Say u say me

NAME  kwon sojin  [ 권소진 ]


queen eagle : one of the many nicknames that the trainees gave her because sojin had 'eagle eyes' and was almost one of the best rappers in the female category at jellyfish.

soljee : because of an error during sojin's third year of being a trainee, the name soljee appeared whenever sojin was typed in because of autocorrect. kibum heard of this mistake and used it to annoy sojin.

jigglypuff : because sojin can do a spot-on jigglypuff impression, the fans call her this despite her being a rapper. sojin likes this nickname but is frustrated because she can't make people sleep at will like jigglypuff. if she did have the skill, it'd be useful when the other members don't go to sleep at night.

cinnamon bun / roll : made by erica and sooyoung, it was because of her cinnamon roll personality and that her favourite type of pastry is the cinnamon bun. 

BIRTHDAY & AGE  january 2nd, 1994

BIRTHPLACE & HOMETOWN  seoul, south korea



korean : this is an obvious one because sojin is of korean heritage and has lived in south korea for all her life. her korean is fluent and sojin often speaks technically and sometimes fast-paced.

english : the language fluency for english is just basic. the reason why sojin had learnt english was because it was compulsory in her school to learn it but other than that, sojin never really needed to use the language.

japanese : sojin chose it as a language subject because she had really wanted to learn it but after she had finished her two year course of learning it, sojin once again didn't have a use for the language. her fluency level for japanese is conversational.


FACE CLAIM  soloist anda

BACKUP  girl's day's yura


rock ur body

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one of the first things you notice from sojin is her nice toned body, as she likes to go to the gym and exercise. her waist is quite small but fits her physique well and sojin surprisingly has chocolate abs that are noticable but it is rarely shown outside of performances. she also has honey thighs; not too big but also not too small. as someone who would want to be classified as a woman, sojin grew up carrying a nice posture and has an 's-line' but it's very subtle.

the next features you'll see aside from her body are her face. now it just may seem like sojin is intimidating because of her resting b***h but it is just mainly her resting b***h face. many things that could contribute to that specific face can be her slanted and seemingly glary eyes, sharp jawline and prominent cheekbones. sojin was never influenced by the american style of doing make-up but many seem to find her features western-like because of her features. other than that, when sojin smiles or laughs she will always have a cheesy eyesmile that no one will say is not adorable. 

sojin doesn't like to experiment with her hair and it's always the same length and the same shade of colour. there are times when you notice that she has a side fringe or bang and sometimes the brown of her hair is a lighter or darker shade. sojin's skin is a natural tan and can get pale when she hasn't been in sunlight for too long. she even gets faint tan lines on her feet during the summers when she's wearing socks. sojin stands at the massive height of 173 centimetres tall and is 49 kilograms in weight. ( note : anda's actual height is 173, i'm not lying this woman is huge af

sojin's whole closet is full of plain clothing and pastel colours with a tinge of the denim and black clothing. her style is great but sojin doesn't like to buy or wear clothes that are flashy but instead uses everyday clothing to wear. it's how she uses the clothing rather than what she wears in sojin's case. sojin likes to wear sweaters and denim jeans or shorts. usually, sojin wears sneakers because they are her everyday clothing for her.


compassionate, eloquent, independent
ambitious, protective
gullible, forgetful, brittle

despite sojin's y facial expressions, a.k.a resting face, she is very compassionate to others and will often give up her time to help others. even with the behind the scenes' staff; when sojin has time she'll buy food for the stuff with the salary she's been given with and thank them for their hard work. when speaking or even rapping, sojin's words come out clearly and it is obvious what she is saying and what it means. it comes in handy when handling six other girls. sojin as a child grew up to be quite independent. her parents often had to handle sojin's twin since she was so destructive that sojin had to learn how to do things by herself. sojin knows how to handle situations calmly and how to end it quickly without any other complications. 

sojin can get quite ambitious at times and can often push herself over the limits sometimes. thought most of the time, her ambitions for a goal is for a good reason, the members of lauv know better than to mess with her ambitiousness. another trait sojin possesses is that she is protective. when sojin gets to know someone, she can get really protective over their well-being and is generally concerned for them 24/7. 

because of her tendency to trust people very quickly, sojin can be gullible to those who want to take advantage of it. she doesn't realise sometimes that she could be used for others' but sojin generally blames it for her being over-trusting to avoid making that person feel bad. during the most important times, except for being on stage and performing, sojin often forgets things that she had to do or had to say which will cause the members to laugh and tell her afterwards. now all things would eventually have to be worn down, including sojin. she's not sensitive but she takes note of all the sensitive things people have said about her and once it gets too much, sojin will burst. she'd usually let it out when people aren't around but if it's a serious case, sojin would just burst out crying on the spot. it takes a lot of time for her to calm herself down but only a few days to forget and keep on going with her life.



