Gratuitous Q & A (tagged by headinthebooks101)

For this one I'll only tag Vickey, Wendystopian, Nami98, and ihavefreetime because basically all of my friends have already done this tag and I'm the lonely little duck left. 


1.  What is your name and what does it mean?

My full name means "good" in Sankrit.


2.  How long have you known your best friend?

Almost 6 years holy that's a long time.


3.  What position do you normally sleep in?

On my sides, mainly.  I move around alot when I sleep.


4.  Were you a part of any “clique” in high school?

I was a part of this subgroup of popular people.  I hung out with the nerds and skaters too.  My tennis team was like my second family.  I was everywhere in high school basically.


5.  Who was your favorite teacher in high school and why?

My tenth grade English teacher Ms. Ifill and my spanish teacher Mr. Tubby were the BEST teachers in the whole entire school.  They were basically the two teachers nobody hated and I loved being in their classes.  They were so involved with their students and they cared about what they were teaching.  They went out of their way to make the subject relatable to us kids.  They were cool people apart from that too.


6.  Do you wish to travel a lot?

God yes.


7.  Did you participate in any sports while in school?

Tennis ftw


8.  Show a sample of your handwriting.  


9.  Have you ever given blood?



10.  Do you like the way that you grew up?

I regret some things and wish I could have cared about doing well in school a bit more but I think my childhood and teen years went by okay (JUST FREAKING REALIZING I'M NOT ACTUALLY A TEENAGER ANYMORE OMG HOW TO BE AN ADULT PLS HELP)


11.  Do you like your siblings? Why or why not?

The little bro's an alright kid.  He'll have to do. lol just kidding, I love my brother.


12.  How did you meet your best friend and why did you become friends?

I met my best friend when she was trying out for the tennis team back in high school.  She was across the courts and one of my other friends wanted to know who she was so I legit yelled "hey girl in the yellow tank top, what's your name?" and she was like "joan" and later I found out she actually lived a few apartments down from me.  So we were like neighbors (but the little had to move) and we're still best friends to this day.



13.  Name one movie that made you cry.

Hum Saath Saath Hain and I basically never cry watching movies but this one makes me sob.


14.  Do you prefer to read poetry, write poetry, or neither?

Definitley read because I like to analyze and connect to it more than I like to try to write it.


15.  Things about someone which you find attractive?

He knows about my AFF so I'm not going to comment because he might find this and try to display all the qualities I find attractive but he should already know that I only have eyes for him.


16.  What song are you currently listening to?

Canvas by 4MINUTE and it literally just switched over to 1Verse by J-Hope


17.  Have you ever broken a bone? If so, how?



18.  A random memory from your childhood.

I used to eat sticks of unsalted butter as a child.  Oh and I really liked having tea parties with my stuffed animals.


19.  Where did you grow up?

My parent's house.


20.  What was the last thing you watched on TV?

I'm currently watching The Walking Dead season premiere. HELL YEAH ES


21.  Do you think you’d make a good parent?

I'm going to be the best parent ever, just watch.


22.  Would you like to meet any of your AFF friends in person?



23.  When is your birthday?

In November


24.  How many pillows do you sleep with?



25.  Do you wear glasses? If so, how long have you been wearing glasses?

Yes I do.  I've been wearing glasses since I was 8 and I'm practically blind so I always have them on.


26.  What color is your hair?

Dark brown, close to black.


27.  Name five facts about your appearance.

I'd rather not.


28.  What is your favorite soda? 

Dr. Pepper


29.  What is a strange talent that you have?

That really depends on what you consider strange.  I'd like to think all my talents are perfectly normal.


30.  How’s the weather right now?

It's cold.


31.  Why did one of your friendships end?

I was a .


32.  Who do you miss right now?

Everyone I haven't seen in a while.  Mostly one of my cousins because we've had to go through a lot lately and I haven't been able to physically hug her and that makes me sad.


33.  Why did your last relationship end?

HAHAHAHA my love life isn't anyone's business


34.  Are you still figuring out who you are?

Yes, of course.


35.  Have you ever been admitted to a hospital? Why?

Yeah, I stepped on glass once and had to get stitches.


36.  What is your favorite restaurant?

Taco Bell


37.  What is a word you always seem to spell wrong?

okay always comes out as oaky but that mostly because I type too fast


38.  Would you ever adopt kids?

In this stage of my life I'd rather adopt than have my own but I'm not sure because my perspective could change.


39.  What is your favorite kind of pizza?



40.  What was your first thought when you woke up this morning?

"Get off me" because this morning my dad though it would be a good idea to sit on me to wake me up this morning.


41.  When was the last time you got really happy and why?

Sarah sent me a voice note on Kakao and she was singing Fools by Troye Sivan and I was just so happy I swear I was going to marry her right there and then


42.  What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?

Strange is objective.  I have never eaten anything strange from my perspective.


43.  How do you start a conversation?

Literally you could go up to anyone and say "hi" and that starts a conversation


44.  What’s a band you’ve been obsessed with lately?

I'm always obsessed with Fall Out Boy.


45.  Do you come from a family “of money”?

this question.


46.  Do you have a bucket list?

Yes, I do.


47.  What is your favorite series of books?

Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Inheritance Chronicles, Gone series, etc.  I could honestly go on.  You guys know how much I read.


48.  When was the last time you laughed so hard your stomach hurt?

My mom made me laugh after she brought up one of our inside jokes.  The timing was just right and I laughed so hard for a good ten minutes.


49.  Where do you go when you’re sad?

I listen to music and start writing stories or I just come up with ideas for stories.


50.  5 random facts about yourself.

  1. I'm afraid of growing up.
  2. I don't really like being a kpop fan anymore but I love the music so I just tolerate fandoms now.
  3. I love my cousin more than ever these days.
  4. I'm not sure if I have a boyfriend right now or not.  
  5. I worry too much about things I should worry about and about things I probably don't need to worry so much over.


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I was just about to watch the TWD premiere omg I'm not sure I'm ready ;_;
Also, your writing looks like an actual font you could use in Word or somewhere lol I love it
I hadn't done this one omg you're horrible :D
WendyClary #4
I haven't done one of these. I guess I have to do this sometime? (Or maybe never...heh).
It's good to know a little bit more about you! :D I especially loved the last question because one of your answers was "I'm afraid of growing up". It just tells me that I'm not the only one who is daunted by the thought of being a legit adult.
Q. 21 omg.
*plays bruno mars 'marry you* <33333
"I worry too much about things I should worry about and about things I probably don't need to worry so much over." - me af ;_; gdi.
You are cherished and loved and all things good in the world okay? Okay.