An Open Letter (Stuff I Couldn't Say)

To OW: God, I wished I never even spoke to you. All you did was put me down, criticize me and my choices, my friends. You wanted to make yourself seem like such a little angel and you weren't. You called my best friend fat and a user. You had no RIGHT to do that! You didn't even know him, where as I had been friends with for seven years at that point. You RUINED the sacred mother/daughter bond with my mom. I can't believe you tried to take my place! The day we went to go visit my mom in the hospital, you never let me hold a conversation with her. I was so hurt and angry, but I couldn't even do ANYTHING because you would turn it so that YOU were the victim. Not only that, you CONSTANTLY interrupt me when I'm talking to someone. And don't even get me started on how manipulative you are. You leave out truths so once again, it seems that you're the victim. You use your sob story of a past to garner sympathy. I swear you have unresolved abandonment issues. The thing that hurt me the most was the comments on my uality. When I came out, you BLATANTLY refused to accept it. Instead, you told me I wasn't and that it was all in my head. I even OFFERED to give you resources to help you understand it and you didn't even give them a look or even the time of day for that matter. Its people like you that make me think I'm not normal and that there's something wrong with me. Does it even occur to you that what you say could hurt someone? Because those comments made me think thoughts that haven't invaded my mind since my senior year of high school. And another thing, how DARE you say I should leave my fandoms? My fandom friends are some of the best people in the world and you have NO RIGHT to say that I should leave something that I'm passionate about anI'm happy to be a part of. I'm glad you're out of my life and that my mom finally saw your true colors. All you did was cause me anxiety and emotional pain. Good bye forever.


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Hugs from here.
nkenyang #2
Amen~! Good riddance~ Booyah!