❝ 一緒に行こう。❞ — kwon kyung mi

HelloKitty10755. cortney. 9/10. 積読本.
replace with fcreplace with fcreplace with fc
Kwon kyung mi
"the struggle is part of the story"
FULL NAME — Kwon Kyung Mi
• Mimi + her friends call her this because they think her full name is a mouthful. Eventually Jun started calling her this as well
• Shortie + Jun calling her this because he's so much taller than her and just has to rub it in her face
DOB + AGE — April 14th
BIRTHPLACE — Shanghai, China
HOMETOWN — Seoul, South Korea
ETHNICITY — Chinese-Korean
• Shanghainese + fluent; a dialect spoken in Shanghai and it's her native language
• Chinese + semi-fluent; her main language that she spoke in school
• Korean + semi-fluent; she understands it  better than she can speak it
• English + basic; she choose English as her foriegn language in school
FACE CLAIM — apink's naeun
BACKUP — miss a bae suzy
• when she first came to korea, her skin was pretty tan for an asian, but because she spent so much time indoors for the first couple of months, it turned pale again. However, her skin is now sun-kissed because she goes to the beach every so often to see the sunset. 
HEIGHT & WEIGHT — 165 cm; 55 kg
• outside of school, she prefers to wear loose fitting clothes like an oversized sweatshirt and skinny jeans. Sometimes, she'll wear dresses because she like the way dresses are so flowy.
• in school, her uniform is always very neat. She prefers to wear her uniform exactly the way it's supposed to be because it's too much of a hassle for her to do anything else to it.
PERSONALITY TRAITS — (+) caring, trustworthy, creative, quirky
(-) quiet, shy, stubborn, mysterious
Kyung Mi is usually described as a very quiet girl who always spends her time with her nose stuck in a book or writing stories. She prefers quiet places where she can relax and drift off into her own little world. She's very shy, always prefering to keep to herself, rather than going up to someone to introduce herself. Her stubborness could be one of her good traits at times, while other times, it may be a bad trait. Anytime she makes a decision, she has to go through with it. 

Mysterious may be a good word to describe this girl. Nobody knows much about her because she doesn't like talking and always stayed in the background. Despite being shy though, she's very quick-tempered. If you do something that she doesn't like, be prepared to face her anger. She often hids her emotions but once in a while, she needs to blow up. When she blows up, she starts shouting and hitting things. Even through all that, she's still very caring about other people and she's very trustworthy to her friends. She's also very creative as she's always filled with ideas that she needs to write down.

However, when she's with her friends, watch out. She can talk a mile a minute. Being around her friends makes her comfortable. She knows they won't judge her for who she is and she can always be herself around them. She can be quirky when she wants to be.
• Kyung Mi was born in Shanghai, China to Kwon Joon Jae and Li Tian Mei. Like average Asian parents, she started learning how to play the piano and the violin at a young age, hopefully having some kind of muscial talent. She did, but not enough to make her succeed in life and Mi never really wanted to play musical instruments as a career. Her parents moved to Korea when Kyung Mi was 13, due to her father's company. His father was a banker of a big company and they needed someone to work in Korea and they choose her father.
When she first came to Korea, she wasn't used to the culture so she had a hard time making friends. She found comfort in writing and she used writing as a way to express how she felt. She's always the one that's found with her nose stuck in a book because she loves traveling to different places when she reads. Since she's always reading and writing, Kyung Mi is one of the most studious, though she hates math. 
In high school, she now basically studies and writes in her free time. She isn't particulary fond of talking to other people unless she's close with them. However, there's this one guy that's suddenly taking a keen interest on her and she's not liking the attention one bit.
• close friend - Xu Minghao (17) - student - they always talk to each other in Chinese because both of their Korean speaking skills still kind of .
• creative partner - The Singer-Songwriter (17) - These two feed off of each other's creativeness and imagination. Listening to the singer-songwriter gives Kyung Mi more inspiration to write. 
• flowers
• plushies
• cameras
• pastel colors
• classical music
• mystical things
• daydreaming
• writing
• books
• spring
• rain
• snowflakes
• cherry blossoms
• camera necklaces
• sunsets
• humid weather
• math
• science
• loud noises
• cold weather
• bugs 
• getting up early
• coffee
• criticsm
• spiders
• horror movies
• writer's block
• staring off into space when she's bored
• covering when she laughs
• biting the dead skin off her lips
• carrying a notebook and camera with her
• tapping her lips with her pencil when she's thinking

• her favorite jewel is a rose quartz
• she loves all kinds of flowers
• her favorite camera is a nixon nikkor dslr
• she believes in love a first sight and happily ever after
• she owns a lot of camera necklaces and some are hung up in her bedroom
• she knows how to make paper stars
• she's very talented with her hands and can make almost anything
• she knows how to play the piano and violin
• she would love to visit the cities in Europe
she can keep her frustrations quiet for a long time but every once in a while, she'll explode
• she despises the taste of coffee. she thinks it's too bitter
• the top of her head is actually more recognizable than her face
• she always carries around her notebook and camera wherever she goes
• she's very protective of her notebook and will not let anyone read or touch it unless she gave them permission and is watching them
• she writes stories and puts them around the school so people could read it
• the stories in her notebook are persona



PLOTLINE — The Writer
BACKUP — Xu Minghao
• kind
• caring
• stubborn
• thoughful
• affectionate
• weird
• hyper
• curious

• It started in the library where Kyung Mi was sitting in the corner doing her homework, when someone suddenly grabbed her notebook and started reading it out loud. Thankfully no one else was in the library but those two and the librarian. Getting angry, Kyung Mi snatched her notebook back and slapped the guy with her notebook. Of course Jun would be shocked that someone would actually have the nerve to hit him. But however, Kyung Mi then realized that he read the part that was in Chinese and he could understand it. She was confused but brushed it off. Jun, however, was elated to find that someone else was Chinese and decided that he wanted to know more about her.
So everyday when Kyung Mi came into the library, he would always be near her, asking questions about this and that and asking her if he could read her stories. Kyung Mi was so flustered with the sudden attention because he never noticed her before, so why is he noticing her now?
However, after a while, Kyung Mi got used to the attention and found herself rather enjoying Jun's company. She suddenly got lots of new inspiration and that inspiration rubbed off on a lot of people who read her writing. 
INTERACTION — These two are like Tom and Jerry. You'll always hear the two of them bickering because Jun won't leave Kyung Mi alone and Kyung Mi will always be telling Jun that he's annoying. However, most of their conversations are in Chinese, so everyone besides Minghao are looking at them like they're idiots because both of them are arguing in a language no one else can understand. However, there are times when you suddenly hear Kyung Mi teasing Jun because she's very happy about an inspiration he gave her. Those are the times when she apprieciates Jun because he can get her to open up a little more each time.
STATUS — Friends, slowly starting to crush on each other
I hope you like my app~ It's been way too long since I've done these so it feels good to get back into these... Hope she lives up to your expectations!
• Jun scaring Kyung Mi every single damn time he sees her
• Jun teasing Kyung Mi about her height
• Kyung Mi getting pissed at all the teasing and then slapping Jun with anything she can get her hands on
Meanie and Junhao Couple
replace with l/ireplace with l/ireplace with l/i


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