should i not, or yes!


oh hey sup, sweeties.


so aku dah lama terfikir, or terplan(?) nak bukak graphic shop tapi... i'm a little bit lack of confident dan masih tak berani nak bukak otl. pernah jugak nak try apply jadi co-designer dekat some graphic shops tapi lepas tengok designs designers lain yang mesmerising gitu gua terus bla, tak jadi apply okno.

talk about malay designers out there yang rasa nak bukak graphic shop tapi pemalu macam aku jugak [eceh] bolehlah pm aku, kita berunding ala-ala bisneswoman gitew. maybe boleh consider kot kalau aku ada geng/partner. then tak adelah aku macam ketor sangat. krooh.

and for those yang rasa nak request personal dengan aku pun boleh. [ceh bajet lebih] 

ni collections aku. tak semua act ada dekat situ sbb some of them ada dlm laptop lama dan sedihnya, laptop lama tak boleh bukak so byebye. here.


harap bolehlah bagi pendapat korang. sobs.

pebenda tajuk tak kena. eue


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knp link imgur tu takleh bukak grr
bukak lahhh bukak lahhhhh
Baikbaik usaha tangga kejayaan
aku nk jaga bahagian account kedai .kno
You should open a graphic shop!

I like these: (this one is very good! it's so neat) (this one is okay, tbh. maybe you just need to add some colours behind the characters? like use this one as an example: it's to create dimension, i think?)

I'm no graphic designer (bruh I only know how to use paint lol) but I'm pretty sure that your graphics are good enough! :)