
I wasn't a liar from young.

I was forced to be one when I turned 13.

I then became a even better one when I reached 15.

Now, I have created a beautiful world, a 'perfect' image, a strong reputation with all my lies.

It isn't the 'boastful' lies. I don't make up things that I don't have.

I don't exaggerate what I have but I exaggerate how I react.

Many people in my life loves to boast. Maybe they just want to express their happiness for what they had achieved? Maybe they just wanna show that they are satisfied? Maybe they are naive to think that they are the best in this world.

I personally believe the last possiblility. These outrageous people who thinks that they are really amazing, who thinks people would fall without them, who thinks no one is better than them. I hate it.


Firstly, I don't know if it is considered as a lie but when people boast about their achievement, I pretended to be happy for them, to be amazed with what they had. I 'envy' what they achieved and that they are 'wonderful' in my eyes.

But deep down, it was the most disgusting thing my ears could accept. Well, if they were to boast once in a while, I'm fine with that. But if they were to talk about how amazing they are every single ing day, like bro, enough of ya okay. Not only do they boast, they pick out my faults, they put me down.

" Oh I've only got like 75 marks for this"

" I've got like 90 marks. Well, if you were in my class with those marks, you would be doom"

"WOW You've 90 marks? You're really smart! HAHAH true, I didn't do well"

The truth is .... . I'm in the elite programme, You and your ing little small brain is in a foundation programme. OPEN UP YOUR EYES. We have a totally different paper, totally different standards.  I don't see the damn need to put me down like this. "Oh if you are in my class, you'll be doom" WELL, try to come to my class, if your big brain could make it.

Well, that's my everyday conversation and it doesn't apply to one person.

I've learned about complimenting people, laughing at jokes that aren't funny, listening to old boring stories attentively because there's a need to do all these to survive. It is tiring sometimes but if I were to show my true self even the slightest bit, I doubt that I would have friends, I would lose the reputation I have tried so hard to establish.

And all these lies are also a part of the reason why I have a nickname. "Emotionless girl" Not really that emotionless, just that I have a straight face on most of the time .


I still have wonderful classmates who were really nice to me. They compliment me a lot even though i know that I'm not that good. I'm trully thankful towards them, I appreciate their words.

"She's so perfect."

"Whatever she does is perfect"


Yeah, most of the people in my country are born with black hair while I'm lucky to have brown hair.

Honestly, 'perfect' is a burdensome word but I know they don't really mean it when they say 'perfect'. Maybe because they ran out of compliments hahha. But I really grew to like them a lot. They don't put me down, they embrace what I have.

These are the people that you need to hang out with.





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