Talk About It

Honestly, I dont even know how I freaking managed to up question 1 so bad with the spacing already but I'll have to erase everything and start all over to fix it and I'm not about that life. I have been in the woooorrssstt mood today and seriously, nothing is cheering me up at all. Not even music and that is my go to, not today I guess. I think that doing one of these question things might clear my mind a bit so hopefully it works because I don't want to go to sleep pissed off!!



1:Talk about the first time you watched your favorite movie.

    • So my favorite movie is the Conjuring and I actually can't remember the first time I watched it. I knoooow there was a ton of screaming though. 

    • 2:Talk about your first kiss.

    • 3:Talk about the person you've had the most intense romantic feelings for.
    • So his name is Dylan and I don't even know what I feel for him but I know it's more than what I have ever felt for anyone else. But it's ing real  and it's crazy how you can have these feelings for someone. Something that makes me really sad and very very very pissed off is when someone finds out that I'm with him and then they just point out all the bad things about him to me. He is not tthe best looking guy but I really don't care about looks to be honest. He makes me so happy, he really does.

    • 4:Talk about the thing you regret most so far.
    • I don't know what I really regret the most so far but I really do regret the things that happened today, this has me in the worst mood I have ever been in this year like I'm so worried right now and I really don't want to go to school tomorrow.

    • 5:Talk about the best birthday you've had.
    • Really, the only birthday I remember the ost is last years but it really wasn't that great to be honest. I am hoping that this years is better

    • 6:Talk about the worst birthday you've had.
    • I think it was like in 2009, it was Friday the 13th (I was born on August 13th btw) and the first part of the day was great but then it started ing STORMING like you couldn't see 2 feet in front of you. The power went out and we ing heard a tree fall somewhere!

    • 7:Talk about your biggest insecurity.
    • My biggest insecurity is the scar I have on my face. It starts at my chin, runs up the right side of my face where there are still dents in my cheek, and ends at the very top of my head. Sometimes it still hurts and I can practically feel where my skull was cracked open. Yeah, it's nasty af lol. On the first day of school I was asked if someone stepped on my face because of the dents in my cheek. I'm not very insecure about it now as I was in jr. High because my boyfriend, Dylan btw, told me how pretty I was with it and the moment, literally the second, after those words left his mouth I started crying so hard. I cried for like 20 minutes and the whole time he just sid the nicest things ever. 

    • 8:Talk about the thing you are most proud of.
    • I am most proud of the fact that I can tell people that I am part of color guard and winter guard and that I have videos to show my talent. This year's marching band season was absolutely amazing and it was the most fun I have ever had in my life, ever. I was sad when it ended and now I can not wait for our next season.
    • 9:Talk about little things on your body that you like the most.
    • I really like my eyes because my family always tells me how pretty they are and how they look eastern//asian. I also really like my stomach even though it is definantly not flat at all but I think it's cute, escpecially when I wear yoga pants and I don't know why lol, it's just so cute.

    • 10:Talk about the biggest fight you've ever had.
    • I know I have had a few and it was with the two fakest people I have eeever met and will ever meet. I can't even remember what the stpid fight//argument was about but it lasted for more than 2 weeks.
    • 11:Talk about the best dream you've ever had.
    • I had a dream that our winter guard team was performing at WGI (Winter Guard International, a very huuuge competition) and we got first in our class which is a totally huge deal because then we would get bumped up to Scholastic A I think? I don't know but it was very cool

    • 12:Talk about the worst dream you've ever had.
    • I can't really remember any of my dreams because I like never have any so I don't have an answer for this question 
    • 13:Talk about the first time you had /how you imagine your first time.
    • I should not talk about this omfg

    • 14:Talk about a vacation.
    • The last vacation I went on was to Six Flags for 4 days in St. Louis and it was fun. We were obviously in a hotel and our like maid or whatever, her name was Carol and we were talking so much about her because she ed up the way my sister and I had our pillows set up and then my dad even said he would stick a knnife through Carol and my older sister and I were literrally on the floor laughing so hard

    • 15:Talk about the time you were most content in life.
    • .It was in 8th grade when nobody mentioned the bad things about Dylan to me and our classmates only told us and other people how cute we were together. I thought I would never hear some of the things I did today coming from one of my own friends. She pointed out everything that was bad about him and I just walked away from her because that ing hurt me a lot. I have noticed those things about him too, I ing have and I used to hate them too, but hearing someone else say it to me, especially someone I ing trusted, my own ing friend, I couldn't believe she would actually ing say something like that. I got second thoughts about him. I hated feeling like that about him because I really do love him, a lot. I do. But it hurt a lot and if I tell him it's going to break him. I wish she never would have said anything at all.

