JUNIPER  :   서지하

birth name : seo jiha  [ 서지율 / 芝河 ]
nicknames :  
squirtle : lots of people noticed jiha's signature smile, the squirtle grin. it's something that jiha has never noticed before but many others have. her smile resembles the pokemon squirtle a lot and so the fans address her as juniper's squirtle. 

doll face / baby : to most of the fans, they were surprised to hear that jiha was one of the oldest in juniper and not the youngest! it was because of jiha's young looks that the doll face and baby nickname came to be and how it can confuse people.

grannie / grandma : the members and lucky-cat trainees call her this a lot since she's one of the oldest and she's kind of like the average grandma who's sure to embarrass you one way or another but most of the time, jiha is clueless when she is being embarrassing which often gets her flustered and confused. 
birth place  : sinseol-dong, seoul, south korea
hometown : sinseol-dong, seoul, skr  ( eighteen years )
                         manila, philippines  ( five years )
                         yongsan-gu, seoul, skr  ( three years - present )
birth date : 03.18.1991 + 25
blood type : ab
height and weight : 163cm and 49kg.
languages :  
korean : jiha's mothertongue is korean and she is fluent in the language. although she had lived in another country for five years, jiha used her native language almost everyday whilst contacting her friends and family in south korea. jiha speaks slightly faster when using this language but not too fast that you couldn't understand her. although foreigners do get confused when hearing her speak.

filipino : since jiha had a filipino friend in her middle school and highschool years and had become very close to her, she offered to come with her friend back to the philippines once jiha graduates from highschool. jiha took this as an opportunity to learn new languages and is now semi-fluent at the philippine's national language, although she does a few typos and mispronounces a few words once in a while.

tagalog : during her second year of staying in the philippines, jiha had wanted to learn the 'original' language of the philippines. however, she constantly forgets the difference between filipino and tagalog, causing her to mix it up and not learn the language properly. jiha's skills with tagalog are basic.
face claim : brave girls' yujeong
backup face claim : girls day's hyeri
appearance : jiha has gotten her hair dyed several times, though not too drasticly different from the last. the first was a dark brown, which turned into mahogany to a blonde ombre then to the colour it is now, a light chocolate colour. jiha has also gotten treatment to make her skin just a tad bit lighter because she was heavily influenced by others since the korean beauty standars are light skinned but decided to keep the skin that she currently has, which is literally a shade lighter than her natural skin colour. 

( sorry, i couldn't describe her to her faceclaim because there are many close-ups of her for me to know what little features she has. jiha is exactly like her faceclaim Xo ) 

style : most of jiha's style is monochrome with splashes of light pastel colours. most of the time, jiha would wear sweat pants and a normal t-shirt as she doesn't really care for fashion. during the summer, jiha would wear shorts and skirts, though all of the skirts she owns are box plaits because jiha likes the look of them. in most summer outfits, jiha likes to show her stomach because she feels very proud of it. during winter, jiha would wear the fluffiest wooly or stuffed jacket or coat and a wooly turtleneck. jiha's styling is very simple and casual, which often makes her the least fashionable in the entire group but she's the most casual of juniper.
personality traits :
amiable, felicific, helpful, uncomplaining
timid, cautious, uncritical, pendatic.
description :
jiha is a very helpful and kind person. she's always trying to bring the good out of all people and will often find happiness when others are happy. she's never rude while greeting or talking to others and if she does, which is completely unlikely, jiha would apologize straight away with a 90 degree bow. jiha is also very uncomplaining. she doesn't want to bombard others by what she says and doesn't get upset for what is given to her; instead jiha will take whatever's given to her wholeheartedly and doesn't complain. even if this means dealing with the pesky members of juniper.

on the other hand, jiha is very timid and shy towards strangers. sure she'll continue her happy virus attitude but there is always this sense of insecurity in the back of her mind that keeps on nagging her. this nagging sense makes her cautious around people and even around objects when she feels this off presence about it. because jiha is always trying to make everyone as happy as she can, jiha can also be uncritical about the situations around her. for example; someone makes a mistake but jiha would not point it out because it could make someone upset. the last negative trait jiha possesses is that she is overly pendatic. she's overconcerned about little things that shouldn't be worried about like small dance moves that aren't relevant.    
background :
from birth, jiha's family wasn't always a happy bunch. before she was even born, her father turned into an alcoholic and went out during the nights which caused jiha's mother developing depression since she loved him too much. now back to when jiha was born, an hour later - the nurse found that jiha's mother had kept on bleeding which was abnormal and died shortly after from blood loss. a few months later, jiha's father died from alcohol binging and the four month old jiha was given to her father's younger brother, kangjun when he was only 20 years old.

