Writers Block, HELP


         I'm not even sure where to begin. I'll try and explain this as simple as possible.

So for the past year honestly, I've been having writers block. It's really bad. I don't even know why or how it got to this point.

I've always thought of myself as a decent writer, at least thats what my family has said to me a lot. But now, it's gotten way more harder for me to write.

I have ideas in my head, I picture what type of story I want to write and slowly, I begin to put pieces together and create something.

Next, I begin writing down my thought and structuring the idea together. I get through a good 4 chapters the most, until it all goes downwards.

Suddenly, I begin to loose interest in what I've wrote and not know what to write next, and simply in the end, give up on the whole idea of the story.

All last year, On AFF, I had about 4 or more stories that were published, completed mid-way if not in the beginning, and then due to my discouragement, I deleted them.

In the end, I feel bad and angry at myself becuase people begin to like and enjoy the story just as I am loosing interest and that's not right on my part to give something and not complete it. I know that my apologies won't be sincere anymore if I continue to do this and not change.

My sister said I should just stick to making oneshots, which isn't completely bad but I know that I could do better and challenge myself to completing a full story

I don't know what to do or how to get the feeling I once began with on this site back. I want to write, I want to complete a story, and I want to get rid of that bad feeling that always clouds my head..

Any suggestions?



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I think what you could use is a little bit of a hiatus. I do it when I'm feeling short term WB. I'll take a break, go play some video games, watch a movie, draw, etc. And by the time I'm finished with all those activities, I'm gotten my creative juices worked up to the max. So, yeah, I suggest taking a break from writing, just for a little while. It may seem hard, but it could help you.
Hayaley #2
Do you use drafts? When I first started writing, I didn't and would lose interest or simply ran out of steam to complete the story. When I started using drafts, the story has an end and it helps to make sure the plot, character etc is already developed so chances of not finishing is less possible. It also gives me motivation to get it done.

Other stress in your life can also create writers block. That happened to me recently.
I guess you can start by writing random things then just try to put them together when you have time. Or start by making one-shots then if you think they have potential to be made into chaptered fics, then go for it.