
I've just come back from a cha-no-yu (Japanese tea ceremony) that was sponsored and presented by the Japanese ambassador to Luxembourg. He is a very lovely gentleman and all the staff were very friendly too. They were so understanding of my issues (I am deaf) and I got seated at the front next to the press girl and her photographer. :D The only free spot on the front row that wasn't already reserved for special guests.

It was amazing tho - the main speaker was very interesting and explained about the culture of the tea ceremony, where it came from and how it developed into what it is today. Then the ambassador himself came out to do the ceremony and it was so interesting. G was one of the 'main guests' so his picture is going to be in the papers tomorrow. :D Definitely worth him skipping half a day of school for, he said. hehehe He's got a load of notes and leaflets/papers/brochures to take to school with him tomorrow.

We've signed up for future events too, so I'm really looking forward to seeing what they decide to do next. They had a questionnaire for all the people who attended and there was quite a cross-section of people there. Some younger, some... around my age, some older, pretty evenly split, actually... I do hope they do more regular events like this. It would be nice to meet new people with similar interests, and actually get to use the language, cuz I've already lost so much. I don't wanna get into the same situation as with my German where I don't know any anymore and can't speak/understand it at all when I actually used to be quite good at it. :(

But yes, an amazing night... *sighs happily* About time, really...





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That sounds so cool...