completely gratuitous Q&A

I'm posting this from my phone so if it looks weird.... └(゚д゚)┐

taelighted, you're tagged.  And anyone else who wants to do this.  Link me if you do!




1.  What is your name and what does it mean?

My name’s Emily and it means “jealousy” or some shiz #nice


2.  How long have you known your best friend?

The concept of best friends has always been strange to me because—generally speaking—I have to be quite close to someone to consider them a friend, but I guess that’s neither here nor there. Anyway, for the sake of brevity, I’ll just focus on Alicja. We’ve known each other for...two years? Since 2014, I believe. Ye.


3.  What position do you normally sleep in?

It depends on where I’m sleeping, but I usually sleep in this sort of hybrid position where I’m partially on my belly and partially on my side with one leg drawn up.  


4.  Were you a part of any “clique” in high school?

LOL nawww. I literally had one friend and it was my cousin. But I did have a class with this one girl who ended up being a good friend of mine later. But yeah. I was a loner by choice. Didn’t want to be there, didn’t care for anybody, didn’t think high school would be relevant in four years, etc.


5.  Who was your favorite teacher in high school and why?

The two teachers I got along with weren’t actually my teachers, like, ever. But they were cool and analytical and Not Dumb, and we got each other’s jokes. One was a chem teach and the other taught English.  


6.  Do you wish to travel a lot?

Heck yeah, son. Always wanted to. I’m fascinated with linguistics and culture so naturally I want to visit other countries—or even ethnically colorful areas of the U.S. I’m so down for it.


7.  Did you participate in any sports while in school?

Does running away from social interaction count because Jesus H. Christ 


8.  Show a sample of your handwriting.  


9.  Have you ever given blood?

Nope but I’m gonna


10.  Do you like the way that you grew up?

My parents raised me super well so I can’t complain. Any negative influence in my life growing up was from other people. I fought a lot with my dad, but it’s only because we think on opposite sides of the spectrum but get riled up over the same stuff. The one thing that set my parents apart from others is they always gave us plenty of room to think for ourselves/form our own opinions. That was pretty great and I’m thankful. (But let’s be real: they didn’t have a chance in hell to keep us from being headstrong and independent LOL)


11.  Do you like your siblings? Why or why not?

They aight. ヽ( ´¬`)ノ Naw, I’m super tight with them despite our age differences. I just get along with them well, I guess. My sister and I are practically twins in both looks and personality (with enough differences to spice it up) while my bro and I have mirroring cognitive functions. We cool.


12.  How did you meet your best friend and why did you become friends?

I just commented a lot on RWW and we were on the same plane of thought and yeah. Now we talk every day unless we’re introverting and it’s p gr8 10/10


13.  Name one movie that made you cry.

I can’t tbh.


14.  Do you prefer to read poetry, write poetry, or neither?

I like to manipulate my drunk bff into writing odes to alcohol, that’s what. But I write a crapton of poetry tbh and I’m tryna get published like fr man ayo. Also Neruda is life. 


15.  Things about someone which you find attractive?

LOL hands, voice, way they carry themselves, sense of humor, intellect (no matter what kind), music taste, etc. Not being intimidated by my intelligence. I know that sounds pretentious af, but it’s nearly impossible to be with somebody like that even when it only bothers them. So yeah: confidence.


16.  What song are you currently listening to?

I’ve been in such a Foreign Fields mood lately so anything by them. Gotta get ‘em on vinyl, too.


17.  Have you ever broken a bone? If so, how?

lol I’ve done everything except break a bone. Breaking a bone would have been simpler, though. 


18.  A random memory from your childhood.

Being a little frightened when I saw my grandmother in her casket because her hair was fixed all wrong and she looked so severe instead of soft and pretty like she always did when she was alive. 


19.  Where did you grow up?

On the Gulf Coast in Alabama. 


20.  What was the last thing you watched on TV?

Diesel Brothers. It’s my fav.


21.  Do you think you’d make a good parent?

Subjectively? No. Objectively? Probably.


22.  Would you like to meet any of your AFF friends in person?

Heck yeah, son. Deh.


23.  When is your birthday?

September 3rd. It’s also my niece’s birthday so PRETTY COOL STUFF


24.  How many pillows do you sleep with?

Legitimately like eight at once. Don’t shame me.


25.  Do you wear glasses? If so, how long have you been wearing glasses?

Yes and since like the second grade.


