『 TWENTY 』 —  미오。

full name : song manhwi.     송만희. 松蔓姬 
nicknames : 
 basic variations of her name.    man, hwi, man-ni, etc. 
 myong.   a play on her full name (and her stage name), this is mostly used by the other twenty members and the younger moon entertainment trainees that manhwi is closer to.
variations :  myo-myo, myang, etc.

birthdate : 01. 07. 92.
birthplace : daechi-dong, gangnam district, seoul special city, south korea.
hometown : daechi-dong, gangnam district, seoul special city, south korea.
ethnicity : korean. 
languages : 
 korean.   manhwi's native language, she's been practically speaking this since birth. it's not much of a surprise considering she was born and raised in the heart of seoul.
 english.   manhwi knows conversational english, she's been taking english classes ever since she started her schooling. manhwi may have horrible pronunciation, but she can read and write quite well, despite being stumped on bigger words and some grammar rules.

like a mannequin
faceclaim : park kyungri : nine muses.
backup : song jieun : secret.
height & weight : 172 cm & 53 kg.
bloodtype : b+.
appearance : as a teenager, manhwi was notorious for her good looks. and, with all modesty pushed aside, she still is. with the proportions of a goddess and her natural beauty, manhwi matches the appearance of her faceclaim almost to a tee. the only real difference between manhwi and her faceclaim is a small splotchy birthmark that manhwi has on her right hip.
style : manhwi's style tends to match her faceclaim's.         click
why am i like this?
traits :
 pos.    confident, urbane, genuine. 
 neg.    impulsive, opinionated, truculent. 
personality : 
 the good.    manhwi has an aura that draws you in, she's intriguing and her self-confidence is almost envious. charismatic is almost an understatement when it comes to manhwi- she's very smooth and gets through conversations with ease. despite being very confident, she's approachable, partly due to her honest and genuine nature. manhwi doesn't try to pretend to be someone she's not, and that's easy to tell. she loves the person that she is, she's confident in herself, both personality and body wise. 
 the bad.    aggressive is one word that can easily be used to describe song manhwi. she's always one to pick fights, she doesn't like listening to anyone but herself. manhwi is independent to the point where she's almost hard to deal with. she's extremely headstrong, a girl that follows her gut and only her gut.  this leads her to not think before acting, plowing through her life not really caring about other people. she steps on hearts and doesn't care about anyone else's feelings. she ruins her relationships with her extreme ambitions and actions, that's just how she works. 
background : 
 origins.    song manhwi was born on a snowy morning in the start of the year. brought into the world by a loving mother and a respected father, manhwi had an easy childhood. often taken care of by nannies and her mother, showered with presents and sent off to the best schools in seoul- manhwi had a good childhood. she grew up with a deep-rooted respect for her father, and a self-confidence that was built up from her mother's loving words. she wasn't the brightest, but she got along well and set her dreams high.

she started attending dance lessons and joined a choir during her junior high years, finding a passion in the arts. this was written off as a pity side-project from her father, firm in the idea that their only child would go into the government field like her father had. that changed when manhwi announced she was going to a beauty school instead of university like what had been planned. and well, manhwi was stubborn. so she attended beauty school and got her makeup lisencse with a promise that she would become an intern for her father.

she was eventually scouted by moon entertainment not long after she graduted beauty school. manhwi had religiously attended her dance lessons, but after becoming her father's intern, she couldn't fit in the time anymore. while attending her last ever class, she was approached by moon entertainment's ceo, who told manhwi that she was just what twenty needed. 

manhwi approached her parents with this idea, and though they may not have been the most attentive people, they saw that this was what manhwi wanted to do with her life. her mother argued with her father for days until she was able to convince him to let manhwi join the company, and, that's when manhwi's life really began.
likes : vanilla lattes, sour candy, girl groups, dogs.
dislikes : loud noises, clowns, nachos, the taste of chocolate.
hobbies : 
 makeup.    manhwi is known as twenty's resident makeup artist, putting on makeup and creating looks for the members is something she finds a lot of joy in. if she wakes up early, she'll often seek out kyungmi to be the victim of her newest look.
habits : 
 nose.    manhwi always rubs her nose whenever she eats something spicy. when she was younger, manhwi's nanny used to tell her that rubbing her nose would make something spicy taste sweet, and she never really grew out of that belief. 
trivia : 
 song mio?    manhwi got her stage name mio after being told her name wasn't fit for idol life by moon managers. they were very nice about the matter and at the time of debut suggested that manhwi adopt mio as a stagename, as it would draw more attention.
 girl crush.    manhwi openly admits of being a fan of  a lot of other girl groups! the highest on her list are t-ara, exid, and more recently lovelyz. she has a not-so subtle crush on t-ara's jiyeon, which is often joked upon by herself and her fans. 
 gagman hwi.    manhwi has a good sense of humor, and she loves watching comedy shows. as a trainee, she put together a notebook of skits that she thought of, she still keeps it under her mattress and likes to look over it from time to time.
 certified gamer.    manhwi is horrible at video games. mobile phone games, console games, pc games.she's even horrible at checkers. don't ask her to play anything because there is a very high chance that she will get extremely frustrated in the first five seconds. 
 favorites.    her favorite color is red. her favorite movie is when marnie was there. her favorite song is boa's i don't give a damn. her favorite pokemon is chimchar. her favorite tv show is running man.
you're too harsh
family : 
 father.    ahn minki.   49.   head adviser of daechi-dong.
manhwi looks up to her father more than anything. he's always been a very respectable man, and manhwi wishes that people look up to her in the same way they look up to her father. because she idolizes him so much, they aren't very close. manhwi looks at him more of a boss or a president rather than a father.
 mother.    song ahreum.   45.   housewife.
ahreum and manhwi have a simple relationship. they aren't as close as parents and children ideally are, but manhwi feels comfortable around her mother and respects her a lot. out of her parents, she's a lot closer to her mother than her father. 

