat the other different types of fish]
— chick flicks [they bore her and can't stand the drama that ensues]
— veggies [just doesn't like them and will pick them out of her food unless they're super tiny in portions]
— dark colored soda [just doesn't like the taste of them]
— actual berries [prefers artificial flavoring unless mixed in with baked goods]
— playing games [usually mobile ones]
— snacking [all the time, she always seems to have some form of food on her]
— online shopping [it helps pass time and a different form of window shopping to her]
— photography [likes to make memories and so captures thing in the moment if possible]
— reading [helps to let her escape into another world with different characters and such]
— cursing in french [as to not have others understand her]
— making faces [while in a moving vehicle for fun or out of boredom]
— running her fingers through her hair [when she's nervous or is waiting]
— spacing out [usually happens all the time if she's not being focused]
— talking to herself [it's usually a checklist or to-do list of what she needs and wants to do, but it's an unconscious habit] 
— thunder [it makes her anxious when she hears loud booming sounds that irks her ears]
— lightning [because it could strike you at any time if not careful]
— creepy crawlies [just dislikes them because of her male classmates back in school]
— being alone in the dark without lights [just the thought of not being able to see makes her anxious]
— reptiles [same as the crawlies, but they freak her out more]
— has an accent when speaking Korean and french [due to growing up in france and south korea and speaking both languages simultaneously]
— will unintentionally start tidying up [if she sees a mess, she'll clean it up, or rearrange some things without thinking, and if going out to eat, she will stack up plates and cups to help the workers to carry it easier out of habit in a sense as juliette used to live alone and so knows when to pick up after herself as no one will actually do it for her even though she did the same exact thing back home as her mother had taught her]
— pretends she's ambidextrous [as she can build up her motor skills, mainly a righty]
— only eats cheese melted [it tastes better to her that way]
— sips yogurt through a straw [quicker and been doing it since she was a toddler]
— can't sleep without hugging something [it comforts her to know she's holding on to something, especially when it's soft]
— wakes up at exactly 3am to use the toilet [not sure why, but it happens all the time]
— smells books before reading them [saw a kid did it back in elementary and became a habit]
— tears her food when eating [prefers to do it this way, especially if it's finger food]
— wore braces for three years [had a very bad over bite]
— is allergic to onions [small bits are okay, but if anything in large qualities is a no-no, wants to try onion rings]
— took her five tries to get her driver's license [she thinks it was just nerves and that the instructor probably hated her]
— finds porcelain dolls super creepy [can't stand them then and don't like them now, was never a doll kind of person growing up. she had stuffed animals and toy cars and such]
— strongly dislikes soju [by itself it's gross, she has to have it with something else]
— handles alcohol well [only if she eats in-between, if not she's screwed]
— has an Ideal Type [someone she likes that will make her feel different and she would see him differently than those around him {meaning that her special someone will stand out despite them being surrounded by crowds of people and what not, and even when alone}]
— can do balloon animals [only limited to a sword, dog, and swan]
— skilled in ball tricks [spinning on her hand, juggling on feet and knees, and fancy hand and foot work]
— can be a bit of a sore loser [if the game is rigged or the other side cheats]
— despises force aegyo [hates it with a passion and being forced to do something that is so awkwardly cringe-worthy and so-called 'cute', but if for fans and a request that she can't escape, she'll go through with it with a slight grimace] 
— is blood type A [but feels like she doesn't fit the a type status]
— low-key fangirl [even though she loves music and sings along, she will fangirl silently and always enjoys seeing and hearing people do what they love to do, as she doesn't openly express her hardcore fangirling just only by herself. even in public she'll bop her head to the music and cheer when needed and in control of her feels, with her members they know]
— multi-fandom fangirl [is pretty much a fan of anyone and everyone as long as they have her interest]
— music is life [listens to it at night, doing a chore, asleep, driving, reading, whenever she can. she enjoys a variety of music and from around the world]
— better at choreographed dance routines than freestyling [as much as anybody can 'dance' per se, she prefers a choreography routine]
What do you think about this program?   i think it seems like a cool and fun program and for it to be back on after a while. it must mean there's definitely something exciting that's bound to happen, right?

ideal type?  honestly, i don't really have an ideal type. it's more like, if i like you, then i like you type of thing. but i can say for sure is that my ideal type needs to have an attractive smile.

what did you hope coming to this show?  to make an adventure and experience life through another mean of interactions with others and to give things a try and to get out of your comfort zone of sorts.

Anything you want to say?  to the cast, viewers, and staff, please experience this adventure along with me and let's make lots of memories. whether good, bad, and in-between those moments.
tuan, mark
birthname mark tuan yien
stage name mark
little (family, MEANS ROOSTEr)
markiepooh (jackson, fans)
birthday september 4, 1993
height & weight 175cm & 59kg
group & position got7 & main rapper, dancer, vocalist, visual
personality Mark is surprisingly actually a very mysterious puzzle that is like a ninja and mischievous kid when he wants to be and depending on who he is around with, too. Usually no one can quite understand him unless he wants you to understand him give or take a few moments here and there, but other than that Mark keeps to himself and causes no trouble, unless it's s and family as he's quite playful. honestly though, everyone likes him. Majority of the time Mark's quiet not because he's shy, but because he prefers to listen and observe before making any moves and adapts to his surrounding in a polite and reserve manner. When he wants to show off though, he'll definitely show off just enough to dazzle and leave them wanting more. Mark doesn't express himself with words really well, but more with his action, but still it's not as easy as he can be a little awkward at times as well, but he seems to hide that pretty well, or so it may seem. Anyways, Mark is more carefree, relax, and just lives his life day by day and hopes tomorrow is another adventure for him to create memories with those around him and just live in the moment. but be cautious as mark can be a bit possessive, has a temper that he can control well, but don't set him off, and to him, pizza is life.
first meeting briefly met during several music shows when sonamoo was promoting cushion and got7 was promoting just right. juliette really liked the choreo for just right. upon meeting on the show, it was kind of a cute awkwardness as they knew of one another and their group, but never really got to know each other on a friendship level and such. after polite introductions and small awkward conversations, they somehow got onto the topic of birthdays and realized they are only ten days apart and decided to treat each other comfortably. then conversations became smooth-sailing when they talked about their home country and such and juliette suggested them speaking in their other language and could only respond to one another in other langauges without using korean. she envies him that he knows two-three more languages than her and so he offers to teach her english and mandarin and throwing in a bit of japanese just for fun.
interaction professional at first, but find out that they're born in the same year and the same month, so become friends especially when they debuted within the same year, too. treat one another with respect, but close, but not too close. thoughtful towards one another and care for each other. playful banter and teasing a lot with these two. like mark would move her hair out of her face and move her out of danger's way or laugh at her when she trips over air or runs into the door or something like that. juliette would straightned out his clothes and slightly fix his hair or glare at him with how effortlessly he looks so good at doing everything with ease and laughs at his cracked-like laugh and tells him he's just funny to her. she usually chuckled silently every time his awkwardness comes out and finds it quite cute for some reason, the same thing with mark towards her. when cheering each other on they would use their native respective language as a sign of closeness and only for one another or sorts.
ending choose one another as they felt a better connection despite it being seen as just a friendship type, but their love is a secret from others and public. act like just real close friends in public which helps their actual relationship, but private in their own life with those that they tell and trust.


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