26.  What color is your hair?

Chestnut brown. My sibs have black or deep dark chocolate brown hair and I always felt a little sad about it tbh. But then one day I realized how utterly hairy I am so now I’m quite grateful about having lighter hair. Thanks, God.


27.  Name five facts about your appearance.

I’m hella tall; my hair is long as frick; my lips are shaped like a cowboy hat; I have olive green eyes; and my fingers are extremely tapered. 


28.  What is your favorite soda? 

I go for Coke when my blood sugar bottoms out but otherwise I’m a Barq’s root beer sort of person.


29.  What is a strange talent that you have?

Purposefully annoying my friends until they delete me off Facebook.


30.  How’s the weather right now?

Seriously? The weather? Not cold enough. (C_C)


31.  Why did one of your friendships end?

I dunno, man, people change and grow at different rates. You can’t be angry at that.


32.  Who do you miss right now?

I’m not, like, actively missing anyone, but if I think about it I suppose I miss my grandparents.


33.  Why did your last relationship end?

I’ve never been in a “real” relationship, fam. The closest I ever got to one was a years-long friendship with a guy I ended up falling for. In the end he couldn’t be the friend I needed. It happens. We’re cool now and he still squeezes me to death when he sees me. I think I was probably one of the most important people in his life; he just wasn’t interested romantically and we got to a place where my character development exceeded his. 


34.  Are you still figuring out who you are?

Yes and no. I know who I am for now—but I’m also always growing and changing and spreading. It’s just an introspective journey to acquaint myself with the new parts of me.


35.  Have you ever been admitted to a hospital? Why?

Quite a few times, actually. When I was thirteen I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Nobody is diagnosed that young, so obviously I was in pretty bad shape at the time.  


36.  What is your favorite restaurant?

I don’t have one, but I could go for the hot lips platter from Wing’s right now. Or some seafood from the causeway.


37.  What is a word you always seem to spell wrong?

Sometimes I mistype lol as pol. That’s about it.


38.  Would you ever adopt kids?

Heck yes!! It’s my dream. Seriously.


39.  What is your favorite kind of pizza?

Anything with spinach or bell pepper as a topping tbh.


40.  What was your first thought when you woke up this morning?

Something about the repairman coming probably.


41.  When was the last time you got really happy and why?

The other day when I was cooing to my niece saying “I—love—you!” and she was grinning sooo wide and then she mimicked me and said “I love.”


42.  What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?

Dehydrated worms covered in cheese powder. Wasn’t bad.


43.  How do you start a conversation?

The heck do I know lol


44.  What’s a band you’ve been obsessed with lately?

Foreign Fields? But I wouldn’t say obsessed.


45.  Do you cone from a family “of money”?

Lol no, Jack.


46.  Do you have a bucket list?

I have a list of the places I want to see and experience, but that’s about it. If I want to do something and I get the means and opportunity, I’m just gonna do it. As long as the consequences are reasonable.


47.  What is your favorite series of books?

Probably the Anne of Green Gables books by Lucy Maud Montgomery.


48.  When was the last time you laughed so hard your stomach hurt?

Probably in the past few weeks sometime. That happens a lot.


49.  Where do you go when you’re sad?

I’m always sad Jesus H. Christ


50.  5 random facts about yourself.

I’m a decent singer; I bake all the freaking time; I like football and golf; I’m super into classic cars/trucks; I have this pandemic sensory fascination.






lol there was no point to this at all


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also the eight pillows thing....same I love having a bunch of pillows

I'm your best friend ;_; Also we sleep in the same position which is so freaky XD I always need a pillow or a teddy bear under my leg tho. Your running from social interaction is just lame man what the hell how am I even friends with u

Watch Interstellar or FMAB you dip mAYBE THEN YOU'LL CRY

The memory of your grandma broke me tho XD I remember seeing my grandma without her teeth for the first time like?? GAWD

ily thank u for tagging me
- i did not know Emily=jealousy oh my god this changes everything
- i'm anemic so i can't give blood but u lucky
-is it bad that i'm questioning where the gulf coast of alabama is
i dont know geography
-i too enjoy annoying friends to the brink of social media deletion
-i'm just going to message you "pol" at random intervals
- dehydrated worms covered in cheese powder- i am cringing
- please bake for me bc i can't bake worth and once i burnt a hole through a metal pan
7. Did you participate in any sports while in school?
Does running away from social interaction count because Jesus H. Christ

^^^preach pREACH P R E A C H
ur handwriting is actually a font how the hell do u write legibly. my chicken scratch literally looks like some foreign language half the time even i cant read it LOL
Your handwriting is goals.