What really grinds my gears

Read at your own risk, some points might want to question why you even added me as a friend, I just want to let go of some things

Something - like a rant list

You know what really grinds my gears?

First things first

• "Stay away from XXX(BIAS), he's my husband!!!"


• "Do you wanna travel/go to North or South Korea later? :---)"

• When people call exo "kings", I used to be an exo-L in the beginning....honestly all they did was losing 3 members, and people still treat bands like bts or got7 like rookies on events, that's not ok too

• "Be more confident!" I grew up to "self-praise is no recommendation", so stfu, I'm not going to change

• Today I got reminded why I don't tell my friends anything

• "Dead cats/dogs are the best cats/dogs" good u don't like them, but when one says they like them don't ing say that

• People who remind me every day that they're vegan and/or vegetarian, like dude, ok, I got it the first time you told me

• "Put on less makeup" "Why do you put on makeup? You don't even have pimples to cover!" "Does your eyeliner have to be that thick/long/perfect?" "You must be needing two hours for your makeup! When do you stand up???" LET ME YOU ING ES

• my father

• my brother

• my homeroom teacher

• everybody

• "Do some sports before you sleep/drink tee/drink hot milk/take pills" you think I haven't tried everything?? I still can't sleep and then fall asleep everywhere

• My mom wants me to marry, possibly at 21, I'm 19............funny, do you actly know marrying means someone likes me back??

• My mom thinks I have a boyfriend I hide from everyone, yeah mom, I wished that too

• When people don't want to understand how horrible it is to have asthma and wake up at night, breathing so heavily you can't fall asleep again for hours, same with just moving a lot outside or laughing hard inside a building

• "Disney/cartoons/etc are for kids" #Bipper #Billtriedjamminghishandbecausehefounditfunny

• "Grow up"

• "Space and the like is only for hipsters!"

• I'm scared of driving stfu I'm gonna learn driving one day, just not now


• "dancing Japanese gays"

• "You've become such a girl"

• "Wow you're really hungry, why do you eat so much/can you even eat all of that???" <- every single ing person when I buy sth in the recess

• Made a lot of new friends in 11th and 12th grade, they only know that my nickname is steph, bc I can't tell anything more bc it's uncool

• Stop pressuring me, I can't ing write essays, I never had talents to write like that and I'll never have

• "Omg you followed a fashion/whatever-trend, you're suddenly such a hipster"

• I might have no confidence at all, but making fun of my insecurities af does not not hurt me #thanks

• "You don't do sports?? You don't even jog a few miles every now and then?????" no, i dON'T.

• "That's not ladylike" "Swearing is unattractive" what do I even have to lose???? xD

• My mom expects me to have kids, nope mom, forget it

• "Get a job you love! But you gotta earn a lot of money, so don't do anything creative/artistic!!!"

• actly, my family is all about earning/getting money

• My friends don't understand that I grew up with "do what your parents say as long as you're under their roof + maybe even later on", so when my parents say no, it IS no.

• Yes, a mosquito is small, my allergy isn't

• People who make fun of things you really find serious



rly needed to let it all go

now bye, I'm off doing my ing term paper


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OMF, a lot of what you listed pisses me off as well, but mainly these:

• "Wow you're really hungry, why do you eat so much/can you even eat all of that???" <- every single ing person when I buy sth in the recess

people in our place keeps on commenting about how i look, and tho i know i should not listen to them, i still do. and now i have eating issues, it's bad but i can't help it but yeah, i'm trying.

• I might have no confidence at all, but making fun of my insecurities af does not not hurt me #thanks

Sometimes, people are insensitive af and it makes me want to slap the outta them.


• "That's not ladylike" "Swearing is unattractive" what do I even have to lose???? xD

Lol i swear every time, plus saying it's not ladylike is so ist lol. Nobody said ya can't do this or that just bc you're a 'lady' pfft.

I'd tell you not to mind them if it can only help, but let's face the fact that you'd still mind these people at times, but I guess what you can do is just let them have a taste of their own medicine. If they comment smth nasty about you just smile and say smth nice in return, it'll annoy them. <-- i do this most of the time huehuehue
daejae-bap #2
I completely get what you mean about the whole family/job/earning money thing haha
Life is a , I swear.

And omg I totally feel you about Exo. Like no, Exo are not kings. They are not THE best. They're just another kpop group out there. Being popular does not make you the best or most talented. Get the outta here.
i feel u. basically everything on this list man.