Underrated Boy Groups (2)

Hello there! This is a continuation from my blog post Underated Boy Groups. If you haven't read that one yet, I'm basically just going to post some Kpop groups whom I feel deserve more attention, along with my favorite MV from them. Please give the music videos a try and see if you like them!^^ 



MV: Hot Game

This group has so many songs, all with different concepts, so you're bound to like at least one of them! There are so many great looking members too, which is always a plus, lol. I highly recommend you look up their other MVs! (Here are a few with completely different concepts: Insane, 2MyX, and Snake.)




MV: So, Dangerous || Dance Version

Okay, so I admit I'm kind of cheating with two links for Up10Tion, but the dance version is 1000x better than the MV in my opinon, lol. If you don't even feel like watching the music vidoes for Any of these groups, at least watch the dance version for this one! IT IS SO AMAZING!!!!!

Anyway, the members in this group are so diverse, and I love it. They're under T.O.P media, so they're pals with 100% and Teen Top. Check out their TV show Rising Up10Tion! :D





24k was originally known as "4k" (with 4 members), but then they added 2 new guys and became 24k! No, that's not exactly how math works, but you have to give them credit for trying! :D. (4k is considered their own unit.)

Anyway, please give them many loves!! U R SO CUTE is actually probably the cutest MV in all of Kpop! I still faint from feels every time I watch it!




MV: Pain

I don't know this group too well, but perhaps that just proves that they need more love! We need to have people talking about them everywhere! Make them like Exo, where it's impossible not to know each member's stage names and real names too! XD.

But seriously though, love them! Or else! D:<


(Get it? The last gif for the blog saying "it's over"? I'm lame :'D ...)

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Part 3 coming one day...lol


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i remember a-jax with hot game in 2012, i used to play it all the time. then they didn't make anything for a long time and i wondered where they were. now they lost a member or something.
Well im not too familiar with A-Jax nor Speed, but Up10tion and 24k definitely needs more attention! Their songs are great as well ^^
(So, dangerous is really daebak material LOLz)
I didnt know thats the story behind 24k's name. Cute hahaha