life for kangjun and jiha was tough but was better than when the toddler was with her father as she didn't have much proper care back then. kangjun and his girlfriend cared for the toddler greatly as kangjun managed his worklife with his studies to become a teacher. when jiha grew older with time, she had always knew something was wrong between the connection between her parents and herself. when she was ten years old, jiha overheard that she was adopted off of kangjun's brother when he died and it caused her to have a tantrum and run away from home. at the time, jiha had always thought that kangjun and his girlfriend was her parents. jiha came back only a few hours later because she was hungry but her 'parents' explained the whole situation and forgave her for running away.

jiha in elementary school often went to a girl who had transfered half-way through the year. the girl was laarni kim, a half filipino-korean who had come to korea on her mother's behalf. jiha always thought that laarni was always upset so made it her mission to make her happy. it took her up until her middle school graduation to make laarni her friend but it was all worth it in the end. when jiha was eleven years old, kangjun wanted her to not be lazy and took her to dance class. the only class available was hip hop so he took the option and jiha was forced to take it. of course, jiha was against dancing because she had no experience with it but soon learned to love dancing, especially hip hop. jiha even learnt how to do intermediate dance moves by the age of fourteen. at the same year, kangjun and his girlfriend married after being in a relatonship for sixteen years.

the following year, when jiha was around the age of fifteen, kangjun's wife gave birth to little park lee-ah. the family was ecstatic for the new addition of the family but kangjun was enraged soon after when he found out that lee-ah was not even related to him by blood. lee-ah was the offspring of another man. in his rage, kangjun claimed the parential rights of lee-ah and divorced his wife, leaving him to care for two daughters who weren't even his in a way. up to this point, jiha always thought that school was the hardest thing alive until she realised how hard it must've been for kangjun to maintain everything by himself, so jiha found herself a small job as a janitor at a small cafe to try support the small family.

whilst maintaining that job, jiha graduated highschool with flying colours. before the graduation, laarni asked if jiha would want to come to the philippines to live with her and so jiha accepted. with the money that she had saved up, jiha gave it to jangsuk so he could support three year old lee-ah and she started to live her life in manila. jiha began to learn the language and lifestyle over on an online course and soon worked as a small time hip-hop dance teacher to little kids. she got lots of money from the job and laarni started to undergo a training to become a flight attendant. after five years of living in the philippines, jiha decided to move back to south korea and so she moved into an apartment in yongsan-gu, seoul after laarni' training was comfirmed.

when she moved back, jiha was relieved to speak korean once again. she then found a job at a ramen shop and worked there as a waiter and a cashier. she even located the dance studio 1million so she could learn choreographies and keep on dancing. jiha's neighbour, who she first thought to be a stalker because he works at the same ramen shop as a cook and attends 1million too, often cooks for jiha because she can't cook very well; instant foods or homemade foods. he then told her after four years that his cousin once went to lucky cat entertainment to train but didn't get chosen for the group. jiha wasn't very interested but kept the name of the company in the back of her head.

soon after, jiha and her neighbour, jinyoung along with some other participants from 1million were chosen to dance a choreographer but the filming was to be done a different day. a girl offered that they'd go to a park near where she lives, near the incheon area to practice. jiha was the last to leave because she had not done the dance moves properly and although jiha was not busking, a scout saw her and offered her a place as a trainee in lucky cat entertainment. jiha, remembering the name of the company accepted the offer.
likes :  
○  hip hop ( music & dance ) 
○  cute objects and animals
○  spicy foods
○  night time ( stars & the moon )
○  fairytales ( more on the cultural side of fairytales )
○  art ( mainly sketching and doodling )
○  loud noises or yelling
○  citruses
○  getting things wrong
○  tight clothing
○  staying up late and sleeping in

habits and hobbies :  
○  flinching when someone is yelling or at loud noises
○ pouting when bored or alone
○  sketching scenery or people when travelling