 sealife : specifically all types of sharks as she finds them more cute than ferocious
 mint : sojin loves the flavour of mint and brings a packet of mint everywhere
 romance : cheesy and sappy romance is sojin's kind of thing, it always makes her squeal and act all giddy
 swimming : sojin loves swimming and her favourite is freestyle
 classical music : it was the style of music she first fell in love with first
 pastries : the sweet breads are her favourite, especially cinnamon buns
 stuffed animals : not to be taken literally but plushies are her go-to to buy



 birds : she can't get over how scary a bird's cawing can be at night
 scary movies : no, don't even
 hip hop : just because she's a rapper, doesn't mean she's into hip hop
 sour foods : she can't stand the taste and it makes her vomit
 dresses : sojin doesn't like any types of one-pieces and doesn't like the shortness of modern dresses 
 slow wifi / signal : sojin can't stand this because the circle that says 'loading' irritates her so much that she'll stay mad at her phone for at least an hour. 
 spicy foods : unless you want to see sojin stick her tongue out while under a tap, feed her some spicy ramyun or chilli and see the above.


 sojin loves to go to the aquarium because of all the fishes
 she'd like to go cage diving to go see sharks up close
 sojin's toy shark that she sleeps with in the dorm looks a lot like this xx 
 her instagram is @kwonji12
 she had a twitter account but didn't know how to use it so deleted it straight away
 her favourite number and letter is 20 and S
 sojin doesn't watch anime but doesn't dislike it
 prefers live actions and real life acting shows instead
 she'd like to go skydiving one day with the members
 running man and weekly idol are her favourite variety shows
 sojin would like to star in a show of some sort, any show
 has an 'illegal' snapchat that is not approved by the company but sojin uses it anyways because her fans love it.
 her snapchat is full of everything from cute videos, sojin in filters, food and her filming the ultra cute members of lauv.
 digimon is her favourite anime of all time
 pokemon is her favourite game of all time
 sojin can do a spot-on impersonation of the pokemon jigglypuff
 has once sung 'I can show you the world' as jasmine but was using 'jigglypuff' language, so technically it sounded like - 'jiggle jigglypuff~ jiggle jiggly puff~'


light up the darkness

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STAGE NAME  soji : it's simply just sojin's name without a letter. to be honest, sojin always prefered soji over sojin because it sounds much more cuter + according to erica, it makes her seem less intimidating and less y to some people.
PERSONA  lauv's charming gem : sojin chose this persona because she has a tendency to charm people with her looks and stick out in a crowd like a hidden gem. 


POSITION  leader, main rapper

BACKUP   lead rapper, vocalist


SINGING TALENT TWIN  lee jihyun + im yoona

DANCING TALENT TWIN  kwon mina + lee sunkyu

RAPPING TALENT TWIN  noh hyeran  + hirai momo

TALKING TWIN  yoon bora + choi sooyoung




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TRAINEE YEARS five years


during her first few weeks of training at jellyfish, she was first intimidated by the amount of males and how intimidating they all looked, looking at you leo. eventually, she grew past that and continued training. her vocal instructors were disappointed with her vocal skills and eventually moved her around to the dance department. things over there didn't work as well as they planned and only in five months of being in jellyfish entertainment, sojin has moved from the singing department to the dance, acting and modelling department until they decided to make her focus on rapping. fortunately, sojin fit well with the rapping department even as an amateur. sometimes around the company building, sojin would be asked by many people if she was foreign because of her looks. sojin would laugh it off but some trainees would try to prove that she isn't korean, which was funny at times.

thank you for being born

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on january the second, 1994; sojin was born around the time of midnight as the new day begun. she was the youngest of a pair of identical twins, the oldest being kwon seojin. sojin had an average life whilst growing up and didn't feel the need to be extravagant or showy unlike seojin. sojin had average grades and a decent amount of friends too. five years after the twins were born, they had another sister to join their family - kwon nayoung. 

when sojin turned fourteen years old, she had gone to watch 'swan lake: the ballet' live with her mother. at first, sojin was disappointed because she really didn't like ballet or dancing but when she went there, sojin found a new thing that she loved. when watching the dance, sojin instead kept listening to the music that accompanied the dancers and fell in love with music. after watching it, sojin insisted that she would get singing lessons so she could accompany the music with her own voice. 

three years later, sojin's voice hasn't improved at all but she was still confident in singing. when one of her friends suggested that she should audition for an entertainment company and so she auditioned for the company which her mother once worked at, jellyfish entertainment. at the auditions, sojin met jung sooyoung who was four years older than her but they instantly got along well. along with succeeding the auditions and becoming a trainee at jellyfish entertainment, sojin balanced her family life and school life well together. it seemed like a balance of everything, except that sojin didn't have much time for herself. 

sojin's grades in school disappointed her family a lot. she wasn't exactly a 'grade-a-student', in fact sojin struggled to get a b- unlike her two siblings, who got high marks in every test. she never really cared for studying for tests and listening to class but she wasn't the type to get detentions during class. only occasionally, sojin would get a fifteen minute detention for sleeping during lessons. during her last years in highschool, sojin actually started studying for her end-of-year exam because she had wanted to graduate from school. luckily, she barely managed to pass with an a-.  at least sojin felt proud of her grades throughout her school years because she had never failed any tests; just barely passed them. the only class that sojin managed to get a high mark was korean literature and physical education because she had a knack for those two classes.

