The joke is getting old

The whole "Donald Trump for president" joke is getting really out of hand and is kind of frightening to see how many people back his ideas... I mean, really... Please read the history of other leaders who played on the insecurities of a people...


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He might become the nominee for the Republican party, but I'm pretty sure he won't be president. Especially with some of the stuff he's been saying. It's too ridiculous. I mean, a few months ago, there was an article in a satirical newspaper claiming that Trump would go to war because someone insulted his hair or something like that. And it was one of those stories that sounded ridiculous but I'm there thinking "I quite believe this to be true." I knew it was fake, I knew it wasn't real, but it just sounded so honest.

Also, if he does become President, he will very quickly find out how so very very few of his plans will make it to fruition, if any, especially since he needs to get them through Congress too. And I would argue that he could very quickly be found impeachable if he continues to run his business empire whilst he is president.