Have any of you guys....?

So needless to say i'm getting a bit worried.

I ordered my Teen Top Album "It's" the day it was out for preorder and i have yet to receive it. :/

i've never ordered anything before from Kpoptown and so i don't really know how any of this goes...

I was wondering if any one would be able to help me out? Like, have any of you guys ordered stuff through kpoptown? Or ordered the album as well and have/have not receieved it?

I'm just worried something went wrong or... i really dont know. :/

a little reassurance guys?


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I always order at Kpoptown, and never had any difficulties with recieving anything but it does indeed take a few weeks~ I just got my teen top album in today so.. Just wait alittle longer I'm sure it'll arrive soon~ and if you don't trust it you can always call them or ask about your order on the website ^________^
I have a friend that orders stuff on that site all the time~ And it always shows up in a few weeks. How long have you been waiting?