others :  
○  jiha is a casual participant of 1million, meaning that she takes classes from the choreographers there and learn their dances. she was even in a few videos as a dancer but jiha always volunteers to be at the back all the time. she started going to 1million when she returned to south korea and still goes there till this day.
○  jiha has an intense fear of thunder and lightning; she'll hide in the dorm's closet until someone coaxes her out of it.
○  she can sing but her voice becomes very unstable and airy once she does so and that is the reason jiha doesn't sing. she once sang but it caused her voice to become very scratchy and uncomfortable.
○  jiha has never swum before and doesn't know how to swim
○  she has a cute woolly sock collection to keep her little feet warm during winter.
○  jiha has a fear of people being angry at her 
○  she once did a harry potter sorting house test and she got into hufflepuff
○  her favourite fruit are bananas
○  her favouirte vegetable is celery 
○  favourite food is vietnamese pork rolls 
○  pokemon is her favourite show and loves the nickname squirtle.

family :
park kanjun +  45 +  maths teacher.
 kangjun is jiha's uncle and she has been living with him for almost all her life.
he is the one who constantly reminds her of what to do and what is wrong and
right. he is a single father though kangjun thinks of jiha as his own. jiha loves
him and cares for him constantly because he kept sulking when she left the
park lee-ah +  10 +  elementary student.
 lee-ah is jiha's little princess. she constantly pampers the little girl and listens 
to her whenever she wants to vent because 'little-girls'. because lee-ah is
teased a little at her school because her father is her maths teacher, lee-ah is
proud of everything she does and everyone she knows, especially her 'sister
friends :
laarni kim +  25. + flight attendant.
 jiha's half korean, half filipino friend, laarni is the one that caused her
personality to be so uplifting. after moving to south korea, laarni was always 
so upset which made jiha always want to cheer her up. because of this, the 
two grew closer and they even lived together in manila for five years. the two 
still keep in touch and skype each other every so often.
gong cheolbin +  20. + lucky cat trainee / member of juniper.
 jiha finds cheolbin to be a little ray of sunshine in her dance classes. since they
both have a dance focus, the two found themselves becoming friends and are
well aqquainted with one another. the two enjoy talking to each other since 
both their personalities are similar.
jung jinyoung +  24. + university student.
JINYOUNG IS JIHA'S EVERYTHING. WHEN SHE CAME back from the philippines, she
found out that this guy was everywhere. jinyoung is jiha's next door 
neighbour, he worked at the same ramen shop where jiha did and even 
attends 1million with her. at first, jiha thought that this dorky boy was stalking
her like some weird yandere but it turns out he was going to the same location
and was doing the same thing as her, except jinyoung attends university.
yoon hyereong +  22. + potential member of juniper.
when jiha first arrived at lucky cat, hyereong always glared at jiha and the
younger girl always wanted to steal her praise. so as time moved on and jiha
and hyereong once had to work together, jiha kept helping her as she would 
to anyone else and to jiha's surprise, hyereong became more friendly to her 
and the friendship soon blossomed.
stage name : jiha  [ 지하 ]
position : main dancer, rapper
talent twins :
miss a's jia
trainee duration :  six months
trainee life :  
although jiha came into the training scene quite late, she still collaborated with the other trainees and tried her best to catch up on what she had missed. jiha finds the company and its trainees to be a little desolated but family-like, since most trainees are close to each other because of the small amount of actual trainees.
most of the younger trainees in lucky cat made her a little intimidated since she was only around the age of 24-25 when she joined which is a much older when some trainees began training to be an idol; however she made up for it with her experience with dancing.
going to the lucky cat entertianment building was no hassle for jiha, since she could always catch the train to and from where the building was and where her apartment was. when going to the building to train in the morning, jiha would always stop past the local bakery to get some food to eat.
i've spent my entire life thinking i should've been someone else.
it's time to be me...yes, i am a squirtle; not a human.

           — seo jiha
username and nickname : aimashou and tilda.
comments / questions / suggestions : i'm really excited for this fic! btw, if you see jupiter instead of juniper it's my bad because for some reason i had used both names in this application.  
scene suggestions :
○  eunsong, cheolbin and jiha are unintentionally looking at guys and jiha gets teased for it
○  jiha attends 1million after her debut and everyone notices her
○ she goes back to the philippines to meet laarni once again and its a sweet reunion

password : attention!


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