in need of some comfort...

Dear friends and unknown viewers,

People broke into my house the other day... They didn't take much, really, nothing has been broken despite the huge mess they left behind, and both my cats were smart (or terrified) enough to hide under the couch so they weren't harmed. I'm lucky, I know. They clearly didn't stay around too long once they found the small stash of money I had kept in my room for emergencies. Well, it definitely served its emergency purpose! I'd rather lose a few hundreds rather than having some guys not finding any money, getting angry and breaking things or stealing anything and everything out of spite... Including things most dear to me or representing a lot of work.

My poor cats are under shock. Everytime they hear a noise outside they stop and stare for a few seconds before disappearing under the couch again. I manage to calm them and make them understand we are safe. They go back to their games or to sleep faster and faster as the days go by. 

As for me, I am quite shocked too. Very angry, but also shocked. The policemen told me I was targeted, those guys certainly watched me for quite some time and thought they'd found more money than they actually did. Most probably watched a few other "targets" in the neighborhood as other homes were broken into the same day. 

I've cleaned my house from top to bottom and the door has been replaced so I feel safe here now, but I don't know how to stop feeling so vulnerable and fidgety when I go outside. 

Have some of you gone through something similar? How do you handle it? I don't want to be afraid, that would mean they won, but it's easier said than done. Knowing people you don't know broke into your home, violated your intimacy, went through all your clothes... I feel like I did more laundry in a few days than in my whole life! Definitely not true, but that's how it feels.

And what's worse is that I could walk right pass them out there and have no clue who they are or what they know about me...

I felt I needed to put it all down on paper, put it into words. I hope it will help get through it. And if some of you have some advice, I would be very grateful :-)





02 March 2016

I thank you all very much for your kind words and advice. I'm getting back on my feet, getting my confidence back, and I'm doing much better. Writing about it and about how I felt helped, reading you also helped a lot, even more than I expected.

As you said, I'm fine, I'm okay, I gotta focus on that and not let the fear overpower me. 

Thank you again, hope to read you soon :))))


PS: I got a little cctv camera in my house (great idea!!) with movement detection, just in case. And it's doing wonders for my peace of mind! I recommend +++


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This is so scary! I am so glad everyone is okay and no one was hurt!! I totally understand as it has happened to me too. It is okay to be angry or scared or feel betrayed in some way. Right now, I would just focus on that you and your babies are okay. You have taken great steps to prevent any future problems, and after having your home broken into, it is not likely that they will come back. In the off chance that is not the case, like the others said, be vigilant and careful when you go in and out. Be sure you lock everything. If you have windows, sticking a wooden dowel or long pipe in the track will keep people from being able to slide them open. I have them in all my windows and doors. Also, we have bells hanging on all the doors so we can hear when anyone comes in or out.

I hope that is the end of the scary things for you! *hugs* And once again, I am glad you are all safe!
oh my god this is a seriouse matter and can‘t be taken lightly, but you are safe now, you are fine, no one was hurt and that‘s agreat thing. they have already taken the money and you have changed the doors and locks, and the police said that you weren‘t the only one and you were targeted. so they can be traced and found.
just be careful and don‘t go home the same way every day, even if you have to go longer, it will be safer..
good luck :)
omg this is dangerous but I'm glad that everyone is safe. Try put on extra lock and dont always go out at the same time. If possible try put cctv with alarm. Stay safe .
I remember one time, a few years ago actually, I was living with some guys who ... well, they weren't guys I would want to meet up with again. I remember one day I went to work and came back, and the door to my room had been bust open. There was next to nothing in there, not even money, but a £20 portable DVD player and a cheap mobile phone was all I had in there. Thankfully I had replaced it with a new one so I still was able to communicate, but still ... and I am pretty much certain that it was the guys I lived with, or at least friends of theirs.

As for how to handle it, I guess be thankful that you were targeted? I know it's not something to be thankful for, but it would mean that police should have more to go from in order to catch them than just if it was a random thing. Also, they knew what they were looking for, so they weren't just looking through to see if there was anything good to take. It was precise and measured. Again, might not seem like it, but something to be thankful for? You've done what you can to protect yourself. You've changed the door, changed the lock, done laundry, cleaned everything, there's little more you can do really. Police are looking into it, there were multiple break-ins in the area so there is more evidence ... all you can do is put this down to experience and carry on with each day. Doing otherwise means they've won. I guess ... just be careful? Keep yourself as safe as you can be, be vigilant and just ... watch where you go? *hugs you* At least you are ok now. You can't give up your life for them. It happens far too often that people have things stolen from them and too many people just shut down their lives because of it. Don't let the fear win.