Gaarh! What to do?!

So, I've been quite busy with life and I'm in a deep, deeeeep, deeeeeeeeeep slumb. I want to write but all I manage to jot down is absolute nonsense from banging my head against the keyboard. When I first got into K-Pop I was so inspired! It was new and exciting and all these ideas started to join hands and dance butt around in my brain while chanting 'Just do it, just do it, you wuss, you wuss!' And yeah, I got angry at the voices so I did it. I started writing and writing and now... The ideas have let go of each other and put their pants back on. And its kind of sad because now I sorta miss those jiggly butts dragging their perky behinds along my cerebral cortex.

I have ideas, I just can't be bothered to write the stories anymore or rather the descriptions. Those fudging descriptions. It just feels as if I'm repeating myself, over and over and I hate it because I at it. End of story.
That is why I had the idea of making a comic instead. Only problem is... I can't draw and then its really fudging difficult making a comic happen if the characters look like this:

Stick_figure.png    <--- Do Kyungsoo


I mean, it could work but the heavy emotions would run a little dry. 
I just hope I'll be able to find someone to draw it for me or maybe wake up one day and be able to draw the out of anything. That would be a good day.
Of course there's also a third option which is to stop ing about all of this and just try and write again. And try harder, like really hard. Like until my headbanging against the keyboard turns into beautiful coherent sentences and my ideas drop trou againagain and flashes the inside of my brain until I turn epileptic. 

...Guess its third option for me. 
At least for now. 




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