Nakamura Shun

stronghold • canta • 7


the basics.

name » 

Nakamura Shun.

nickname(s) »

Su (read: soo) — by the trainees only. It's a way to familiarize himself.

birthDay » 12 December 1990 (27)
birthplace » Osaka, Japan.

hometown » 

Osaka, Japan (1990-2012)

Seoul, South Korea (2012-present)

ethnicity » Japanese.

language » 

Korean — conversational. He has been there for four years, and has found himself with a slightly accented voice at certain annotations, but other than that, he's completely fine with talking (although grammar mistakes/errors can be found here and there...).

Japanese — fluent. He hasn't been returning to Osaka for quite sometime, so he wasn't very trained in speaking again, but he'd find himself overjoyed and could talk pretty understandable enough in case he found another Japanese speaker.

face claim » Kim Myungsoo 

backup face claim » Mark Tuan 


appearance » Often called the 'God-like visual' or 'Charming Shun', Sun definitely has all the looks of perfect. Pale white skin, nice eyebrows, sharp jawlines, and nice dark brown hair. Oh, and they're natural (albeit with a touch-up with smoky makeups really accented everything). His eyes tend to stare deep into people, in a rather calm, soothing way. His body is rather toned, but recently dieting has definitely thinned out his arms and legs. He pierced his earlobes, although he didn't use it any longer, and has since closed.

style » Black. It's all black.

Daily X X

Airport X X X

Training X X X

Casual X X

Formal X X X

"do what you love, make the best of it. "

" the world's against you, but remember that you're not alone."


He who sings scares away his woes.

plotline » 002

personality » — shun tends to be known to others as a person that is outspoken in his words; he genuinely doesn't care whether people started questioning his image, but he prefers to stay intact to his real self and going against the ways of common. maybe his ways are slightly vain, but as long as this guy knows what he is doing, you can be rest assured that he isn't going to back down from the slightest wind of trend or change. this does get slightly problematic when you realized his confidence actually may build up and he fetched that chance a little too far. but honestly, it's really his hard tough cookie shell; he will try to focus up on learning something until he gets them right, and then, he will build the self-esteem he will need by enchancing his strength instead of weakness.

— which actually bought us to the fact that his moral compass isn't very clear; it's true that he greatly focuses himself on achieving what he truly wanted, but whether it is a good stuff or not genuinely depends on his thoughts and impressions of people. with people whom he gets annoyed at, he might as well newsflash it for them that they're not worth his time. he gets crude and definitely made some seeth their teeth, and so he is more of a powerful tool than a human. he won't do the things people asked him to do [if it's bad], but sometimes, he gets lost and may did the damage before everything is repairable. yet actually, shun is smart and analyse people to think of what their thoughts are, and thus he may understand what these guys felt and would start asking them if they could reconsider.

— though, shun does care for people. he still sees humans as humans and if not to severe, he will talk them out of their thoughts if no one else dared to. it's just that, he might be harsh in his words, but he gets the experience good enough to make sure that the kids actually gets what they need and not what they want. and he's even willing to fix his errors of words when others told him off that he wasn't being good. it's just one of his mottos; "there's no hateable person if you understand their story". if his team members are actually having problems, he swore that he would avoid being involved, sadly, because he knows they need their alone time. but then if the kids are having none of other's nicer advice, he will pull them for a heavier one. because truly, he tasted the cold bitter air sooner than the others and would protect them as much as he would let them breath.

— as for on-camera personality, he does have a humor. people thought he was pretty stony and shouldn't be a gag-dol, but you would be surprised at how much he can make a fool of himself [like yoochun in girl who sees smells] and entertain people. he would even add subtle dark humors [though it's rare, he did more cheesy ones] that get the viewers to understand him.

— but sometimes people wouldn't get him and he would be left alone. considering that he would quietly back down to show how other people worked hard (e.g. quitting his sharp wits to allow others to talk), it didn't help that sometimes he thought others never particularly wanted him and preferred that they didn't even care [he's haunted with thoughts no one cares for him and he would do the same out of fear] due to the life he got used to. he'll give people what they need, but leave him alone unless he felt the urge to pull someone in to get his taste that they won't be a bad person again.  


Born in Osaka and had lived within a family of three, Shun admitted that he was more of his mother; a former ballerina who now teaches in an academy, Shun has learned a lot more dance than he did in school; although both his parents had never admitted he was talented, although he picks up their moves fast and Hiro could see that their child could've been gifted, they always said he 'did well'. They were thoroughly supportive of Shun, although still recommend him that either he went to school... or else (and surprisingly, while staying in the front line of competition, it's not like he fell down thirteen ranks at one go; it's that they still wanted him a career; just in case his body suffered damages/injuries). He passed highschool with beyond decent scores; although his heart still goes within dancing.

He never really intended to do ballet, though; when he was around 18, he changed his course to b-boying, entering All Area Crew (here), where he still continues polishing his skills, adding up flairs from the smooth transitions of ballet into it. There are some people who made fun of him, still, due to his 'feminine' background as a ballet dancer, but there's so much to learn that he never really thought about it). However, he knew very well that, except if he inherited his mother's dance academy, he's not going to get much payload for his family, or even himself. After compromising with his parents what he wanted to focus on, he agreed that he would at least studied business in Osaka, for three years. He also later moved out from All Area Crew due to personal reasons (it's mainly difference in their styles, for him).