friends : 
 close friends.    members of twenty. 
as soon as manhwi joined the lineup, she made fast friends with most of the members. she refers to them as her family, and with good reason. twenty are the people that she feels closest to in the world. [ member name here ] is her best friend, and she feels comfortable enough with spilling her life stories and small insecurities to her.

others : 
 been there, done that.   two of the more important exes that manhwi's has had over the past few years. 
2009 : block b's park kyung.
park kyung, to put it simply, was manhwi's high school sweetheart. the two don't have any hard feelings towards each other as they had a mutual breakup from when they graduated, and manhwi has fond memories of when they were together. they're both fairly public about their friendship, and the fact that they once dated.
2010-2012 : after school's kim uee.
kim yujin, to put it simply, was manhwi's first love. she honestly wanted to spend the rest of her life with yujin, but the two were forced to break up their almost perfect relationship after being found by uee's manager. they now have a very tense relationship and yujin denies ever knowing manhwi.

i wanna be like that unni
stage name : mio  :  미오.
persona : twenty's cherry bomb.  
position : vocalist, dancer.  
fanclub : mio-ites.                    
talent twin : joo minhee : stellar.         ( cao lu : fiestar. )
trainee years : two months.
TRAINEE life : 
 moon entertainment : two months.    manhwi was recruited by moon entertainment and immediately put in as the last member of twenty after being scouted by moon's ceo. she quickly blended in with the group, and got along with most of the members swimmingly. being pushed to become an idol was extremely hard, and to say manhwi wasn't stressed almost all hours of the day would be a lie. she did her best to work to catch up with the other members of twenty, so during debut prep there were often times where she would go forty+ hours without sleeping.
scandals : up to the author!

i've dreamed of a romantic movie
love interest : pyo kyungmi : twenty.
backup love interestS : kang insoo : myname  ;  heo solji : exid.
who is pyo kyungmi?  click ! 
background : 
 the prolouge.    despite getting along well with most of the members of twenty after being added into the group, kyungmi and manhwi had a bit of tension that was undeniable. they tended to stay clear of each other, and even into their official debut, it was somewhat obvious that they didn't know each other or get along that well. 

to be fair, it was mostly manhwi's fault. manhwi didn't like kyungmi's caring nature as the older girl was extremely independent. manhwi would often avoid, even sometimes ignore, kyungmi's attempts at a friendship. 

about two weeks after their debut, kyungmi found manhwi awake in the dorm's kitchen, on her sixth can of beer. manhwi was drunk, and a bit voulnerable, and thus started talking about her childhood and her previous relationship with uee. kyungmi confessed her own troubles with debuting, something that manhwi hadn't known before, and practically overnight, the two formed an undeniable bond, quickly becoming the two closest members of twenty.

relationship : 
 our love story.    despite their rough beginning, manhwi and kyungmi began to grow their friendship. manhwi learned to accept kyungmi's motherly tendancies, and began to try to take care of her in her own round-about way. they became close, really close, manhwi would often take kyungmi out for impromptu coffee "dates", doing her best to keep kyungmi from going crazy from all the stress she was under as a leader. for the first time in her life, manhwi was looking out for someone other than herself.

manhwi didn't recognize the feeling in her chest as love until it was too late and she was hopeless attached to pyo kyungmi.

everything is so awkward
comments : 
first i would like to thank you for making twenty bc wow !!! this app was so so much fun to write. if you have any questions, or you find any errors let me know! i feel like this app has a lot of them, and i'm a bit worried about manhwi being a mary-sue, so feel free to rip me apart when it comes to reviewing!      love ya xxx!
– also, feel free to change everything about the love interest section! i didn't want to leave it empty, so i thought about how kyungmi and manhwi might interact at the last minute-- if you have any other ideas i won't be offended in the slightest if you want to use them! ♡
scene requests & SUGGESTIONS : tba !
LAYOUT BY -switzerland


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