when sojin turned eighteen, her father celebrated by bringing the twins to get their driver's lisence. seojin had already gotten her lisence for driving a motorcycle at the age of sixteen. it seemed like a good idea at the time, until seojin had failed her test before even driving the car and soon after, sojin had crashed the car because she thought that there was a wasp inside the car, which turned out to be a bee but either way it was terrifying for the eighteen year old sojin. ever since then, hyungsoo forbid the twins to never drive again.




kwon seojin : challenging, tough, troublesome, obnoxious
this girl is known to be 'sojin's nice side' because people often confuse seojin for sojin because they are identical twins. they labelled her as the nice side because seojin always appears to be smiling but she's the devil on the inside. seojin is more superior over sojin because she is only eight minutes older than her and the fact that she was born on the first of january makes it seem like they were born in different days ; sojin was born a few minutes after the day ended

kwon jiyoung & kwon hyungsoo :
( j ) courteous, disciplined, demanding, moody
( h  ) tactless, feminine, graceless, sympathetic
these two fifty-three year olds are the forever couple in the kwon household. since they are the parents of the three girls, the two often bicker and are kind of feminine too ( hyungsoo i'm looking at you ). although only one of the three children still lives with them, the couple love to spoil their children and regularly call to see if anything comes up. jiyoung was once a vocal instructor at many musical companies; dsp, mbk and even jellyfish entertainment but quit once she reached the age of forty-nine and became a housewife while hyunsoo has a high job of being the manager of the seoul louis vuitton shop. he one day hopes that he could spoil his girls with the expensive brand but jiyoung forbids it.

kwon nayoung : hearty, honest, impatient, timid
this is the youngest of the kwon family. she's very bright and is a mixture between her sister twins. she looks exactly like seojin and sojin but is relatively shorter than them because she is only sixteen years old. instead of having a devil personality like seojin, nayoung is extremely shy and is brutally honest.




yoon erica smith :  confident, humourous, stubborn, sensitive
although sojin is two years older than erica, she likes to treat her like she's a baby at times and there's lots of teasing and hugging from sojin to erica. the british-korean was actually the first to think that sojin wasn't a full korean and did a thorough, as in searching through the internet, about sojin and insisted that sojn was in fact american-korean. although this was not true, all that snooping around erica did kind of made their relationship just a tad stronger.

jung kibum : foolish, courageous, vague, colourful
idiot. the one word that describes jung kibum the most is idiot. kibum was once sojin's neighbour but moved away due to financial issues but met once again in highschool. he's always trying out new things and often getting himself injured with some unintentional slapstick comedy. kibum is also one of sojin's only friends who'd where the more bolder side of fashion. he's the same age as sojin but he's like a five year old to her.

kang sooyoung : cheerful, stern, appreciative, intolerant
this 26 year old woman was sojin's best friend while training at jellyfish. they originally met at the auditions and were in the same group while auditioning for the entertainment. formerly jung sooyoung was a singer and she interested sojin a lot because her appearance was quite angelic but she's just really adventurous and not afraid to punch someone in the face. however, sooyoung decided to quit being a trainee and marry her boyfriend, kang heegun in 2014. she currently is a stay-at-home mother and has a one year old child, kang jooyi. sojin enjoys baby sitting jooyi and likes to be around sooyoung when times get rough.




jung taekwoon :  timid, generous, attentive, affectionate
now these two go way back, not entirely but they've known each other for at least five years. taekwoon, or now known as 'leo' was one of the trainees' at jellyfish that first intimidated her. leo felt sorry for scaring her and apologized. afterwards, when the two walked past each other in the company building, he'll make sure to wave or say hi to sojin. either way the two are simply awkward together, especially since sojin still has goosebumps when leo looks at her.


sojin doesn't exactly have a love interest. she's an independent cinnamon roll who seemingly doesn't understand the meaning of personal space. 

as the leader of lauv, sojin finds the need to feel connected to all the members of the group on a personal level. it's not that she's being a pedo or anything, it's just that sojin needs to feel comfortable with them in order to lead them. after she feels comfortable, any type of skinship is allowed mutually and sojin always glomps the nearest member.

i'm ready to get hurt

COMMENTS/SUGGESTIONS  lol i changed the title for the love interest section XD 
i'm sorry this came so late! i've been busy with other things so this was really, really late! i also feel like this is really barren, as in the app, so please tell me if anything is wrong or missing! thank you for taking the time to read this!


sojin has a solo 'call me bae - jimin feat xiumin', i don't know why but i think that would fit in very well XD   /  you can choose the artist if you do use this scene

PASSWORD  just the two of us by aoa

turn in back to story


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