Hence, after finishing his studies (again, decently), he was interested in finding work; and his eyes got into DHG, at least from the Tokyo branch. After partaking there, at the age of 22, as a dance coach. A surprise visit from Jia, whom, not only was impressed with his dancing skills, was also immersed in his face. She wanted him to move out to the Korean branch; and while Shun was doubtful, Jia assured Shun of her help. After a pep talk with his parents, Shun moved to Gwangju in 2013, where he settled down with a host family along with re-training for three more years. It was strange, really; at one point, he was much older than the rest of the trainees, but at another point, he still needs much adjustments to make, such as language barriers. But at the end point, he's managed his debut.

Father | Nakamura Yasuihiro | Scientist | 65 + may 18 |Both of them are rather close, Yasuihiro is keeping a rather open mind about what his second son really wants, and hasn't really feel like comparing him to Yoshida either way. Both of them are different, and that's okay. Shun still calls him to check up whether he was okay or not. | 8
Mother | Kishi Nyoko | Dance Academy owner| 61 + December 03 | the ex-ballerina who is loving, a little naggy, but she wants the best for Shun. Shun reacts comfortably with her like a really proper friend, and Nyoko wouldn't mind if Shun just likes talking. She still wishes that Shun would open up to her more, though. | 9.5

Older Brother | Nakamura Yoshida | Pediatric Surgeon | 31 + June 23 | While Yoshida hasn't made an impact that's large enough, brothers are brothers. Yoshida's currently a lot more busy and tired; hence both of them didn't interact a lot like they were younger. It's understandable, but Shun misses those times. He'd love it if he could ask the elder if he was getting better than his stress or not. | 7


Former Student | Myoui Mina | Idol (TWICE) | 18 + March 24 | He had personally trained Mina for quite sometime before she moved to South Korea, at least. She was a tough nut; hard to crack, similarly to him. Whenever they talked, it's just nothing really personal. | 6/10

Host Family | Gong Yoohwan |Sailor | 55  + August 9 | Yoohwan is often away, and as far as Shun had counted, he only met the man four times in three years, although he knows very well that Yoohwan is a kind person. Both of them didn't talk much, so Yoohwan didn't personally know Shun either. | 6/10

Host Family | Lee  Jiae  | housewife | 55  + November 16 | Kind and patient, Shun keeps a really good relationship with Jiae, and still thinks of her as his own mother. He likes to let his thoughts out many times, hence why both of them are getting along quite well. | 8/10

Host Family's Daughter | Gong Jinsil | Freelance Engineer | 25  + March 24 | Sarcastic soulmates, for the lack of better word. Jinsil and him argued like they just spat out curses with no chill, and assuredly, Jinsil is his 'annoying little sheephead' who draws... stuff in his face at night times, or just plain replacing his laptop graphics for not a single reason than 'for the lolz'. He still wishes to slash or chokes her with snakes in her sleep. Still, they cared for each other really well.| 9/10

Likes »

# Dancing

# Ramyeon in the middle of a rainy night

# His Host Family's dishes (or any food, really)

# Skyscrapers

Dislikes » 

$ His mother's feet (have you ever seen them?)

$ Fights

$ Delays

$ Things falling near him (seriously, being tall is not always an advantage).

Hobies »

@ poking fun at Jinsil

@ listening to music

@ dancing

@ sleeping 
Habits »

@ snores in his sleep

@ picks up his pen's cap repeatedly when bored.

@ sleeps with his phone next to him 

@ his food before eating (at the spoon, ofc).
Fears »

! heights. it's not a severe acrophobia, more likely just an adrenaline reaction to things.

! blood. if there's a reason he never became a surgeon like his brother, it's this. He gets mildly disgusted whenever he sees one drip of it.
Trivia »

& the worst injury he had was at a certain point, where he was doing a wrong barrel turn, he tore apart his fibula and tibia, along with a few tendons. While he managed to continue the performance, he couldn't walk again for two months afterwards. Mind you, he was 19. (and this being a real life story I wished I had credited earlier.)

& if he didn't work in DHG, he would've been continuing his mother's ballet academy. or as a choreographer/principal dancer (that is, if he continues ballet).

& he sleeps with his eyes open, and can unconciously talks while doing so. 

& it's admitted that he was aual and an aromantic at the same time. Don't really think about marrying anyone, if at all. Was in a pretty unhappy relationship before breaking up when he was 20.

& in case of lanugage barrier, use body language! he has gotten extremely creative in this. 

& is the worst when it comes to heat. he sweats. A. LOT.



Music is what feelings sound like.

Position » Main Dancer, visual, vocalist.

backup POSITION » Lead Dancer, vocalist.

Singing Twin » Takuya (Cross Gene) / Jin (BTS)

Dancing TWIN » Seyong (MYNAME) / Hyungwon (Monsta X)
Talking TWIN » Kim Myungsoo. / Lee Sungyeol (INFINITE)

Other language Talking TWIN »

Japanese (Takuya  (Cross Gene))

Variety TWIN » Kim Myungsoo. / Lee Sungyeol (INFINITE)


Brownie Point » done already.



the one and only.

love interest » Lorem ipsum

backup love interest » Lorem ipsum


personality » Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


love story » Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt.


last words.

comments/suggestions » I think I'm bending the rules a little here, correct me if I'm wrong. 

scene requests » food times?

password » Joy + #ffd700


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