From the Mind of an Author

I think most authors (or maybe a few) would agree with me when it comes to a certain topic which are comments. How?

I can say that it is difficult when it comes to comments especially for me. No, I don't deny those who comments to give me tips on how to correct my writing. I support those critics. But I mean comments like these: 

Update soon.

When can this story be updated?

What about this story?

When will this get updated?

I don't know how to respond to these at all if that's all there is like without any information about the chapter they just read. No, I don't want to be rude and just say something like:

I don't know

I am not sure

It'll be updated soon

It will be updated soon

But what else can I say? After being here for a year, I can say that comments like that do frustrate me. If there aren't anything about the chapter and it's just that, then I don't know what to say. Really. I don't enjoy repeating my own answers, if no one takes the time to check other comments or author's note. It is there for a reason, ya know? Does anyone read author's notes nowadays? 

If someone might ask me what I would like to see in a comment, then it's just simply if they enjoyed my chapter and if they talk about a certain moment they liked. That would be good enough. Even it is simple like this:

I really like this chapter!! Can't wait to see what happens next.

That would be fine. But another person could argue back saying that they show their enjoyment through their comment that is:

Update soon

Okay, sure. I guess that could be reasons for other people but just imagine seeing that same comment for a whole entire year. Just two words. How could I tell if you are sincerely enjoying my chapter if it is just two words? Really? Maybe if there is some kind of symbol next to it, then sure...but it would barely pass.

Update soon^^

Eh. Better, I guess...? But really, I would like to have a conversation with my readers rather just saying thanks to something I constantly see in every story I have. You can call me selfish or whatever compared to others who barely have any comments on their stories. 

But wouldn't you be frustrated from seeing the same thing for a whole year or for other writers, more than a year? Seriously, don't judge my words before you actually put yourself in my shoes. 

If someone would ask how frustrated I am at the moment, then I would say I am on the brim of deleting all of my stories. Every single one of them. Gone. Forever. 

I'll even show you it on a scale from one to ten. One is calm while ten is extremely irritated.


Just on the edge. But I won't take out my anger on you guys. I'm sure several of you actually do comments that are rather amusing to read. 


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Sunyoung_96 #1
I agree oppa, I know how it feels. :)
I know how frustrating that is... It's like your work is worth a decent comment, I mean you spend hours or days thinking about some events for the next chapter and hours or days to write it down. I see comments like that in a lot of stories and that piss me off, in my opinion it would be better to not even comment if was to say "Update soon" that's annoying... I think they should at least thank you for your work.

I agree with Razang, try to revise your writing, some Korean words on the stories are quite annoying, because some don't know what it means or don't know how to pronnouce. And something that in my opinion you should never do is "Gwenchana? (Are you okay?)" that's even annoying...

And another thing, I hope you don't get mad at me, and I don't want you to feel sad for what I'll say... I know everyone have their personal lives and are busy with it, school, work, social life and such, but as a reader wait long for a update is frustrating too... Especially when the author have another stories that we sibscribed too, sometimes it takes so long that we have to read the previous chapter to remember what happened so we can read the update... And sometimes when the previous chapter ends with A misterious we get more eager for the next chapter... But the author take some time to update and when it does, the mysteries and secrets are not uncovered, or it's uncovered at the last line of the story, that get us more eager for an update and we know that will take long for that...
If you could take one or two hour during the weekends to think about a chapter and write it, maybe it will help to update faster...

I'm just saying my thoughts, I hope you're not bothered for my words...
I love your stories, and for me you're a great author! ^^
white_lone_wolf #3
If only people can understand authors are human and have their own lives too u.u
(No offence intended, if you feel offended then it's not my problem. It's not my or an obligation to reply and say "sorry".
Same concept author, it's not an obligation for you to update your works just cause people wants you to update.
On the bright side, you could see how people like to read your stories! ^-^
I enjoy reading your stories too! Though I love to read it, doesn't mean I would want to pester you to hurry update it in fact, I would prefer if you take your time and slowly write it, if the story is too rushy, it isn't really enjoyable.

So maybe you could just ignore those comments just like Razang similarity implied. OR, you could view the comments using a positive mindset. Anyways a rushy work isn't enjoyable :(. Good luck on your writings and real life! ^-^ Have a nice day too!
PS. I'm a silent reader :D
It's always like that with comments. People are lazy or just don't care. There are certain accounts that comment those things on every story they are reading, it's annoying >.< You should think if your are writing the story because you like to write and share it with other fans or only for the comments&up votes.

If the comments are those "update soon" ones mostly, then the chapters might be missing something, I don't know exactly what but there might be something. Maybe it's your writing style, or that you don't describe feelings and what's happening around the characters enough. Some writer don't use spell check and reading a chapter with many typos is kind of frustrating. Also using korean terms and writing the words in english can be annoying to read at times, so maybe use only Unnie and Oppa, and not add any other korean words in a story. The issue might be the way you write your characters. Maybe they are too perfect and are good at everything.

I'm not trying to make you feel bad or hurt with my comment, just trying to give tips for you :) I hope you understand that.

Try not to let those comments affect you, but I know it's hard.. Good luck! :D
i feel you oppa :( .. really.. you should post this as an update., lol..