    • 16:Talk about the best party you've ever been to.
    • I have been to lame parties, okay they are not very interesting.

    • 17:Talk about someone you want to be friends with.
    • Her name was Hannah and she is so stupid now like I can't even look at her with out cringing. She brings a lot of hatred and unnessacary drama into people's life and she is not a good friend at all. I hate her so much, I really do.

    • 18:Talk about something that happened in elementary school.
    • I made my first ing riend and her name was Pheonyx like she is still my babe today even though she is doing her own thing. I met her in pre school and she left in 1st grade, came back in 6th and left again after that. Man, I still love her so much.

    • 19:Talk about something that happened in middle school.
    • I learned who my true friend was and that's my homie Peyton, always keeping it real

    • 20:Talk about something that happened in high school.
    • The best thing that has happened in my freshman year of high school was that we placed third in our clas at BOA which is ing insane because that is the biiiiigggest competition for high school marching bands. I was doing awards and I got my picture taken with the big people. It was amazing

    • 21:Talk about a time you had to turn someone down.
    • Someone tried to ask me to a dance that was on a Saturday but I have a winter guard competition that day so I coulldn't go.

    • 22:Talk about your worst fear.
    • Tornadoes. , if I ever see warnings for one on a tv or hear srens I start freaking the out. I cant not deal with them they seem so scary!! Like omfg it's insane

    • 23:Talk about a time someone turned you down.
    • I tried to ask someone to be my partner for a project we were doing for a class but they said no lmao

    • 24:Talk about something someone told you that meant a lot.
    • When Dylan told me how pretty I was with my ugly, stupid af scar that is visible at all times of the day and makes me feel so stupid when people stare at it for too long.

    • 25:Talk about an ex-best friend.
    • I have never had a best friend that is now an ex-best friend because they were never my friend to begin with lmao

    • 26:Talk about things you do when you're sick.
    • The last time I wss sick was on the 4th of February and I sent Dylan messages throughout the day, knowing he wasn't goinng to be able to see them until later, because i knew he would love them and they would make him smile. 

    • 27:Talk about your favorite part of someone else's body.
    • I really like his hands because they are so much bigger than mine

    • 28:Talk about your es.
    • Lips and hands, I don't even know why lmao

    • 29:Talk about what turns you on.
    • Um I really dont know lol
    • 30:Talk about what turns you off.
    • Still dont know lmao

    • 31:Talk about what you think death is like.
    • Quiet and peaceful and I think that after you get to turn into a ghost because ghost are cool and fun

    • 32:Talk about a place you remember from your childhood.
    • I dont really remember a lot of places from when I was younger and that is a very sad fact

    • 33:Talk about what you do when you are sad.
    • I usually listen to music or write except none of those things are lifting up my mood which is why I decided to answer some questions. So far it has managed to clear my mind but I still probably wont get any sleep

    • 34:Talk about the worst physical pain you've endured.
    • My scar haha what a coincedence that this question popped up here. Seriously though, sometimes I feel like this sharp pain at random times of the day and I've told my parents and they have talked bout it with my doctor that did the sugery like 12 years ago, when I was about 2 years old but not quite, and he said it seemed normal but idefk

    • 35:Talk about things you wish you could stop doing.
    • Biting my nails and not so much but biting my lip and my hand. I don't know why I bite mysel so much but I really do and I need to stop lmao

    • 36:Talk about your guilty pleasures.
    • I dont even know honestly

    • 37:Talk about someone you thought you were in love with.
    • Satan ( jk,, but am I really??)

    • 38:Talk about songs that remind you of certain people.
    • You reminds me of the person that asked me if someone stepped on my face and if you don think that is a song then honey, go look it up

    • 39:Talk about things you wish you'd known earlier.
    • That some people say what's on their mind and they mean it but they dont think it will hurt you when it ing does

    • 40:Talk about the end of something in your life.
      I don't even know

      Honestly, this cleared my mind for the time that I was answering these questions and I'm feeling alright but I am really hoping that those feelings I had don't rush back in while I'm trying to go to sleep because then I'll be up all night. This really because nothing is calming me down and I cant answer questions all night. This really ing .



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(talking bout #4) WHAT HAPPENED!
bruh yo life story~